Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reiki and Women's Hormones: A Tale of Two Personalities

Ah, hormones. Those tiny chemical messengers that perform a variety of tasks throughout our physical vessel. Ah, hormones. We are angels-in-waiting one moment... the devil in disguise the next. Hence, a tale of two personalities.

I don't know about you but hormones pay homage to the phrase, "I AM woman, hear me ROAR". Not that men don't have hormonal issues...but we can address in a future article. Now, it's all about the Goddess.

In the midst of our physical experience we are continuously seeking a balanced relationship between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. From time to time, it feels somewhat tempestuous. Amidst the hot flashes, mood swings, cramping, bloating, food cravings, sleeplessness and wanting to take someone out at the knee caps, is it any wonder our loved ones go running for the hills?

One of the many blessings Reiki imparts is the ability to acknowledge our role as co-creators in our healing journey. I find that this is an integral part of release and healing process. How can we slough off what we no longer wish to carry if we aren't honest and willing to make healthy adjustments? In addition, Spirit, our Angels and all other Beings of Light wait patiently for us to give them the nod, allowing them to provide loving assistance.

When working with women experiencing hormonal issues, we can place added focus on several key areas during the Reiki treatment process:

  • Root Chakra-Sits at base of the spine. Regulates legs, lower back, colon kidneys and adrenal glands. Grounding, survival and stability.
  • Sacral Chakra-Sits below the belly button (navel). Regulates our reproductive organs, kidneys, adrenals, bladder and lymphatic system. Emotions are also based in the sacral.
  • Heart Chakra-Sits at center of chest. Regulates circulation, heart, lungs, and blood pressure. Love (giving and receiving), trust, understanding, compassion, empathy, forgiveness.
  • Throat Chakra-Base of neck. Regulates throat, thyroid, parathyroid, mouth, tongue, and neck. Verbal and written communication. Expressing our feelings with freedom.
  • Crown Chakra-Top of head. Regulates central nervous system. Our connection to Source (God, Spirit, Higher Power or realms of consciousness).

In summation, it is during a Reiki session that the clients' Higher Self can accept and absorb all the warm, positive energy as it generates a circuit of healing that can be felt from the top of their head to the tips of their toes. How beautiful!

Showering you with Love, Light & Sparkly Bits!

Amy Barilla is a Usui Reiki Master Educator. Her practice focuses on pregnancy, pediatric and women with reproductive health issues. For more information on "The Reiki Gal", visit: Sign up for the monthly newsletter to receive Reiki tips and insights.

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Show Your Healing Mastery by Earning a Reiki Certificate

A reiki certificate does so much more than simply proving to your friends and clients that you are a skilled healer in the ancient art of reiki. It also lets people know the lineage of your attunments, letting clients know which path of healing you have taken and who your master was. Having a reiki certificate can also be helpful in trying to find employment as a healer.

These certificates, signed by your teacher, look very similar to diplomas and other certificates of achievement. Framed, a reiki certificate can look attractive when hung on your wall or displayed on a shelf. The look of your diploma will depend on your teacher and the school of healing you have chosen to follow, as each have their own designs.

In order to gain a reiki certificate you must first find a master who can teach you this ancient healing art. If you cannot find an instructor in your city, try looking online for a course. While much of your education in reiki will depend on your teacher and the school they follow, there are three levels of training for each discipline.

The lowest level of reiki certificate can be earned by mastering the first degree, the Shoden. In this course a student is taught the ancient practice of reiki. They learn how to place their hands and treat the body in an effort to attune their energy and the energy of their patient with the universal life force. When the sessions are completed you will be able to heal yourself and others by using the ancient healing art of reiki.

To gain the second level of reiki certificate a student must master the Okuden, the second degree of healing. Building upon your the first degree of healing the student will earn the use of symbols that will help strengthen the bond between patient and healer, allowing a reiki practitioner to heal across vast distances. Some healers are so skilled they do not even need to be in the same room, or even the same building to be able to heal. It can take ten, sometimes twenty years to master this skill, and some students never progress beyond the second degree of reiki.

