Saturday, November 20, 2010

Learn More About Celtic Reiki

The ancient form of Celtic reiki is slowly gaining popularity. When practicing this form of reiki one needs to take in energy from the earth. With earth comes plants, trees, etc which have the healing power in them. The power and energy of these special plants can be used in healing an ailment and also give a person power to get prosperity, success and fame in relationships, work, business, etc. Reiki is given through the hands and one person will use his or her hands to heal the ailments and impart energy to the other person.

The Celts were the people who introduced this reiki form. It was a religious procedure which they performed keeping in mind that tree and plants have spirits. There writing script was based on the trees and they made various patterns and alphabets in pictorial form which resembled some tree. These symbols of form of writing was called Ogham and included picture like symbols of tree like Birch, fir, heather, hawthorn, ivy, grove, etc. people who practice Celtic reiki use these symbols in the healing process.

People of all ages, genders and cultures can practice this form of reiki and can impart bravery, integrity, reverence and valor through this kind of reiki. The maker of Celtic reiki was Martyn Pentecost and later taken ahead by Julie Norman. They believed that the roots connected to the earth are more important than the head and hence this reiki deals with energy from the earth. Daily issues related work, home and children can be dealt with by taking this kind of reiki.

This reiki draws in more men than women because it is felt that this reiki gives more of masculine energy. The energy given is strong and women will find it difficult to take in so much of power. It is one of the most important natural methods of healing and hence is being recognized world wide. The session of giving this kind of reiki takes about one hour. The hand positions are such that the person taking the reiki will feel complete relaxation.

A person learning this reiki has to learn a lot many things. How to draw in energy from the earth, plants, and trees? How to keep your self rooted so that the energy flow is smooth. Which hand positions to use and in which sequence is all very important? The symbols which are incorporated from Ogham should be done correctly.

Learn more about Reiki symbols and the best Reiki online courses so that you too can start enjoying the healing energy and benefits of Reiki.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Interpreting the Reiki Ideals With The Law of Attraction

When reading the Original Reiki Ideals I notice the wording is contrary to the law of attraction. The word "not" doesn't take away from the focus of anger and worry. You know when You tell someone not to look and they instantly turn their head toward You. I understand and feel the deeper meaning and energy of the Reiki principles. In this article I will share the deeper meaning of the Reiki ideals and my alternate positive wording version.

Original Reiki Ideals

The secret art of inviting happiness

The miraculous medicine of all diseases

Just for today, do not be angry

Do not worry and be filled with gratitude

Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people

Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer,

Pray these words to your heart,

And chant these words with your mouth.

Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind

The Founder... Usui Mikao

I teach that the words "Just for today" invite us to be present and live in the moment. Living in the now is an underlying principle applicable to the entire Reiki ideals.

The words "do not be angry" are not to be taken literally. To never anger would be unhealthy and cause us to stifle our emotions, which would result in disease. Instead look for the underlying beliefs and thoughts that lead to anger. If You live present in the moment and accept that things are in perfect order anger is easier to release and harder to come by. A deeper meaning of this principle reminds us that emotions are just guidance. They let You know if You are believing thoughts that don't serve You.

I think the words "do not worry" encourage You to live in the present. If You are worrying, You are focusing your thoughts on something in the future that You don't want to happen.

The Reiki ideal "Be filled with gratitude" acknowledges that appreciation is a high vibrational state of mind. When we are noticing things to be thankful for we uplift ourselves which allows us to feel better. When we are in a state of gratitude the things we love and want in our lives come easily to us.

I like to interpret the deeper meaning of the words "devote yourself to your work" as devoting yourself to your inner work and your spiritual growth. I see it as being mindful in your work and the tasks related to living. Your work is following your highest path and living in integrity with your Highest Truth. Your job is to tend to your alignment between your self and your Higher Self.

The Reiki principle of "be kind to people" brings to mind what about the animals and the other living things on this Earth. I interpret this Reiki ideal to include all living things, including yourself.

I have altered the original Reiki ideals removing the negative wording. The alternate version brings attention more to what we want as opposed to what we don't want. Those of You familiar with the Abraham teachings on Law of Attraction might recognize some of the wording.

Alternate Reiki Ideals

Just for today, I choose appreciation

Just for today, I choose to accept my emotional guidance

Just for today, I trust All Is Well

I devote myself to my inner work while living in integrity

I show love and respect for all Life.

Christy DeArment Martin... September 25, 2010

You can read more about using Reiki in your daily life by subscribing to The Reiki Muse.

The Reiki Muse provides articles about leading a spiritual life in a modern world. You'll find many helpful ideas about using Reiki. Reiki can deepen your relationship with yourself and others while providing healing on all levels.

The Reiki Muse is authored by Christy DeArment Martin. She is a Reiki Master Teacher with over 10 years experience with using Reiki and teaching others to use Reiki.

If You are looking for personal healing or wanting to learn Reiki while in Colorado, Christy DeArment Martin offers both distant healing and Reiki classes at Blue Spruce Energetic Wellness, near Boulder, Colorado.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Are There Any Reiki Side Effects?

Reiki side effects are not something you see spoken of often, but many people new to the concept frequently wonder about this.
I've been studying and practicing Reiki for over 13 years. In my experience, I have only good things to say about it. Getting attuned to Reiki was one of the best experiences in my life.
Since Reiki is a non-invasive form of healing, there are no negative Reiki side effects similar to what one could experience with allergic reactions to food or supplements.
A treatment session typically consists of a practitioner gently placing their hands on various parts of your body. Some practitioners use a "no touch" method where they keep their hands several inches away from their client's body. If the touch aspect is a concern, ask your practitioner to use the no-touch method.
Reiki is essentially opening yourself to endless loving energy. This energy is visualized in a wide variety of ways, frequently as white light flowing into your body from above. As this visualized light enters your body, it fills you with feelings of peace and tranquility, as though you were being embraced by a loving friend or family member.
Like love, Reiki healing methods are hard to measure or scientifically prove. It can only be experienced. Getting healed with Reiki energy most often results in reduced stress, and a reduction in discomfort and pain. Even if you are not hurt or anxious, it can bring about a feeling of well being that makes it easier to go about your daily tasks calmly and serenely.
In recent years, Reiki has come to be more accepted in mainstream medicine. Many hospitals and hospice centers have noticed that patients feel more calm and respond better to treatments after receiving Reiki. I've worked with dozens of people, both professionally and on a personal basis, who share that the experience is pleasant and reduces pain considerably.
I would encourage you to do research on the subject of reiki healing. The more you understand it, the better you'll be at deciding if it's right for you. Reading a beginner's guide to reiki healing methods can help.
Patrick Ray is a Reiki Master who hosts the Energy Healing Info website with information on many holistic healing modalities.
Copyright: you may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, and active (unchanged) links remain intact.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Learn Reiki the Easiest Way

First thing one would usually ask when talking about Reiki would surely be "Can anyone learn Reiki?" This is because everyone who has heard about its benefits and powerful effects on the person being healed (even the practitioner healing himself) could actually drive one to be interested in learning Reiki.

Reiki is unlike some other healing process that requires one to be really intellectually learned to be able to say that he is an effective Reiki practitioner or master. This healing or alternative treatment is actually one that takes years and practice for its mastery hence anyone who has the ability and capacity to withstand the test of time could ultimately learn Reiki. Reiki is a very pure form of healing. And although you learn its secrets and "tricks of the trade" in Reiki classes, you master and embrace its potential power through time and experience.

A Reiki practitioner is a healer that is potentially well-disciplined and has a significant amount of experience. He is one that is able to channel the universal energy in a great amount of positivity. He is like a medium by which a powerful connection between God's healing love and the recipient is made possible. Anyone who is interested to becoming one could easily do so given some important qualities that are essential.

To learn Reiki the easiest way is to be able to be open to all possibilities: from its potential to generate great amount of positive energies to the significant help that laying on of your hands on the recipient could create. Whatever you go through in your Reiki classes in terms of the knowledge and training, your mind, body and spirit should be susceptible to receiving it with open arms. As most people say, you have to be taken by it - fully. This is perhaps the best and easiest way you could be a Reiki practitioner and in time master.

Learning Reiki would also become easier and more enjoyable if you learn to be open to understanding its deeper nature. There is always also a room for improvement. With this, you should venture into learning techniques to be incorporated with Reiki healing. Like for instance the power of using crystals of different colors - all with different significance. You just might be surprised to find out that Reiki's ability to heal can be enhanced.

An unlimited amount of power and benefit may be generated from your ability to embrace the craft of Reiki. Like all the other healing or alternative treatment, Reiki is positively easy if you will it to be. To learn Reiki is to learn your potential to heal more effectively and give of your ability fully to yourself and others so learn it the easiest way without compromising the quality of your performance.

