Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Show Your Healing Mastery by Earning a Reiki Certificate

A reiki certificate does so much more than simply proving to your friends and clients that you are a skilled healer in the ancient art of reiki. It also lets people know the lineage of your attunments, letting clients know which path of healing you have taken and who your master was. Having a reiki certificate can also be helpful in trying to find employment as a healer.

These certificates, signed by your teacher, look very similar to diplomas and other certificates of achievement. Framed, a reiki certificate can look attractive when hung on your wall or displayed on a shelf. The look of your diploma will depend on your teacher and the school of healing you have chosen to follow, as each have their own designs.

In order to gain a reiki certificate you must first find a master who can teach you this ancient healing art. If you cannot find an instructor in your city, try looking online for a course. While much of your education in reiki will depend on your teacher and the school they follow, there are three levels of training for each discipline.

The lowest level of reiki certificate can be earned by mastering the first degree, the Shoden. In this course a student is taught the ancient practice of reiki. They learn how to place their hands and treat the body in an effort to attune their energy and the energy of their patient with the universal life force. When the sessions are completed you will be able to heal yourself and others by using the ancient healing art of reiki.

To gain the second level of reiki certificate a student must master the Okuden, the second degree of healing. Building upon your the first degree of healing the student will earn the use of symbols that will help strengthen the bond between patient and healer, allowing a reiki practitioner to heal across vast distances. Some healers are so skilled they do not even need to be in the same room, or even the same building to be able to heal. It can take ten, sometimes twenty years to master this skill, and some students never progress beyond the second degree of reiki.

To grain a master reiki certificate one must master not only the first and second degree of healing, they must also undergo the master training, also called Shinpiden. The third degree is the hardest to master, and the symbols and teachings you learn are greatly dependent upon the school of reiki you are studying. Upon completion a reiki healer may choose to be either a master teacher, who is able to pass on his mastery of reiki, or a master practitioner. A master practitioner is someone who has chosen to concentrate on their healing powers, tending the ill and the sick and using their powers to ease the pain and suffering of others.

No matter what degree of reiki you have studied, having a certificate is something to be proud of. Not only does it prove that you have studied this ancient healing art, but it also allows you to practice your skills upon yourself, your family and even other people who wish for a more spiritual healing.

Having a master reiki certificate allows you to do more than just offer healing. With it you are also able to open your own school and teach the healing philosophy of reiki to others. This certificate will show not only your own time of study to master this art, it will also show which school you have studied. Some master reiki teachers can trace their attunments back to Japan. These teachers, and their students, are greatly respected. To have those names on your reiki certificate is a mark of prestige.

Today, more people are reaching back into the ancient healing arts. Not simply for their novelty or their historical values, but for the spiritual aspect, as well. Reiki is a philosophy and an art growing in popularity, which makes it easier to find teachers. It also means that, should you choose to become a teacher, you will have many opportunities to help people.

When comparing the financial cost of learning reiki and obtaining a reiki certificate to other educational programs, there is a clear benefit to this healing art. Each degree is separate and you are able to advance at your own pace as your skill increases. There are no formal institutions to teach, only teachers who must be attuned and able to attune you, in turn. This means you can learn from the teacher who best suits your needs and your own personal philosophies.

If you are interested in learning more about reiki healing, and gaining a certificate, there are many resources available to you. Check with your local alternative health center or a new age book store for information on classes. If you can't find a reiki class in your city, look for classes online. Not only is it more convenient, as you don't have to leave your own home, it can also be arranged around your own schedule.

Take the time to find the right teacher for you, one whose philosophies best match your own. If you take an online course you will receive your reiki certificate either in the mail, or it can be downloaded and printed out when you finish you training. Reiki is an ancient healing art that can bring great spiritual peace to you and to others. It doesn't require years of study, only true dedication.

Click Reiki Certificate to go to Meg's Reiki Meditation website.

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