To grain a master reiki certificate one must master not only the first and second degree of healing, they must also undergo the master training, also called Shinpiden. The third degree is the hardest to master, and the symbols and teachings you learn are greatly dependent upon the school of reiki you are studying. Upon completion a reiki healer may choose to be either a master teacher, who is able to pass on his mastery of reiki, or a master practitioner. A master practitioner is someone who has chosen to concentrate on their healing powers, tending the ill and the sick and using their powers to ease the pain and suffering of others.

No matter what degree of reiki you have studied, having a certificate is something to be proud of. Not only does it prove that you have studied this ancient healing art, but it also allows you to practice your skills upon yourself, your family and even other people who wish for a more spiritual healing.

Having a master reiki certificate allows you to do more than just offer healing. With it you are also able to open your own school and teach the healing philosophy of reiki to others. This certificate will show not only your own time of study to master this art, it will also show which school you have studied. Some master reiki teachers can trace their attunments back to Japan. These teachers, and their students, are greatly respected. To have those names on your reiki certificate is a mark of prestige.

Today, more people are reaching back into the ancient healing arts. Not simply for their novelty or their historical values, but for the spiritual aspect, as well. Reiki is a philosophy and an art growing in popularity, which makes it easier to find teachers. It also means that, should you choose to become a teacher, you will have many opportunities to help people.

When comparing the financial cost of learning reiki and obtaining a reiki certificate to other educational programs, there is a clear benefit to this healing art. Each degree is separate and you are able to advance at your own pace as your skill increases. There are no formal institutions to teach, only teachers who must be attuned and able to attune you, in turn. This means you can learn from the teacher who best suits your needs and your own personal philosophies.

If you are interested in learning more about reiki healing, and gaining a certificate, there are many resources available to you. Check with your local alternative health center or a new age book store for information on classes. If you can't find a reiki class in your city, look for classes online. Not only is it more convenient, as you don't have to leave your own home, it can also be arranged around your own schedule.

Take the time to find the right teacher for you, one whose philosophies best match your own. If you take an online course you will receive your reiki certificate either in the mail, or it can be downloaded and printed out when you finish you training. Reiki is an ancient healing art that can bring great spiritual peace to you and to others. It doesn't require years of study, only true dedication.

Click Reiki Certificate to go to Meg's Reiki Meditation website.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who Was Dr Mikao Usui?

Mikao Usui was born on the 15th of August in 1865 in the village Taniai in Japan, not fare from where Nagoyo is today. His family had lived here for eleven generations and Mikao was born into the Tendai sect of Esoteric Buddhism. At a very young age he was sent to a Tendai monastery to receive his primary education. He continued his Buddhist education until he became a lay Tendai priest.

The Tiantai teaching was first brought to Japan by Chinese monks in the 8th century. Shortly it developed into what became Japanese Tendai. The Japanese Tendai did not deviate substantially from the beliefs created by the Tiantai school in China.

The Tendai sect flourished under the patronage of the imperial family and it became the dominant form of main-steam Buddhism in Japan and it also was the foundation for most of the developments in later Japanese Buddhism.

Mikao Usui was also influenced by Shintoism, the traditional faith of the Japanese people prior to contact with China. The original shintoism was a very simple religion and it had only one command: the necessity of being loyal to one's ancestors. Its early aspects were naturalistic, which includes spiritism, totemism, and nature worship. Early Japanese worshiped the sun, thunder, earth, tigers, serpents, threes, stones etc. A later stage is more intellectual and ethically oriented.

As Mikao was growing up the Japanese society went trough gross changes. It was now starting to open up to the west again. For the first time since the 1640's foreigners were allowed in the country, the ban on Christianity was lifted in 1873 and the country abandoned a feudal society and adapted to an industrialized society instead.

Mikao was an eager student and he received a doctorate in literature, he spoke several languages, and studied the western medicine, theology and philosophy. He had the opportunity to travel to China, USA and Europe where he could elaborate on his studies.

Early in his adult life Mikao lived in Kyoto with his wife and two children. He had various carriers as a businessman, and at one time he was also the private secretary to Count Shinpei Goto. At the same time he continued his spiritual studies and became involved with a group named Rei Jyutsu Kai. This group had a temple (Kurama-dera) at the base of the mountain Kurama-yama.