Enroll in the most holistic reiki classes you can get online and start to learn reiki for an ultimate healthy lifestyle. Check on the links provided for more information.

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Emotional Release and Energy Healing

Energy healing is an umbrella phrase modalities that have the practitioner channel healing or empowering energies to a healie. An popular example is reiki. This is done by focusing your intention on channeling healing or empowering energies for another person, because your intentions set these energies in motion. With these energies flowing they naturally find their way to where they are needed and if the practitioner is clairvoyant they can focus these energies more specifically, which enhances the treatment greatly. Usually their a hand position routine that they teach.

These energies are closely related to your emotions and thoughts. You've probably experienced awareness of them when walking into a room or building where certain emotions or thoughts were/are dominant. You may have even felt them from specific people. This awareness is called clairvoyance or extra sensory perception. Everyone has to some degree. When it is developed you can start to get more information from these feelings, such as where on a person's body these energies are most concentrated.

These energies are often concentrated in and around the head, but they also concentrate in and around organs and joints they resonant with. This is a complicated concept that I will not try to explain in this article, but will comment that it is wildly accepted in many physical therapies and energy healing modalities.

The evidence of this comes from the spontaneous release of pockets of unhealthy energy during the treatment. Energy healing modalities are very good at facilitating these releases and making them more comfortable, because they work directly with the energies that these pockets are made of. For example, if your liver is holding anger energy from many years of anger, an energy healing practitioner can become aware of this or intuitively work with your liver by holding an abundance of healing energy to help dissolve the pocket and remove it entirely.

As this energy is released it is usually not experienced as anger, although it can be. Sometimes it is experienced as being overwhelmed and crying occurs. This is because the energies are releasing so fast from the healie's psyche that they are not fully experienced.

It is very important to release these energies as soon as possible, because they will influence the mind-body-spirit of the individual to be more like them. For example, impatient energies influence you to be impatient and have a corresponding affect on the physical body, similar to stress. If pockets of these energies get strong enough, such as shock trauma or experienced for long periods of time they can lead to disease and disorder that is appears to be heritable.

Everyone is constantly cleansing away negative energies as a natural process. By visiting an energy healing practitioner this process can be enhanced, giving you faster relief from them. These visit can also empower the positive energies as well, helping to you learn and grow. You can also learn to do these modalities to yourself, which is a very wise choice, because then you can work on yourself all the time, empowering your mind-body-spirit greatly.

AUTHOR: Brett Rogers teaches on the subjects of Energy Healing for self and others, meditation and spiritual reality. He also trains people how to do these things and helps them with treatment that make use of what he teaches. His experience is extensive, starting his journey with these subjects in 1995 and became very involved in 1999. He has written many books, articles and has even produced a few DVDs. See website for more information:


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5 Techniques For Breathing Optially - Lose Weight, Overcome Fear and Fight Illness!

There is an extremely high demand on the body at all times, and if we do not take measures to promote optimal function and processing in our system, we are starving ourselves from greater fulfillment, true liberation, joy of being and vibrant energy.

The single most important process in the body is the breath. This amazingly complex system regulates energy production, elimination of toxins, circulation of blood, respiration of cells and much more.

The reality is that the majority of people, under life's stresses and challenges, suppress their breathing habits, and develop horrible habits and attachments. It is no surprise that a number of people have developed fears, illnesses and are severely overweight as a result of these things.

Learning how to take control of your breath, is crucial to thrive in life, develop healthy and life enhancing habits and eliminate the things that are detrimental to your success in any area of your life.

Here are some techniques to radically take control of your body and mind and empower yourself for health, energy and vitality:

1.Bellows Method: Sitting in an upright, erect position. Inhale deeply and slowly through the nose. Try to feel that you are filling your diaphragm and lungs full with air. After you have taken in as much oxygen as you can. Breath out rapidly through your mouth. To ensure effective exhalation, squeeze your abdomen as you breath out.

After the first exhalation, ensure that every inhalation and exhalation are rapid, in a pulsing fashion.

2. Vipassana: This method will enable you to fully develop feeling and capacity for your breathing function.

Sit in an erect position. All you will simply do is observe your breathing patter. Feel the sensation of the breath filling your chest, lungs and all other parts of your body. This technique takes time to develop, but will enable you to be master of your breath.

3. Imaginative Breathing: Use the power of your imagination to create visions of strong and optimal breathing. Sit in an erect upright posture. As you inhale, imagine your solar plexus filling up with air. As you summon the force into your solar plexus, clench your fists, feeling powerful, invigorating and strong.

As you exhale, vision the air leaving your solar plexus and filling up every other part of your body, invigorating you with energy. Repeat this for 5-10 minutes.

4. The Rolling Breath: Now that you have practiced imaginative breathing, you can create an image of "rolling breath". Sit up erect, and start to inhale through your nose deeply, and fill your abdomen with air. Once you have filled you abdomen, "roll" on up to your chest and feel the air fill your chest with oxygen.

As you exhale you will release air simultaneously from your chest and abdomen. Repeat this exercise for 5-10 minutes.

5. Natural breathing method: This is how you should breath normally. Sit in an upright relaxed position. Inhale through your nose. Try to feel air filling your chest and abdomen. On the in breath your chest should rise and abdomen should expand.

As you exhale through your mouth, feel the air leaving your chest and abdomen together. With each out breath, your chest should fall and your abdomen should compress.

With practice your will develop a great apparatus for optimal breathing and start enjoying its enriching and healing benefits.

For Expert advise on breathing, Check this out.

And if your number one goal is weight loss and a chiseled physique,

Royce Gardiner

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The Healing Red Stones and the Root Chakra

Warm crystals, reds and oranges, activate the life-energy of the Root Chakra, or Base Chakra, where powerful human energies lie. These gem stones, or crystals, by resonance can not only bring stability and creativity, but also trigger the release of pent-up energies that block the heart. The primary red-warm stones useful for the Root Chakra are Garnet Ruby Red Jasper Fire Opal Spinet Red Coral Zircon Rose Quartz Rhodonite Rhodocrosite Red Carnelian

Garnets are silicate minerals that come in a variety of shades, which are determined by the temperature they are formed at, but all garnets are formed at high temperature, usually near volcanic activity. Although there are other color garnets, it is the red ones that are mostly used for healing, especially for the Root Chakra. It may be the best choice if you desire to energize and invigorate the body. Use a cut stone as it will release more energy than a polished stone.

The Ruby is aluminum oxide and it is a hard, deep red stone, with a old reputation for being a precious healer. It has been called, in Ayurvedic tradition, the 'stone of the sun'. Use the ruby to balance the heart and to improve circulation. Emotions can be stabilized with this stone and you can restore confidence.

Red Jasper is a wonderful red crystal that comes in many variations of reds and oranges with internal patterning. Its color comes from iron minerals and it tends to be opaque. It is used for the Root Chakra because it helps focus on solidity and grounding and also helps activate the realization of practical and down to earth resolutions. The Root Chakra is the Chakra that connects us with the earth and practical reality - and red is the color of gravity- the color that pulls things together and helps establish.

A precious red stone known for its energies of Mars is Red Coral. It can be used to balance emotions - reconciling practicality with enthusiasm. This is a great choice for emotional work - it is considered a watery stone, coming from the sea.

Another watery stone, a crystal, is the Fire Opal. Deeply orange red, with iron and manganese, it can be used to 'trigger' the Root Chakra when there has been exhaustion and a shutting down. For cleansing, Spinel can be used to detoxify and its powerful red can break through energy blocks. Chromium and iron give it the red color, sometimes mistaken for Ruby.

Ziron and Red Calcite both help to warm the subtle body and are useful in cases of malaise, and depression. Highly energetic and robust, Rhodonite's brilliant contrasts of reds, oranges, blacks, and browns make it a great stone for confidence, and a balanced self care. For self esteem and activation of grounding in the Root Chakra, this one is highly recommended.

There are many other stones that have orange or pink in them that are helpful with the ROOT CHAKRA, more than can be mentioned here. Regardless of the healing qualities of these stones the amazing beauty of them is a value all its own.

Jesie Len Gallagher, BSW, CH, CI

Jesie Gallagher is an accomplished professional astrologer of thirty years and a Certified Hypnotherapist, and Trainer. She has been teaching and writing since 1976. Her practice now includes sound healing with crystal singing bowls. Her wide variety of Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls can be purchased now on her new website, SACRED SOUNDS Crystal Singing Bowls

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The Nature of Reiki

"...the human being has a natural gift to resonate with universe if he aims it in his mind."
Usui, founder of Reiki

Reiki is an enigma. It is one of the most popular energy healing modalities out there and yet most practitioners - even well experienced practitioners have a really tough time trying to define it. Ask any practitioner to explain it and you'll see what I mean. Usually the practitioner gives up trying to adequately describe it and ends up with 'you'll have to try it sometime to get a real feel for it'. Despite the difficulty explaining what it is exactly, practitioners continue to flock to it. Reiki suits our right brain intuitive side but for most people is terribly challenging to understand through the left brain world of logic and reason.

Reiki is a tradition grounded in intuition. Students commonly feel called to receive their attunements. It whispers to our soul without using words, inviting us to surrender to it and feel the awakening power within its' gentle teachings and secret symbols. Reiki appeals to our innate mystical nature. It feels right and it fits very comfortably into most other healing practices. Herein lies the conundrum/blessing of this modality; it slips in so easily with other techniques and modalities that it becomes indiscernible from everything else. To compensate for our lack of 'understanding' around it we learn other energy techniques that are easier to explain to our selves and others.

So let's start at the beginning.

The true nature of Reiki can be explained by understanding its' origin. Mikao Usui, the founder, quested for most of his life to find a way to experience happiness and peace of mind. His quest eventually led him to take an extended solitary meditation retreat that resulted in him being enlightened to the power of the universe. Upon this enlightenment he developed this system of personal healing named Reiki. He began to teach his understanding immediately to others - attuning 2000 people to Reiki before his death 4 years later. Of these 2000 students only 16 received their Shinpi-den initiations (Master-teacher). Usui's own example seems to indicate that he believed that Reiki belongs in the hands of the people. Clearly his actions show that everybody could be attuned for the self-healing part of the teachings (1st Degree). He developed meditations and hand positions for the average person to use simply and easily for their own benefit. By his own written hand Usui indicated that Reiki was intended " heal heart and soul first, then body second". Further he wrote that it could be used to " create good human relationship" and " promote happiness for all people".

Reiki merges easily with all other systems of healing because it is universal by definition and by nature. There is literally nowhere that Reiki is not. It is the dynamic life force energy that permeates all expressions of creation in our universe. The word Reiki means 'universal life force energy' and it is exactly that. It is universal in its' application, suitable for all situations and circumstances. It is in fact only limited by the imagination, fears and restrictions the practitioner puts on it. It's primary function is to bring balance to any system of energy that is out of balance with its' environment and restore order. The practice of it will create balance as expansively as one can imagine his world and universe to be. Practicing daily and establishing order in your world creates very specific benefit. Students will most certainly experience:

i) improved intuition and heightened sensory perception
ii) improved health and overall well-being
iii) improved levels of tolerance, patience and compassion
iv) improved sense of strength, emotional balance, mental clarity and optimism

Although I can attest to these outcomes from engaging with this energy therapy for the past 15 years and I have complete faith that ultimately Reiki expresses as harmony, its' initial effect can seem very disharmonious to our 5 senses. People generally resist change and will often prefer to persist in the habits of their dysfunction rather than shift through discomfort towards health and joy.

The daily practice of Reiki will ensure that the nature of it will preside over your life, specifically its' aspects of creating balance, harmony, well being and happiness. The path toward change can be difficult, as Usui himself understood. By surrendering to the mystical call and practicing self treatments we allow ourselves to step into a harmonious relationship with Universe for our truest highest good.

Andrea Connell
Andrea is a full time practicing Reiki Master, metaphysics teacher and energy practitioner. She has been using Tarot Cards and energy work to assist people in their life transitions for over 15 years and is passionate about teaching people the tools they need to feel empowered in their own lives. She is a popular teacher and offers many programs, seminars and workshops in self-empowerment, metaphysics, meditation and Reiki. When she isn't teaching she's busy working on her book. Find out more on her website and her blog at

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Benefits of Fire Pit Meditation

There is a practice that is yet to be recognized for its value. Based on the stress Americans face every day, as well as the economic constraints we all now have to deal with, this practice has become more and more important. It's a practice that can make your day better, your relationships stronger, and your life more enjoyable. Am I keeping you in suspense? Okay, I give in. I'm referring to the Healing Arts. And this category can stretch in many different directions. The Healing Arts does not include medication, psychologists, or psychiatrists. It does include massages, yoga, meditation, reflection, tranquility, and sanctuary, among many others.

It has been proven time and time again that the Healing Arts can heal someone without the need for medication. This is especially the case if you catch a problem early. The reasoning is simple. Most health problems in the United States are related to stress. By eliminating stress and sending your body and mind to a more rejuvenating and relaxed state, your body will respond in a positive manner. If you suffer from stress, it is highly recommended that you get involved with one of these art forms in order to feel better.

What if you don't have the time or money to get involved with the Healing Arts? If that's the case, there is still an answer. And you don't even have to leave the house. Many people these days are choosing to meditate in their backyards beside a fire pit. All you will need is a mat to sit and lay on and a fire pit. They are both cheap items. Of course, the fire pit will be more expensive, but it will most likely last for at least a decade, which makes it a great investment.

The key to this type of meditation is the fire in the fire pit. Fire is natural and beautiful when contained and respected. It's also extremely powerful. Having such a source of energy within close proximity to where you're meditating is an amazing experience, one you will want to go back to again and again. Combining the fire with reflection, tranquility, and relaxation will put you in a zone you never knew existed.

Fire Pit Meditation is one of the newest Healing Arts. It is also one of the most effective. If you practice it and enjoy it, make sure to tell others of the benefits. It could slowly but surely make the world - or at least your neighborhood - a better place.

Geoffrey F. Moore

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Reiki Therapy - Hands on Healing in Modern Times

The word Reiki is said to mean 'Universal Life Force Energy'. The term was coined and developed as a healing modality in the early 1900's by Mikao Usui, a Japanese metaphysician, but Reiki remains an elegant hands on healing modality highly relevant for modern times. Usui had spent many years questing for peace and harmony and during a long fasting and meditation retreat he experienced a moment of epiphany. He realized that not only does everyone have within them the ability to find peace, happiness and health, but he also came to understand the keys that would help others realize this truth for themselves. He returned from his retreat, refreshed and driven in his purpose to teach others to heal their lives. Before his death 4 years later, he had attuned and taught more than 2000 student practitioners to carry on the teachings, by the mid 1900's the teachings had migrated to North America. Today Reiki is taught and practiced all around the globe by millions of people of all races, creeds, ages, and religious affiliations.

The nature of Reiki is to restore balance, so in theory all health problems will benefit from a Reiki session, however practically speaking, long term health problems didn't appear over night and they won't disappear overnight either. Reiki clients however, even after only one treatment, reported feeling happier, more peaceful, rested and having less overall pain. Headaches, colds, flu, joint paint, and muscle pain, are easily treated with Reiki and often more chronic versions of these symptoms like pneumonia, arthritis, and various stress related conditions such as gastroenteritis, colitis, Crohn's and IBS respond exceedingly well to Reiki Therapy. Excellent results have been realized by clients in managing their pain and discomfort during recovery from various cancer treatments and surgeries. Blood pressure problems, heart problems, and other circulatory problems also respond quickly. In general, all organs and body systems respond well when they are introduced to the high vibrating frequency of Reiki. A latent vitality is regenerated in the body, stimulating health and heightened function. Worry, anguish, angst, and anxiety are quietly released and without even noticing how or when they are replaced with peace, happiness and patience. The quiet order of Reiki quiets the mind; deep rest creates deep healing.

A client needs only to have some degree of faith in 3 things in order to benefit from a Reiki healing session:

i) that there is a divine perfect order to our universe that is intelligent, for which we may or may not have a name.
ii) that we are an amazing manifestation of molecular energy which is influenced by our environment, genetics, actions, habits and choices in every moment.
iii) That change is possible - all conditions are subject to change.

Reiki is as much about helping the self as it is about helping others. It is said to be a folk healing art meant to be in the hands of the people. Reiki always improves the quality of life. Miracles happen when there is peace in the soul. In a Reiki session there is no expectation of having to do anything, and yet all is done and peace restored!

Andrea Connell
Andrea is a full time practicing Reiki Master, metaphysics teacher and energy practitioner. She has been using Tarot Cards and energy work to assist people in their life transitions for over 15 years and is passionate about teaching people the tools they need to feel empowered in their own lives. She is a popular teacher and offers many programs, seminars and workshops in self-empowerment, metaphysics, meditation and Reiki. When she isn't teaching she's busy working on her book. Find out more on her website and her blog at

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What is it Like to Be a Lightworker?

When I was 17 two teachers gathered a group of girls together for a workshop. Teen girls can be mean; the idea was that everyone had to write down something nice about every other girl in the group. We didn't volunteer for this, it was mandatory.