Mikao Usui is also said to have practices Shugenja in addition to Tendai Buddhism. Shugenja is a Japanese mountain asctic shamanism which incorporates Shinto and Buddhist practises.

Around 1900 Mikao fell very ill as an epidemic swept trough Kyoto. He had a near death experience in which he had a vision of, and instruction from, the Mahavairovana Buddha. This was a very important experience for Mikao and it caused him to rethink his life. He turned his mind to the esoteric science of healing as thought by Buddha, and he developed the compassionate wish that he may learn the methods of healing in order to benefit mankind.

Mikao went on to study Shingon Buddhism in order to find explanations to his vision. This lead to a confrontation with his family who declared him a traitor to the family and ancestors.

He spend much time and money studying Buddhist scriptures, in particular the once about healing techniques and energy disciplines. For many years he continued to study and practice the Buddhist teachings. Over time he became a respected and learned Buddhist teacher with a following of students.

In 1914 he undertook a meditation retreat at the monastery Kurama-yama. It is believed that during this retreat he was able to melt together all his knowledge and come to the realization of how he could work with the divine life energy.

He first practiced the new healing technique on himself and his friends before he, at a later stage, offered his healing to the residents of Kyoto. This gave him the opportunity to perfect and refine the healing method - later known as Reiki healing.

In 1922 he moved to Tokyo and opened up a Reiki clinic where he practiced and also taught the system of Reiki to his students. He founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, meaning Usui's Spiritual Energy Therapy Society, which is a society of Japanese Reiki masters still existing today.

After the Kanto earthquake in 1923 in Tokyo where over 140 000 people were killed and over three million people found themselves homeless over night, Mikao and his students went out in the streets and offered Reiki healing to countless of victims.

His fame spread quickly all over Japan and he began receiving invitations from all over the country. His schedule grew tight as requests for teaching continued to increase. He travelled throughout Japan giving healings and teachings. On March 9th in 1926 he unexpectedly died of a stroke 62 years old.

Anita Karlson is blogging about how to live a more healthy, natural and balanced life. Find new articles and inspiring tips at

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Reiki - East and West

I have seen questions raised over the compatibility of Westernized Reiki and the 'original' teachings of Eastern or Usui Reiki. There are some Reiki therapists who have been trained in the eastern variant that tend to look down their noses at western practices. I must admit that I myself am guilty of that on occasion.

Before I proceed I should admit that I have not been trained in any variant of Western Reiki so I am speaking from a lack of experience here, but I have been attuned and trained in Usui Reiki Ryoho. My masters are of the opinion that they wished to teach and attune as closely to the original methods as they were able to and have trimmed out what they believed to be purely western influence from their instruction. I have no problem with this at all but I will state now that I have no problem either with western methods that are genuine extensions and discoveries that have proved an increased benefit to the client and/or the practitioner.

Western Reiki has acquired a bit of a bad name over the past few decades, more because of the flakiness of some of its adherents than any fault with the basis of the practice. There is a website out there today claiming to provide Dolphin Reiki! Yes, you read that correctly, and it is not a site providing holistic care for dolphins, but the practitioner claims to channel Reiki energy from dolphins. Now I don't wish to appear too judgmental here but what on earth do dolphins have to do with Reiki? I agree that they need the energies to live just as we do, but why try to channel it from them when you have the pure source at you beck and call? Dolphins do have a genuine therapeutic effect on certain conditions when the patient is in their presence, but I feel that particular website is taking the 'Reiki' theme too far.

What a lot of this boils down to is the western tendency to want to make money. The original westernized Reiki teachings promulgated by Ms Takata where perfectly fine. The history she provided was altered to take care of American prejudice against all things Japanese at the time she introduced it to the U.S.A. This accounts for much of the western belief that Reiki has Christian roots. There are others out there who believe Reiki is of Tibetan origin; it isn't. Reiki was discovered, for the first time by Mikao Usui. He was a Shinto lay preacher in Japan. The past two decades have allowed some original texts from Usui, and other historical documents, to surface that have clarified a lot of this, and I'd recommend anyone seriously interested in gaining a better understanding or Reiki's roots to read up on some of Frank Arjava Petter's work.