We went around in a circle. When a girls' turn came, a teacher picked a note from that girls bucket of notes & read it to the group. After the teacher read what was on the paper, other girls were welcome to comment, as long as they agreed with or had something else nice to say about the girl who was being appreciated.

When my turn came, the teacher pulled a paper & read "She always acts happy. But everybody knows it's fake. She needs to stop acting so happy and get real".

It took a second to realize what had been said. Another girl yelled "that's so true- she is so fake I can't stand it. Nobody can possibly be that happy. Everybody knows she's fake".

I sat frozen then ran into the bathroom. It felt like I'd been kicked so hard in the gut that I couldn't breathe. What were they talking about? What in the hell were they talking about?

One of the teachers came into the bathroom to check on me. "No, I am not OK!" I said. This was a pivotal moment in my life.

You see, I was a happy person. Despite the emotional abuse in my family and being treated like a freak at school because I was so shy and rarely spoke, I was genuinely happy most of the time. The kind of happy that comes from inside. Clearly it didn't come from anything happening on the outside.

I trusted people unless they gave me a reason not to. I assumed the best about people, even though I was raised in a family that taught us to judge harshly and be intolerant.

For a year and a half after that incident I became tough. I was as mean as I knew how to be. I became hard. I figured that if I didn't have friends while being a nice person and if people thought my happiness was fake anyway, then maybe I could make friends if I was a bitch.

It actually kind of worked. I had a social life for the first time. I got invited to parties & learned to drink. I learned to say mean things about people and to gossip. I was negative, rude, and disrespectful. I was awful. And THAT was fake.

So I went back to being me- an authentically happy and kind person. A person who's energy radiates out to the world and has a positive influence.

The energy of a lightworker is palatable. Here are some examples that happen every day:

You're walking by a place where there are a guys working in the hot afternoon sun. You know these guys must be tired and thirsty. They are quiet. They don't notice you. Some talk amongst themselves, un-aware that you are walking by. One man looks up & makes a point to smile, his energy is different from the rest of the crew. He doesn't say anything. He's a lightworker.

You're at a Rotary lunch that your boss made you attend. You don't know anyone; you take a seat at a large table. People introduce themselves, exchange business cards and talk about their companies. When the waitress comes around to take orders, half the people keep talking and ignore the waitress, others make notes or pull out their phones to check for messages. When the server reaches a particular woman, you feel a dynamic change. The woman and the waitress are genuinely engaged. The conversation between them is notably different than with everyone else at the table. That woman is fully seeing the server & there is a positive energy exchange. Lightworker.

You're at the airport with your two little kids, flying home to visit Mom & Dad. Your husband isn't there to help. You've just been told the flight is delayed. The kids are tired and you didn't pack enough snacks to hold them over. It's too far to walk to the airport's snack bar. You know the kids will burst into tears any moment. You're barely holding your emotions in check... You look up and see a custodian mopping the floor thirty feet away. He looks at you and smiles. His smile morphs into a big old grin as he acknowledges your dilemma. He sees you. He sends you some of his energy. That's all it took. Lightworker.

I had a hard time trying to sort out how being a lightworker is different from being an empath, a psychic, an energy worker. All those things are part of me, but you can be those things without being a lightworker. And you can be a lightworker without having those other abilities.

So what is it- what is the 'essence' of lightwork? It's offering your spirit, your soul's energy, your pure love of life to the world without restriction.

A lighthouse is a signal for those at sea... a lightworker is a guiding light for other souls; holding the flame and offering encouragement despite all attempts to extinguish it.

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Scar Fading and Healing Using Vitamin E - Right Or Wrong?

If you've been looking for natural scar treatments, you may have come across testimonials of people proposing some unique natural treatments. Some of these treatments may actually help healing your scars... but you should always make sure to know what you're doing, before you even begin.

What's so special about Vitamin E, anyway?

All vitamins are special in their own merit. But there's something about vitamin E that makes it highly sought after as skin treatment aid. At least, there's no shortage of people on the Internet who swear that rubbing this vitamin in a scar provides a wonderful ailment.

This is not entirely the case; in fact, getting some vitamin capsules to use as topical ointment may be a terrible idea, depending on who you are.

How to use Vitamin E as scars treatment?

Let me tell you how NOT to use it, first: topically. Never, ever go out and get Vitamin E capsules to smear and rub on your scars. For some people it does work (it may work for you), but for others it may cause severe contact dermatitis. Are you willing to take the chance and find out?

If you aren't, you should know that Vitamin E may be an important part of your scar treatment plan... but not through any kind of smearing or rubbing.

Are there better ways to use Vitamin E?

Indeed, there are great ways of using this vitamin as an important part of healing scars. But not by rubbing it in! You see, Vitamin E will help your skin regenerate quicker... but there's no reason why you should take the risk of developing allergies doing so.

It's a much better idea to just increase your Vitamin E intake! This way, you can get the benefits of using this Vitamin, without taking the risk of developing allergies. In other words, you just need eat more food that's rich in Vitamin E, as a complement to your natural scar removal routine.

Here's a list of food rich in Vitamin E, that you can start using right now as part of your natural scar healing plan:

Nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, etc.)
Raw vegetable oils
Spinach and green leafy vegetables
Wheat germ
Wholegrain foods

Remember, the most efficient methods of scar healing call for this kind of holistic thinking:

You'll be amazed with how effectively your body will heal scars naturally, once you learn how to match the right topical treatments/creams with the appropriate complimentary techniques and the right lifestyle/diet adjustments!

If you want to get some free advice on removing scars, make sure to visit my blog!

You may also want to read this review of the best scar treatment out there... it taught me all I know about scars removal!

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Reiki Energy Healing - Magical Mystical Miracles

One of my students commented I don't talk much about reiki any more; and this took me by surprise. I recall people groaning as I incessantly spoke of the wonderful new world of Reiki for years! Perhaps now after 19 years, I tend not to talk about it because it has become such a deep part of me, an integrated natural reality like breathing. Reiki flows thru every waking moment effortlessly now.

Or perhaps I have become a bit, well, ungrateful or better yet, assumptive. I expect Reiki miracles, yet the wonder never ceases. And I assume people know what it can do, after so many years practicing. Yet this is apparently my wrong assumption.

I was speaking to a long-time student the other night and remarked how grateful I was for all the healing tools I have been given, and wondered aloud how anyone gets by without them. I recently spoke to a woman who was depressed and put on one drug after another, with serious and debilitating side effects. In our first Reiki session we went over some energy techniques, and spoke of combining energy healing with therapeutic grade essential oils that have proven so effective for helping people come out of deep emotional "stuckness." I asked her how she felt at the close of our first session and she said: "I have HOPE for the first time in months."

Then it dawned on me how so many people probably still don't even know what is available, or perhaps more importantly, what is possible. I am talking about the realities of incredible shifts I have seen for over two decades now. Every day I bear witness to true healing on every level...pain and illness shifting out of the body, heavy emotions dissipating, and mental acuity returning from dense brain fog. I not only know it is possible- I expect it. What some might call miracles, I know as our natural state, when working in this quantum energy field of reiki.

Reiki is the foundation of all my intuitive is the connection that allows me to literally feel what is happening in another's body from any distance. I can tell where energy is stuck and where it is flowing. I can feel when a chakra opens and when it is tightly shut. Reiki flows from my eyes when I look at someone, and from my heart when I listen. I now can easily guide someone through most difficulties by using what reiki has taught me. The subject doesn't really everything is energy, everything can shift when a higher frequency is applied, and when denser energies (like sadness or anger) are gently and consciously released.

So I decided to begin to share more about the "miracles" that have been happening and I will begin with my personal healings and magical happenings.

How much Healing is Possible?

When you begin to comprehend our true nature, and understand that the physical body is 99.999% empty space, and the empty space is filled with light wave energy-it is like we are Christopher Columbus discovering that the world is not flat. All kinds of new horizons appear.

When you apply a biofield therapy such as Reiki, an extremely high vibration of universal life force, all kinds of things that appeared quite solid, like pain, disease, xrays of damaged body parts, etc. can begin "shapeshifting". And the magic is not confined to the body healing; many mystical happenings surround you when you begin to connect with this universal life force energy.

Suspicious mole on face vanishes

Over 10 years ago I discovered a suspicious new mole under my eye that appeared overnight and had all the traits of skin cancer..irregular shaped, strange color, growing very quickly. I applied Reiki once or twice for a few minutes each and it was gone within a week, and has never returned.