The money-making side of western 'New Age' has unfortunately led to a tendency for some Reiki practitioners and some energy healers, who have never been attuned to Reiki, to stick the word Reiki onto everything they offer to try to legitimize their practice. Hence Dolphin Reiki...

Reiki energies come from source, the universe, the universal consciousness, God or Allah, or whatever you wish to call the primal energy that allows everything to subsist in this reality. If you wish to filter the Reiki energy through something, then at least bring it in to this dimension in a relatively pure form first. I use Reiki energy in my Crystal Therapy sessions. Pure Reiki is perfect for cleansing, charging and energizing crystals, as well as purifying the aura and working with the chakras. Placing a crystal over a chakra and gently running Reiki through it also helps ensure the energy the client receives is of the purest kind and limits the possibility that your own energy is used by mistake. Using Reiki in this way helps to enhance the effect of another form of therapy.

I would suggest that if the person purporting to provide Dolphin Reiki really wishes to go that route then they should market it more fairly by stating they channel Dolphins in some way and project Dolphin energy into the client. What ever they do, it is not Reiki.

So far this has all sounded a little anti-western. I am not anti-western at all, I am just anti-some-new-age-money-making-practices. I need money as much as the next person but I try not to deceive my clients, it's not fair and not good karma (if you go for that line of thinking).

Legitimate western alterations I am happy about are where Masters have meditated on, and experimented with, additional symbols and further supplementary attunements. I question the need for 20 extra symbols but then I have not been trained in their use. I assume they are used to fine tune the energies for very particular needs. Supplementary attunements are okay so long as they don't interfere with the originals.

Any tradition dies if it is not open to change and evolution. Reiki has a rock solid basis on which to build but if Western Reiki is to survive, I would suggest its genuine adherents weed out the cow-boys, charlatans and snake-oil merchants, and show them up for what they truly are. East can meet West, I am sure of it, and we will all be the better for it.

Andy Cook is a Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Therapist and Indian Head Massage practitioner. His approach to his clients is one of providing a holistic approach to the entire person, not just trying to treat the symptoms presented.

He works out of East London and is also available for Reiki training and attunements by appointment.

Andy's personal blog can be found at

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Uncoil Your Consciousness - The 5 Things You Need to Know About Kundalini

When dormant, Kundalini energy is coiled like a serpent (kunda means coiled) at the base of the spine. Kundalini is a healing force for renewal, inner and outer evolution, and transformation. The key to uncoiling your consciousness lies in activating this powerhouse within you. Here are THE five things you need to know about Kundalini!

1. What Is The truth About Kundalini?

A great place to start is to look at the question, what is Kundalini? The simplest, and most profound, explanation is that Kundalini is the fundamental energy of consciousness. Think of Kundalini as the uncoiling of your essential consciousness, your creative potential, the energizing potential of life, spiritual energy, or the energy of the soul itself. I like to think of Kundalini as the energy of all that is and all you can be.

It is amazing when you realize that the transformational energy of Kundalini is found throughout the ancient wisdom traditions. Yogis call it Shakti (the risen Kundalini); other traditions refer to it as Holy Wind, Serpent Fire, Vital Winds, Reiki, Mana Loa, Lung, The Greater Kan and Li, Huo, and Dumo Fire. These names describe the same tremendous spiraling and wavelike physical sensations of aroused spiritual energy. There has to be something to this "Kundalini energy thing" if different belief systems from around the globe experience the exact same thing!

2. Where Does Latent Kundalini Hang Out?

Kundalini lies dormant at the base of the spine, nestled in the sitting bones at the root chakra. As Damian Nordmann creatively expresses in his poem, Fire Goddess, "[Kundalini] waits for me at the base of my being. She rests at the foot of my soul."

3. How Do You Awaken Kundalini?e

Kundalini is awakened through purposeful action or natural evolution. Techniques that trigger Kundalini awakening include breath work (pranayama), exercises (asanas), chanting meditation, fasting, trauma, drugs, and near death experiences.

4. Where Does Awakened Kundalini Energy Go?

As a yoga practitioner the goal is to open the subtle meridians and channels (nadis) of life force energy (prana) in the body to stimulate the upward flow of Kundalini energy.

Opening the nadis helps Kundalini energy rise upward through the body via the central channel of the spine (the sushumna), undulate through the energy centers (the chakras), and move up through the crown chakra as a process to uncoil consciousness.

When Kundalini uncoils and ascends, a feminine energy called Shakti rises through the body meeting a masculine energy called Shiva at the crown of the head. When Shakti and Shiva meet, a union of bliss occurs creating transformation.

5. What's In It For You?

When Kundalini is awakened, our consciousness expands and we become more aware of truth, our inner knowledge, and the creative potential within. Awakened Kundalini releases blockages in the mind, body, and spirit to allow for healing, nourishing, rejuvenation, and opening of energy and awareness. Once aroused, Kundalini dissolves the past and allows the infinite to shine through into the present.

So there you have it, the five things you need to know about the powerhouse of Kundalini that resides within you. Dare to uncoil your essential consciousness and open the soul energy of awareness within you.

©Copyright 2010 Kundalini Yoga With Sharlene Starr. All Rights Reserved.

Sharlene Starr teaches Kundalini Yoga classes and is the author of the *FREE* Special Report," A Beginner's Guide To Kundalini Yoga!" If you're ready to awaken your mind, body, and soul, get your *FREE* copy at:

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Kundalini Reiki - How to Awaken Your Kundalini Fire

Kundalini Reiki is a very powerful form of spiritual healing which incorporates the combination of two well respected healing modalities - Kundalini and Reiki energy. Reiki is a form of spiritual healing which allows one to open up to true spiritual enlightenment.

Kundalini Reiki was introduced to the earthly plane by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has been assisted by a high Master Kuthumi whilst he spent many hours at Holy Communion. Master Kuthumi is also connected to the Crown Chakra (above the head) and The Temple of Love, Wisdom and Understanding.

Kundalini Reiki training incldues the attunements and healing techniques used to perform hands on healing treatment on yourself and others. You will also learn how to send healing over distance which is sometimes called remote healing.

The base chakra or the Root chakra which is the energy centre located at the base of the spine or the coccyx acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy. This is sometimes referred to as the "Kundalini Fire".

During and after a healing session the energy runs from the base or root chakra up through the whole body systems, including the major and minor energy channels or chakras and lastly out of the Crown chakra Over a period of time this allows the whole body to become completely cleansed.

Kundalini Reiki is easy to learn although it is necessary for a student to be attuned to Usui Reiki or Seichim prior to undertaking level One. There are three levels of this training. On completion of level three you are eligible to teach others.

The Kundalini Reiki attunement includes

1 - Balance

2 - Diamond Reiki,

3 - Crystalline Reiki,

4 - DNA Reiki,

5 - Birth trauma Reiki,

6 - Location Reiki,

7 - Past Life Reiki

8 - Gold Reiki

Kundalini Reiki is often stated as being more powerful form of healing than traditional Usui Reiki and is also much quicker and easier to learn and master. Visit

Yvonne Handford is an Author, Speaker, Soul Healing Coach, Psychic and Healing Master trained in Usui Reiki and many other healing modalities and alternate therapies. Yvonne is a Healer who specializes in promoting the & Golden Keys to Healing Within and assisting others to live the life of their dreams.

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Can You Tell If Your Reiki Attunement is a Real Attunement?

Before we define what an attunement is not, maybe it is easier to define what an attunement is. A Reiki attunement is a special form of initiation into Reiki at a certain level. During the attunement, the Reiki Master traps the energy into their body and pass it onto the student. This usually involves a form of ceremony or initiation, for example by leading into a meditation or having soft music. The attunement is said to tune the student into the Reiki channel, pretty much like we would tune a radio to a particular frequency.