Torn Rotator Cuff Heals without Surgery

I had a torn rotator cuff right before the 4 infamous hurricanes hit Florida. We had to board up several houses and I kept dropping plywood and water bottles. Several chiropractors suggested surgery; one x-rayed it and commented it was the worst torn shoulder he had ever seen in 25 years, with four different "itis's". I was in agony and had no insurance. I decided to dive deeper into reiki, and massage and got many healers involved to support me. This one took a great deal of effort and changes in many areas of my life, yet I have total mobility and 99% full range of motion. Oh, and no pain.

Candle in Reiki Room Lights Magically

Many years ago I was preparing the room for a client. I was working in a psychiatrist's office. It was my practice to always light a candle in front of my spiritual teachers' picture to invoke blessings and to set and clear the space. However, I tried to light a tea light that had no wax or even wick left, and I burned my thumbnail in desperation as I had no other candles with me. I even showed the receptionist the empty tin and asked her for a new candle, but no one had any. So I was very bereft that I had to start the Reiki session without a candle for the first time. After a few minutes, I looked up to the shelf and the tea light tin (there was no wick or wax) burst into a full flame over one inch high!! I mentioned it to my brand new client, and I guess these miracles happened to her every day, but they were new to me then, and she said " oh yes " and laid back on the table while I nearly peed myself. When the reiki session was nearly finished I got the hint to look up again just in time to watch the flame go out. I felt unbelievably blessed!

Many of these stories I have not shared too often as I guess I wasn't sure if anyone would believe me. Now it feels imperative to speak up, and share so you too can open to the infinite possibilities of energy healing, and have hope in a time of much upheaval. And I would like to think that now I don't care quite so much what everyone may think!!

Having said that, I am committing to continue sharing these kinds of happenings in my life, and I would love to hear your magical mystical miracle stories. So when challenges rise, we can surround ourselves with visions of what is possible.

Copyright Kumari Inc. 2010

Want to use this article in your blog or ezine? You can, so long as you include this with the article:

Kumari Mullin is a Reiki Master, Animal Communicator, intuitive healer, counselor, attorney, author, and equestrian. She specializes in energetic problem-solving for pets and their people. For the past 22 years she studied and lived with internationally acclaimed meditation masters, energy healers/teachers and with Penelope Smith, the pioneer of interspecies telepathic communication. Kumari has helped thousands of people and their animal friends internationally including doctors, veterinarians, trainers, holistic practitioners, rescue organizations and zoos.


Kumari Mullin
Animal Mystic/ Reiki Master
"Energetic Problem-solving for Pets...& their People"

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Third Eye Reiki Services

The Reiki art of healing has been in practice for centuries. Re-launched in Japan, the true origin of Reiki has been the source of debate for so long now. However, one thing is for sure, Reiki as the main healing medium or partnered with other types of treatment speeds up the healing process and relaxes the body and mind in a way no other healing practice can. And as we all know, there are different levels of a Reiki practitioner. And to be able to attain this, one needs to attend Reiki classes. The graduation program is more of an "handing down" program where the Reiki master allows you to experience the art of Reiki healing and relaxation and allow it to flow within you. This graduation of sorts is called attunement. And in order to be a master Reiki practitioner, you have to undergo a lot of attunement and reaching other people the ability to train other people into learning and practicing the art of Reiki healing and relaxation.

Since Reiki is not a religion and it is not inclined on any specific sect or belief, practically anyone can partake in the learning process. All you have to do is proceed to any Third eye Reiki services establishment and enroll into their Reiki classes. Do not be misled, though Reiki has its spiritual side, it does not employ any psychic actions or hypnosis of some kind. The relaxation you attain after a massage session with a Reiki practitioner is because of all the positive energy flowing inside you which was transferred unto you via the whole Reiki healing and relaxation procedure. All aspects of your life including health and your well-being improve after continuous application of the Reiki healing sessions.

Since Reiki energy is all around us, it is also very powerful. And that is the reason why certain Reiki healing practitioners have achieved the state where they can perform distance healing. This means you do need to move from one place to another in order to be healed or to perform healing. What the practitioner does is harness the Reiki energy around the person suffering from the illness and utilize it to allow positive Reiki energy to flow and drive away negative forces that make the person sick. There is no exclusion, all types of illnesses and diseases and disorders can be touched by the healing powers of Reiki even from a distance. And distance healing saves time and money since traveling has been eliminated. Traveling takes time, most especially if the sick person lives far away and he or she is unable to move due to the illness and this where third eye Reiki distance healing comes into effective play.

If you want to know more about reiki healing and techniques involved in reiki, check on the links provided for good resources.

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Amega Zero Point Energy Wand Explained

Energy Healing has a history dating back many centuries and many claim that 'hands-on' energy healing methods are as old as mankind itself. The idea of energy, or life-force, flowing through the body affecting health and well-being spans many ancient cultures. It is only in recent decades that modern-day physicists have uncovered scientific evidence that supports these ancient beliefs.

Initial knowledge focused on external energy fields such as the Aura, Chakras and acupuncture energy meridians. In the 1930's Dr Royal Rife discovered that certain resonant Frequencies could kill bacteria Viruses and fungi. Dr Hans Selye explored the connection between emotional stress and illness. Emotions are now felt to have a frequency pattern that can imprint onto our body cells. In 2009 research has shown that emotions can actually turn on and off DNA genes in rats. Further research over the past few years has shown that when we are unwell that the energy fields of our bodies are disrupted and these energy fields can be significantly altered by resonating frequencies. We can now alter the frequencies of our brainwaves using what is known as Bi aural beat therapy. Delivering different frequencies into our brain through both ears separately can change the EEG from Alpha and Beta waves to Theta and even delta waves. This creates a technical deep meditative state which can have significant therapeutic effects.

Using the principals of Wave theory researchers began to look at these abnormal energy fields and found that by subjecting them to either augmenting waves or counteracting waves that the overall energy field could be returned to the homeostatic or balanced state. This allows self healing to occur. There is a theory that Zero Point energy is the basic energy force that is at the core of all matter in the Universe. If this energy force is accessed then the material, whether it is animate or inanimate will at a Quantum level return to its normal fully energized state.

Crystals are known to emit resonant frequencies which are different for each type of crystal. The piezoelectric effect is the ability of some materials (notably crystals and certain ceramics including bone) to generate an electric field or electric potential in response to applied mechanical stress. It is not surprising therefore that research and development has come up with a method of using crystals to generate a specific resonance frequency that stimulates our energy fields to resonate and seek the true source of energy in the Universe,the Zero Point energy.

The culmination of all this knowledge has resulted in Technology which sources The Zero point energy field

This results in Self Healing.

To Learn more about this amazing technology, to purchase this amazing technology, or to find out more about the business and what it can do for your income. Please visit my website.Submit your email and I will forward all the information you need.

Dr Robert O'Dwyer


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Empowered in Reiki - 1st Degree

So often I run in to people that mention that they learned 1st degree Reiki but they never went any further with it. Their dismissive attitude tells me clearly that they didn't get to feel empowered in their 1st Degree. To be empowered in Reiki you feel it in your bones, in your heart and soul, viscerally, and you never forget it. Reiki especially at the 1st Degree level of initiation has the power to change your life. Be assured that with your initiation you have engaged with an incredibly elegant and powerful self-healing technique. There are a few things to understand to enhance your sense of empowerment in 1st Degree.

Reiki is easily and commonly taught with basic misconceptions.

i) that students at the 1st Degree level are only at an initiatory level of Reiki.
ii) that it is learned as a modality with which to treat others.
iii) that right from the beginning you become a 'channel' for universal energy.

Believing in each of these 3 unfortunate misconceptions compounds finally in creating a weakened relationship with Reiki. If the teacher fails to recognize the true implicit beauty and potential of the 1st Degree practice how can her students hope to experience it fully?

Try not to think of Reiki as a channeling technique - it is actually an embodiment of universal energy. You don't become attuned to channel energy - you become attuned to awaken the universal life force energy aspect within yourself. As you awaken your entire personal energy field you will resonate with the universal energy forces and rhythms of life energy as they exist universally all around you. In Reiki 1st Degree students are attuned to wake up their own latent energy force and step into a harmonized relationship with universal life force rhythms. Sounds big doesn't it? That's because it is.

The potential of 1st Degree Reiki offers the student a complete body of knowledge independent of how far you choose to go with it. Interestingly, even though all 2nd Degree students must take 1st Degree, most don't understand what 1st Degree is about, they have only considered it as being a small stepping stone to get to 2nd Degree. There are a few solid though simple components that must be practiced extensively before one is ready to move competently on to the next level of learning.