Then there are Reiki Masters that give attunements over a distance. These range from get-rich-quick schemes over the internet to genuine caring Reiki Masters who believe in what they are doing. So is a distant attunement real? Well, one usually does not get a certificate with distant attunements, the time to practice self-healing and healing others in a supportive environment, in-person after-care in case there is a rare abreaction to an attunement, or guidance on how to incorporate Reiki effectively into the student's life. And whilst there are many genuine Reiki Masters out there who give excellent distant attunements, with most, you may well wonder if the attunement was actually done. After all, the Master may have been reading a book or cutting their nails or cooking instead of doing your attunement! A distant attunement often works and is real, but Reiki training consists of more than just the attunement. A good course or workshop will guide you in using your new-found skill and support your development and growth, whether on a personal or professional level. There may also be legal or association requirements in your country about whether your attunement can be a distant one.

People who have had both usually find the in-person attunement more fulfilling. However, sometimes a student is disappointed by an in-person attunement. Maybe the student and Master do not gel, or perhaps the Master is having an off-day. Some would say that attunements always work. What may happen is that the student is not aware of any change or may be unconsciously blocking the process through their own fear. Reiki is known to only work with you if you let it, so it makes sense that this extends to the attunement process too. Some students feel nothing, others see lights and hear angels, others are transported to a magical place, and some just feel relaxed. Just because a student does not feel the attunement does not mean that it did not happen. Each person will have their own experiences.

Having said that, it is not about what sensations the student feels during or after the attunement itself, but whether they can effectively channel the Reiki afterward that shows whether they have been attuned properly. A complication arises with natural healers, who can channel the energy anyway, so it is not always easy to tell. However, a good and experienced Reiki Master can often tell if the student has been attuned or not. It is the responsibility of the Reiki Master to attune the student correctly. Some systems even allow for mistakes made in the process, with the Reiki Master having to repeat the process to make sure that the attunement takes hold.

As well as the above considerations, how can you tell what is real Reiki that you are supposedly being attuned to and what is not? For example, there are 142 recognized and valid Reiki disciplines in the UK alone. There are new variations on Reiki all the time, so your attunement could well be so far removed from Reiki that is is no longer a Reiki one. It helps to talk to your Reiki Master first and ask them about the attunement process. For example, you may wish to ask them how strict the process is, what variations they use, or if they can give you your lineage tracing back to Mikao Usui.

Like anything else, recommendation is the best way to make sure you get the Reiki attunement you seek. Otherwise, do your homework first. You can go and speak to your Reiki Master, have a treatment from them, and many have a newsletter or regular Reiki shares in-person or over the internet, so you can get to know them better and make an informed decision about your attunement.

© Suzanne Zacharia 2010. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. A virus caught at university at the end of 1986, plus medical negligence, meant that I got smokers lung at a relatively young age. In desperation for help with my symptoms and quality of life, I turned to complementary therapy and am now a complementary therapist, author and trainer, helping others achieve health and happiness. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE book "7 Real Truths of Energy Psychology" at or my free course "5 Days To Change Your Life" at

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Addicted to Reiki Attunements

Some people have a tendency to become addicted to Reiki attunements and I've come across more than several of them in just the past two months. These individuals think if they can get the next level attunement, their life will improve, they will become a more effective practitioner, they'll be better able to address certain conditions, etc. I know fist hand how this is because I used to be addicted to attunements, myself.

When I first got involved with Reiki I felt a need to become attuned to the highest levels of every style I could manage. I thought that the next attunement would make my Reiki more powerful and effective and this lead me on a never ending chase for the next attunement. After receiving 7 attunements to various types of Reiki, I still wasn't satisfied. It was at this point that I realized I had become addicted to attunements and I was looking to them to make me a more effective practitioner...but it wasn't working.

With some inward reflection, I saw that it wasn't more attunements that would make me a better practitioner; it was, instead, clearing away my limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and emotional blocks that would enable me to have clearer access to the Reiki energy. Now, I know that many manuals teach that this is precisely what an attunement does for us and I don't dispute that but after so many attunements over a period of a littler over a year, I still wasn't seeing the changes I was seeking. Therefore, I took it upon myself to actively work with these issues.

I wrote down all the limiting beliefs I knew I had, all the emotional hurt from my past and my fears for the present and future and began working with them. After a couple of months of clearing away these limitations, I found I was better able to help myself, my family and my clients. Finally, I was seeing the results I had wanted for so long. Then probably the most important revelation came...if I had just fully used the Usui Reiki and applied it to the right areas of my life I wouldn't have needed all those other attunements. Though I don't regret the other attunements and I don't regret learning as much as I did, I do realize that it did not help me achieve my ultimate goal. This isn't to say it's a bad idea to branch out and learn something more than what you were originally taught but my opinion is that if your goal is to become a better practitioner (and you've gone as far as you can in a certain style such as Usui), chasing attunements isn't the way to get there. Instead, go inside and find out what is blocking you in your life and use what you already have to help clear it away. Then, when the internal work is done, if you feel a desire to learn more you'll know your decision isn't based merely on an addiction to attunements.

Jason Hundley is an Usui and Karuna Ki Reiki Master Teacher with 3 years of experience practicing and 14 months teaching. To learn Reiki online from Jason, visit []

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4 Free Techniques For Reiki Self Attunement

Reiki is natural healing with energy. Reiki heals by bringing in balance and harmony to those who embrace it. Everything and anything in this world is made up of different energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Because energy can not be destroyed, it remains in its constant state until it is converted.

Free techniques for Reiki self attunement allow one to replace negative energy with positive energy in order heal the mind, body, and soul.

Listed below are the 4 free techniques on how to self attune yourself to Reiki to better understand how simple and effective this energy healing can be.

1. Preparation to self attune yourself to Reiki is important. Meditation starting one week prior to your self attunement session is best. Meditation helps clear and relax the mind and body. It allows us to open up on a more spiritual level. One should also stop smoking and drinking alcohol one day prior to self attunement since these can cause blockage in the body.

2. On the day of self attunement, it is helpful to sit in a meditative position. Try and imagine all negative energies releasing from your body through your crown chakra. Your crown chakra is located at the top of your head. When I do this, sometimes I imagine an angel coming down with a bucket to collect my negative thoughts and energies and rid them from me. (Picturing an action like the angel works best for me.)

3. Mentally repeat to yourself which Reiki level you wish to be attuned. If you wish to start with Reiki Level 1, then repeat this to yourself and meditate on it.

4. Feel the Reiki level that you request enter through your crown chakra and flowing through each and every part of your body. It helps to picture this Reiki level as a white light. Enjoy the meditative feeling you are in for roughly 30 - 45 minutes. Once your whole body clears, you can ground yourself.

There are a lot more different techniques to Reiki self attunement. The above provides a brief lesson for someone interested in self attuning them self to Reiki. A person who embraces these techniques to heal themselves, will think clearer, and find that they have more energy to perform in their daily lives.

If you are interested in becoming a Spiritual Reiki Master through Self Attunement, I would recommend you to consider the information above.

There is much more information that is vital to becoming a Spiritual Reiki Master through Self Attunement, and I would like to share this information with you on my site: This information is important so I recommend you to take a look now!

I am a 31 year old woman who has been practicing Reiki for 5 years. Each day I learn something new. I would like to share my knowledge with people and have them better understand this spiritual art!

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Is Reiki Distance Attunement For You?

Reiki Distance Attunement is a very powerful way to access the power of Energy Healing. No longer only available to those who can find instructors within commuting distance, or those with the money to pay the sometimes outrageous fees, anyone with an internet connection, the desire, and the commitment to invest a little time and a few dollars can start tapping into this infinite power within forty eight hours.

Reiki is a Japanese word that is most commonly translated as "the Universal and Holy, Spiritually Conscious, that energizes and animates all living things.

The practice is a gentle but powerful system of Energy Healing.

No special tools or intelligence or prerequisites are required to be able to do this work. This is because it is not learned in the "Normal" conscious left brain way.

Instead, the ability to work with Reiki is transferred to you by a Master during a Initiation Ceremony.

Not only that, this ceremony does not have to take place when you and the Master are in the same physical location.

Reiki Distance Attunement ceremonies are becoming more and more common with the ever increasing availability of computers and the miracle of the internet.

Which is a wonderful thing, because the more people who have the ability to utilize Energy Healing for their own benefit, as well as the benefit of others, the more peace and health and joy there will be in the world.

Which is a really important, especially in this time when so many are struggling with so much.