1. In 1st Degree students are given 4 attunements because that's what it takes to wake up after our energetic system has been sleeping for a long time. It's like hitting the snooze button over and over. With each attunement you wake up a bit more until there is no chance of slipping peacefully into your previous slumber. Consider the attunements to be gentle incremental nudges to stimulate your awakening. With each subsequent degree you get more attunements all for the same reason - to wake you up to be more energetically aware! Of course, the Reiki attunements can only be passed on by a Master Teacher who is aware and awake her self. Usui also gave weekly Reiju Empowerments (mini attunements) for the same purpose.

2. In 1st Degree you learn various meditations that were designed by Usui to bring a fully conscious awareness to witnessing and experiencing yourself as a spiritual being of light. On a sub-atomic level we are comprised of molecules vibrating at a specific frequency. Under a high-powered microscope that frequency looks like light. We are light - luminous beings capable of continuously creating and generating life. Imagine! In the practice of Reiki we learn to amplify our light body as if we were using a dimmer switch.

3. In 1st Degree you learn a series of 5 Precepts that Usui developed to guide us into thoughtfully contemplating our spiritually moral and ethical responsibilities in life on a daily basis. Living to the best of our ability within these 5 precepts promotes happiness, compassion, peace of mind and ultimately health. Deep personal reflection is needed to understand our motivations, actions and way of being in the world.

4. In 1st Degree you learn how to give yourself treatments. Doing daily self-treatments is the single most important aspect of Reiki, yet so few students are even aware this is possible. In 1st Degree you also learn how to give others treatments. All students of Reiki feel compelled to share their energy with others. It's natural to share what we learn. Unfortunately, until we learn how to patiently sit in our own healing energy we are not able to be effective as a healer to anyone else. People are always more apt to help others than help themselves. 1st Degree teaches us first and foremost to start with the self.

It is customary to take a minimum of 3 months to fully learn to embody universal energy and experience the awakening that is possible through the daily practice of 1st Degree. In Second Degree students learn how to use their ever awakening status to assist healing in another person effectively in person and at a distance. But there is no hurry, universe and Reiki are timeless experiences. There will be ample opportunity to heal the world - but it has to start with you. I encourage you all to re-visit your 1st Degree teachings and come to experience the essential nature of Reiki as it moves you in harmony with your universe.

Andrea Connell is a full time practicing Reiki Master, metaphysics teacher and energy practitioner. She has been using Tarot Cards and energy work to assist people in their life transitions for over 15 years and is passionate about teaching people the tools they need to feel empowered in their own lives. She is a popular teacher and offers many programs, seminars and workshops in self-empowerment, metaphysics, meditation and Reiki. When she isn't teaching she's busy working on her book. Find out more on her website and her blog at

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Friday, March 12, 2010

A Brief History of Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine has great antiquity, with therapeutic roots extending back to ancient Egypt in what was then known as Khemet or Tamare.

In the written record, the study of herbs dates back over 5,000 years to the Sumerians, who described well-established medicinal uses for such plants as laurel, caraway, and thyme.

The ancient Egyptians who were themselves actual descendants of the near mythical and pre-historic Sumerian civilizations are credited to have had the worlds earliest holistic medicine systems. These systems were officially endorsed and recognized by even the almighty priest class that wielded such enormous powers over the populace.

Ancient Egyptian medicine traditions of 1000 B.C. and of an even much much earlier period, are known to have used garlic, opium, castor oil, coriander, mint, indigo, and other herbs for medicine and the Old Testament also mentions herb use and cultivation, including mandrake, vetch, caraway, wheat, barley, and rye. This is an over simplification however as Egyptians had an almost universally revered reputation as practitioners of highly sophisticated forms of medicine. The excellent embalming of mummies is a prime example of an Egyptian practice which could be traced even further back in time to near pre-historical times by Egyptian calendars' reckoning. Records of the existence of these highly sophisticated healing systems are just beginning to emerge with the discoveries of new methods of understanding the language semantics of antiquity Egypt.

Like almost every other invention or technological advancement in antiquity (the pre-historic Sumerians and their predecessors in early Egyptian kingdoms) these therapeutic systems were then transferred and adopted by the outside world through centuries and millenniums of interactions and contacts.

Chinese herbal medicine like it's near counterpart in Egypt also has great antiquity, with therapeutic roots extending back to Zhou Dynasty, Late Bronze/Early Iron Age at about 2500 to 3000 years ago. From its shamanistic origins, herbalism in archaic China evolved in response to causation or origination concepts current at the time. These notions of the causes of disease in human society related directly to the troubled socio-economic environment that prevailed in early China in the latter half of the first millennium BC.

The Shennong Bencao Jing, the first Chinese herbal book compiled in the Hang Dynasty era, lists 365 medicinal plants and their uses. Ma-Huang the shrub that introduced the drug ephedrine to modern medicine is among the plants listed in the compilation. Included are references to 247 substances that were used by these early people for many different maladies among them back pain relief. Succeeding generations from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty augmented on the Shennong Bencao Jing.

By 1596, the Ben Cao Gang Mu of the Ming medical literatus Li Shizhen (1518-1593) exemplified the apogee of Chinese herbalism. Published three years after his demise, this Grand Materia Medica contained no less than 1892 entries. In the succeeding centuries of the Imperial Era, Chinese herbal medicine continued to develop. Despite the temporary setbacks incurred following the collapse of the Manchu Dynasty in 1911, it remains on equal footing with biomedicine in China today.

Another system of medicinal herbs, the Indian Ayurveda (Sanskrit for "science of mind body" ) has used herbs such as turmeric possibly as early as 1900 B.C. Many other herbs and minerals used in Ayurvedic medicine were later described by ancient Indian herbalists such as Charaka and Sushruta during the 1st millenium BC. The Sushruta Samhita attributed to Sushruta in the 6th century BC describes 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources, and 57 preparations based on animal sources. Here again, we could find clear evidence of the unquestionable influence of antiquity and pre-historic Egypt which pre-dated all ancient world civilizations by possibly tens of millenniums.

Today, many modern, and Western, medicine practitioners are beginning to look at herbal remedies for some common, and not-so common, disorders like arthritis and psoriasis. The lower cost, and often safer use, has attracted many medical professionals. Some physicians use herbs to off-set the side effects of pharmaceuticals a practice that's already rapidly picking up in most parts of the Western World.

We have witnessed the rapid rise of the use of herbal plants for medicinal purposes as traditional healing arts aka alternative medicine become more accepted in the western medical practices. The Wellness Industry and Health/Fitness Industry have gained massive popularity with near geometric growth last 20 or so years. We have seen the rise in popularity even among household brand names for Personal Care and Beauty products containing therapeutic herbal extracts, as the modern informed consumers discover the hidden therapeutic secrets and rejuvenating powers of mother natures flora.

Chuck Ray

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Reiki Symbols - The Important Symbols on Reiki Attunements and Healing Process

Reiki symbols are Japanese forms derived from Sanskrit are mostly influenced by this old language. These symbols are means of centering or focusing your attention in order to connect with "specific" healing frequencies and are used to increase energy and to help direct the flow of Ki (or chi in Chinese). These symbols are taught during the Second Degree of Reiki by a Reiki master. They are pictorial/written symbols that are used in the attunement processes and in the healing processes.

The energy involved, the Ki, was and still is the root of the entire body of Chinese medicine, where it is known as chi. Its name is actually meant to be a mantra that helps one connect with the symbol's energy, and means "Right consciousness is the root for everything", or better yet, "Correct thought is the essence of being". During the Reiki attunement the energy of the attunement causes the Reiki symbols to become a stimulus and the particular energy the symbol represents which is present during the attunement becomes the response.

During an attunement you are given the connection with the energy through the symbols and they are used to help you focus. The first reiki symbol of the 3 learned at Level 2 Reiki is the power symbol called "Cho Ku Rei" and is used to focus the energy and used for protection. The other two are Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha ze Sho Nen

Use the first three Reiki symbols in conjunction with each other to fashion the Reiki energy to its best use for each individual client. For analogic example, the first symbol, the power symbol, magnifies Reiki like a magnifying glass magnifies the sun's energy.

Attunements can be given only by a Reiki master and can be given for either the purpose of training one in Reiki, or for simply giving someone a larger experience of Reiki than usually experienced in treatments. The importance of having the true Reiki symbols is critical for proper attunement to be a Reiki channel.

With proper training, Reiki practitioners can become proficient in the use of these symbols to heal themselves and others, local or distance healing.

The Reiki practitioner assists the client to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically by a simple laying on of hands. When used to heal pain, the symbol can reduce the intensity of the pain, and slowly cause the pain to completely disperse.

Sei Hei Ki Frequently called 'the Mental-Emotional Symbol', Sei Hei Ki assists in healing the mental-emotional imbalance. The mental and emotional healing symbol balances the right and left brain. The symbol can be used on yourself (or others) when feelings of fear, anxiety, anger or depression come up. Creating the oneness to a part of you who has suffered provides the base for then using the mental/emotional symbol to gently provide healing.

Their use does not require that we be able to meditate or have years of spiritual practice. Lots of practice in applying the symbols to increase energy, to do distant healing, to heal the subconscious mind, to create affirmation, to clear negative energy in the environment. With practice the reiki symbols will become less relevant and the focus will change to the "intent" of the specific energies required.

The Reiki practitioners actually do not believe in sharing the knowledge of Reiki and Reiki symbols to aspiring students unless they have attained the specific levels in Reiki. Many practitioners use this symbol whenever giving a treatment. Either way, a significant number of these newer symbols are in existence and are used by more and more Western Reiki practitioners to supplement their practice.

The Reiki symbols are usually shown to a student by a Reiki teacher or master, along with the concepts required in using them. These are sacred healing symbols which enhance the flow of Life Force Energy. These symbols help in linking up with the vital energy forces of life.

You can easily become a powerful reiki master in 48 hours, with a simple, proven system of quickly, easily and very inexpensively becoming a Reiki Master. Even if you're completely new to this beautiful art of healing and Self-Realization at

Andy Riandi

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Reiki Therapy - How to Heal Yourself and Your Family

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a popular Japanese healing therapy that was introduced in 1970s and has become quite popular worldwide since then. A unique spiritual healing technique, Reiki is an amalgamation of most of the alternative healing practices like aura healing, crystal healing, and meditation, chakra balancing technique, naturopathy, aromatherapy and homeopathy.

Meaning Of Reiki
Reiki is pronounced as ray-key. It is a Japanese word that means 'universal life energy.' Universal energy is the energy that surrounds us and is in us. A combination of two words: "rei"= free passage and "ki"= universal life energy, Reiki is simply based on the transfer and balance of positive energy with a medium (body). More and more people are now using Reiki for healing themselves and their family for a better and healthier life.

Benefits Of Reiki
Some of the many benefits of this spiritual healing art include:
1. Deep relaxation
2. Destruction of energy blockages
3. Detoxification of the body system
4. New found vitality through healing energy
5. Enhancement of vibrational frequency of the practitioner's body
6. Promotes emotional balance
7. Brings about spiritual growth
8. Provides mental clarity + balance
9. Promotes self-realization
10. Brings inner peace + harmony

How does Reiki Work?
The basis of Reiki therapy is quite simple. It involves the transfer of positive energy from the master to the patient. As the energy gets transferred from the giver to the taker, the ability of the taker's body to heal naturally is enhanced and a balance brought about in his/her body. Reiki therapy is the utilization of specific energy transfer techniques to restore and balance the 'chi' or energy in a body, naturally. Completely holistic, natural, free of side-effects, and a hands-on healing method, Reiki has managed to touch humans on almost all levels - the mind, body, and spirit!

Reiki Therapy Healing Method
Healing using Reiki therapy is easy. The energy transfer takes place through hands. Reiki therapy involves transfer of energy from the hands of the healer above the body of the patient. The patient is then allowed to attract as much energy as he/she requires. In order for the healing to be effective, the patient has to be completely receptive and must take an active part in the entire process. He/she is also responsible for his/her healing.

Types of Reiki in Practice
Basically there are several forms of Reiki, but the two popular ones are based on the principles of: "Usui System of Natural Healing" and "Radiance Technique."

The Usui System of Natural Healing principle is based on balancing and strengthening the energy of our body thereby promoting self-ability to heal.

How To Learn Reiki
Only once you have leaned and practiced Reiki can you use Reiki therapy for ensuring the well-being of yourself and your family. If you want to learn Reiki, you'll need to find a Reiki master who will teach you to access your 'ki' or 'chi' as well as help you become a channel to transmit this energy. You will also learn the basic healing techniques like 'laying on hands' etc.

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Reiki Energy Healing Effective For Pain Reduction

Science Daily recently published a review of a new study examining the efficacy of biofield therapies such as Reiki, Therapeutic Touch and Healing Touch, entitled "Biofield Therapies: Helpful or Hype?", conducted by Dr. Shamini Jain, from the UCLA Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Research, and Dr. Paul Mills, from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, and the Moores Comprehensive Cancer Center in San Diego. The study found that these biofield therapies such as Reiki demonstrate "promising complementary interventions for reducing the intensity of pain in a number of conditions, reducing anxiety for hospitalized patients and reducing agitated behaviors in dementia, over and above what standard treatments can achieve." Additionally, the researchers found "strong evidence that biofield therapies reduce pain intensity in free-living populations, and moderate evidence that they are effective at lowering pain in hospitalized patients as well as in patients with cancer."

As a Reiki Master, I have seen measurable pain reduction quite clearly while working with clients in my practice, including chronic pain from existing injuries and conditions like fibromyalgia, as well as post-surgical pain. I am pleased to see this evidence borne out as a result of clinical research.

To further demonstrate Reiki's ability to reduce pain and facilitate healing, I would like to share a client's recent experience receiving distance Reiki. (Reiki practitioners at Level II or higher are trained to channel Reiki to others without being physically present.) Laurie tore her meniscus in her right knee, and the resultant pain and swelling made it difficult for her to get around. None of the conventional treatments for her injury - painkillers, steroids and cortisone injections - were providing much relief. She lives in Florida, so I was unable to treat her in person. Instead, we agreed to set aside time several evenings during the week for me to send Reiki to her.

After our first session, I asked Laurie if she had noticed anything different and she reported she felt warmth in her knee and at one point, actually felt as if someone or something was physically manipulating it. The next day, she sent me a text message, saying her knee felt better than it had in weeks. After a couple more sessions, Laurie's healing was so profound that she wrote in her testimonial, "I could get up and do all my normal activities PAIN FREE - something I hadn't been able to do for months!" She was so impressed by the results she is actually considering learning how to do Reiki.

As with any complementary therapy, individual response may vary, but many people like Laurie are seeing good results with using Reiki and other biofield therapies for management of pain resulting from physical or medical conditions. In Laurie's case, her doctor was recommending surgery. It will be interesting to see if continued Reiki treatment and physical rehabilitation may allow for complete healing of her knee without surgery. The inclusion of biofield therapies, such as Reiki, in the clinical setting may be a welcome presence and potentially reduce the amount of drugs or other interventions needed to keep patients stable and comfortable during the healing process.

Dana Lisa Young is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher and owner of Dragonfly Reiki in Atlanta, GA. Visit her site, to learn more about the benefits of energy healing or to schedule a Reiki session.

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Reiki Healing and Reiki Attunement - A Brief Overview on the Amazing Healing Arts

Introduction to Reiki healing

Reiki healing is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that's also believed to promote health and restore well being to the body. It is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies. It also complements Eastern and Western medicine and everybody can benefit from it. This method usually brings about slow, gradual improvements over a period of days and weeks. It can be given to you through in-person or distant treatment.

This healing method has also been proven to be beneficial in surgery recovery, in chemotherapy treatment, and it also helps to improve blood circulation. It's also fast becoming accepted in mainstream healthcare settings such as hospitals, hospice, operating and recovery rooms, nursing homes and many other institutions helping to demystify its effects and adding a much needed boost to the spiritual healing energy.

Treatment Overview

Reiki treatments are typically very relaxing, and recipients often fall into a lovely drifting state, or actually fall asleep. This can be used to facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being, it can be done on oneself, others, animals, plants, etc. A series of three or more treatments, typically at intervals of 1 to 7 days, is usually recommended if a chronic condition is being addressed. It is best when having a treatment to have no expectations except to be open to having the treatment. Distant healing are an excellent way to balance and increase your bodies energies without having to leave your home or wait for unavailable services. Given the fact that Reiki can be 'self-administered', and also the personal benefit felt from practising this amazing method, many people decide to learn how to practise Reiki after initially seeking or receiving treatment.

Attunement and Online Courses

Reiki attunement open up the energy path ways so that more life force energy can flow through the body. It raises our vibrational level to that of the energy added during the process. A practitioner is initiated by a series of attunements, which opens the flow of universal energy. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" by a reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.

Although all of the energy draw on some form of life force energy, reiki is accessible only to healers who have received attunement by a reiki master/teacher.

Reiki courses can even be taken over the Internet, although Traditionalists state that attunement must be done in person, in order to take effect, as the Master/Teacher doing the attunement must be able to actually touch the energy field of the person being attuned. On the online course, you usually are provided with a manual for each level, an attunement(s), a certificate, instruction and support.


By the use of ancient reiki symbols, the practitioner channels the universal energy allowing it to flow where is needed to bring the energy centres into alignment. Although symbols are given, it is not a requirement that the student memorise any of them. The healer does not have to worry if they gave the correct symbols or if they concentrated on the correct place for the healing.


Reiki is a tool for use at any moment, any time, any where for on-the-spot stress release, pain relief and quick energy. The reiki provides means to balance the human energy fields (Auras) and energy centres (Chakras) to create conditions needed for the bodies healing system to function. This method is also the alternative medicine for physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health & wellness. Their purpose is to help people realize that healing the spirit by consciously deciding to improve oneself, is a necessary part of the experience.

Some example of the reiki healing health benefits are: Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension, accelerates the bodie's self-healing abilities, help to get better sleep, reduces blood pressure; help with acute (injuries) and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches), etc.

You can easily become a powerful reiki master in just 48 hours, with a simple, proven system of quickly, easily and very inexpensively becoming a Reiki Master. Even if you're completely new to this beautiful art of healing and Self-Realization at

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reiki Certification Online - Home Reiki Certificate

It is becoming more and more common for healers to be acquiring their Reiki Certification online (using the internet). It's amazing how technology can create new opportunities, even in the field of energy healing. Completing a Reiki Certification Online can be just as inspiring and educational as completing it in person. Plus, there are some real benefits such as with cost, time, schedule, and other things that explain why it is becoming the new way of reaching Reiki Master Level 3.

The first and most obvious benefit is convenience. You will have the ability to study wherever and whenever you like! This is a factor that is really important because of our busy lives. If you were to do your certification in a class, then you would be obligated to a schedule, and also to go to the school for each class. This isn't so bad for some, but most of us like to keep our freedom to make our own schedules, and take the extra time to finish if we need to.

Another huge benefit to getting your Reiki Certification online is that it will cost you significantly less than doing a local class, and lately everyone is trying to save a bit of cash where they can. Usually a Reiki Class for just Level 1 can be between $150 and $200 dollars, where as you can do your whole Reiki Mastery up to Level 3 for about $100 or slightly less. I think that this is a fair price being as the teacher doesn't have to put in as much work, but if it cost any less than a hundred dollars, I would wonder if the site was legitimate.

Here are some resources to help you get started to do your Reiki Certification online. There is this website that has a good reputation (even though the graphics might look a bit old) and I know they are still up and running, certifying at least a few people a week using their online resources. You can sign up for their course at their website, their homepage is The Reiki Store.

Also, as supporting evidence, I have also included a link to another website who supports The Reiki Store, and recommend their course for people who want to get a Reiki Certification online. If you aren't sure about starting with the Reiki Store and need a recommendation, then you can check this out at Mental Wellness Resources.

Good luck with the course and enjoy your Attunement! Feeling the power of the Master Attunement can be the most exciting part of taking a Reiki Certification course. And in closing, God bless you for your choice to become a healer and spread the positive energy to people in a world that so desperately needs it!

Continue your reading here if you want to learn more about how you can Become a Reiki Master.

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Vibratory Spiritual Healing

It seems hardly a day goes by without hearing or reading about a new, or rediscovered, "alternative" healing modality. To those considering "alternative" healing for the first time, finding the right practitioner can be confusing. Many American adults know that a Cardiologist is a heart specialist, an ENT specializes in disorders of the ear, nose, and throat, and a Dermatologist is a skin specialist, but few Americans know that a Reiki Practitioner, an Energy-Based Therapist, a Light Worker, a Shaman/ess, a Spiritual Healer, an Intuitive, a Color Therapist, and an Aromatherapist, to name but a few, specialize in Contemporary/Indigenous Vibratory Spiritual Healing (VSH).

Vibratory Spiritual Healing (VSH) is a term used to describe a variety of ancient Spiritually-based healing modalities, which utilize Vibratory Spiritual Energy (Universal Life Force Energy, Prana, Chi, Ki, etc.) and provide a pathway for opening one's perceptions to higher planes of consciousness. It is a Spiritual practice which helps one to connect more fully to the Spirit/Source of Life Energy. It is in that connectedness, that one can truly begin to know what "healing" is and how it works.

VSH Practitioners assist a person to store enough Vibratory Spiritual Energy in their body to "push out" any imbalances, which can ultimately lead to a healthier state of being. They may utilize or provide education in one or more VSH modality: "Hands-On" or "Faith" Healing, Reiki, Chakra Reading, Color, Crystals, Essential Oils, Flower Essences, Herbs and Sounds, are but a few examples of modalities used by Vibratory Spiritual Practitioner.

Although these modalities utilize Vibratory Spiritual Energy, and Do No Harm, VSH Practitioners make no medical or healing claims about any modality, nor do they diagnose, cure, treat or prescribe. Information is not meant to replace professional medical advice, or substitute any treatment which has been prescribed by a physician, psychologist or other licensed mental health worker; information is given for personal experimentation and educational purposes only.

The title a Practitioner chooses to adopt, and call them self, reflects the way the Practitioner connects with the Vibratory Spiritual Energy. Regardless of the modality used, healing is a process and may/may not happen with only one session; for some individuals, it may take a considerable amount of time and sessions to regain health/wholeness. Issues concerning diet, physical/mental health, mindset, attitude, support system, repressed memories/emotions, and/or other environmental factors may be identified by the client. Responsible Practitioners urge clients to address any and all identified issues with members of their health care team in order to improve their chances of regaining health/wholeness.

Additionally, the title a VSH Practitioner chooses to adopt often reflects how their practice is structured. The more Contemporary a Practitioner is, the more likely it is that they will have set 30 - 90 minute sessions and will charge a set fee. Someone has to pay the rent, buy the massage tables, and pay all the miscellaneous expenses that come with running an office; even those who work out of their home, have miscellaneous expenses associated with their practice.

The more Indigenous a Practitioner is, the more likely it is that they will not have time limits for their sessions. Many Indigenous Practitioners believe that it takes as long as it takes, to get the job done. Many do not charge a set fee for their services; however, an equitable exchange of energy (donation from the heart) is typically considered to be customary and is usually gratefully accepted and appreciated.

If in doubt as to what an equitable exchange of energy might be, find out what local Contemporary Practitioners charge per session, and exchange something(s) of equal value with the Indigenous VSH Practitioner. Note: it is the equitable exchange of energy that is important; it does not necessarily mean the exchange of money (Like everyone else, Indigenous Practitioners also have bills to pay, so money is good too!). If the average Contemporary Practitioner charges $50.00 per session, a $2.00 jar of pickles would not be considered equitable, UNLESS the client really believed, in their heart, that the session was only worth $2.00 Again, it is the equitable exchange of energy that is important; a donation from the heart.

To recap: Vibratory Spiritual Healing (VSH) is a term used to describe a variety of ancient Spiritually-based Healing modalities. VSH Practitioners assist a person to store enough Vibratory Spiritual Energy in their body to "push out" any imbalance, which can ultimately lead to a healthier state of being. The title a Practitioner chooses to adopt, often reflects the way the Practitioner connects with the Vibratory Spiritual Energy, and how their practice is structured.

Susan Shining-Star, D.D., M.Ed., M.S., is a Contemporary/Indigenous Healing Practitioner, Ordained Minister, and Traditional Usui Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher, who has been gifted with the ability to integrate most of her personal and professional experiences into her work as a Spiritual Servant.

She has spent more than two decades studying and working with a variety of teachers: academic, as well as Indigenous Medicine Men an Women and other Spiritual Teachers. She has been initiated into and advanced through the 3rd stage in the Order of the Nazirim; that of Elder, earning the right to initiate students, and teach the basic techniques of the Order as well as the ideals of Samkhya Yoga. Learning how to return one's Spirit to a place of Spiritual Unity has been the primary goal of her physical life; as a result, Personal Growth, Spiritual Development and Healing have been the main focus areas of her studies and teachings.

She has earned: a Doctor of Divinity degree (hon.); a Master of Education degree in Adult Ed./Holistic Health; both a Bachelor and a Master of Science degree in Human Services, with a strong focus in psycho-social issues and psycho-spirituality; a Contemporary Shamanic Practitioner Certificate, a Certificate of Aromatherapy and a Certificate of Thanatology.

Her personal mission is to spiritually uplift her community, and work towards a greater good. In her efforts to achieve this mission, Dr. Shining-Star provides Spiritual Worship and Educational Material on the internet; individual/small group Guided Worship, face-to-face Spiritual Education, and Vibratory Spiritual Healing by appointment, as requested, by our parishoners, or the community-at-large. She does not discriminate; she merely supports her fellowmen and women, and serves as a guiding light.

Article Source:,_DD

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