Don't you agree?

A note from the author, Cyndi Krupp...

Thank you for taking the time to read my article and please share it if you think it worthwhile. I am passionate about finding ways to inspire, uplift and educate and have just released an ebook, 22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace and Inspiration - which anyone can download for free at

I also invite you to visit me at my website, It is here, each week, that we provide articles, free trainings, free gifts, and videos designed to inspire and educate - body, mind and spirit.

May you live each moment in Joy and Celebration of this Most Magnificent Journey.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Free Reiki Healing

The founder of the Reiki System was Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian minister who was working in Japanese Christian Boys' School in 1922. He had spent much of his time in Reiki healing the sick specially the poor ones. Dr. Usui believed that Reiki is a gift of God so he taught free Reiki healing for those who were willing and who wished to adopt it.

Similar to yoga, Reiki also practice meditation and controlling the human energy. Energy is universal; therefore, we and everything around us are energy whether seen or unseen. A Reiki practitioner can channel energy by laying hands on the person from the energy around himself. The transmission or channeling of energy from the Reiki healer to the person can bring deep relaxation and destroy any blockages of energy, and it is believed that toxins are detoxified, thus after the healing it increases the vitality of the body. If energy is low, the body becomes weak and sick but if the energy is maintained high, the body is active and healthy.

Reiki is mostly used by people who want to achieve relaxation, to reduce or eliminate stress, and to improve overall well-being. The Reiki is also used for other health conditions like cancer, anxiety, depression, fatigue, diabetes, and other more. This system is also helpful for dying people since it can help pass on sense of peace. For people who have weight problems, Reiki can help weight loss and also can do good to change bad habits and addictions.

Free Reiki training and resources are for everyone. Reiki is believed to be a loving gift of God the creator. This is a gift of changing a life and the lives of love ones. Many know that Reike is a powerful healing art. To practice Reiki, the person doesn't need special paranormal powers or forces to be able to heal people or do self-healing. What a person should do is to understand that energy is all in the environment and is just ready to be tapped with the mind.

Free Reiki self-healing can be learned too. Just a simple meditation exercise can restore order of the body whose vital energy has become unbalanced. In this case, the person is responsible for his/her healing. The person just identifies how much energy needs that will be drawn from around him.

Get the most updated information about reiki healing from free reiki resources. You can find best the latest information about reiki when you enroll online.

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Free Reiki Course - How to Become a Reiki Master in 48 Hours

Many people quite often look for free reiki course and lessons, that is perfectly OK, but just before searching blindly not understanding the essence of this healing art and what reiki master is, in this article I will expose some simple and yet effective truth about reiki.

Reiki can be described as natural and simple healing method, allowing any person to take in more life force energy. The system utilizes or optimizes your life force by balancing the energies in your body. This natural energy flows in a very effective and centred format via the hands of the Reiki healer. The healer sets hands on the various chakras, energy channels, there are seven main energy channels, and weighing these centers will take your body back into harmony. After balance is reconditioned the body can begin to heal from within.

Reiki is easily integrated into numerous aspects of your daily life helping you to enjoy the relaxing and healing properties of life force energy. The building blocks is definitely the attunement or process to "initiate" the life energy within yourself.

To be a practitioner or a reiki master, one have to obtain appropriate attunement. This attunement is an integral part of any reiki classes, without attunement, it is only something to read but not applicable.

At the time of an attunement you are given the bond with the energy through the symbols and they are put into use to help you focus. The very first reiki symbol of the three mastered at Level 2 Reiki is the power symbol referred to as "Cho Ku Rei" and it is used to focus the energy and used for protection. The other two are Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha ze Sho Nen. Each symbol represent specific kind of universal energy.

Reiki self attunement or distance attunement made it achievable for someone to become a complete reiki master all at one, without the waiting period, and without different levels. Some masters or sensei under this concept also offering master course in only 48 hours.

Pupils traditionally receive within 3 (three) levels. After completing the level one training, student will can easily perform hands on healing as well as other purposes. On level two they will learn symbols which will enable them to perform distance healing. After completing the level 3, students will become reiki masters, which can carry out lots of the features within level 1 and level two as well as the ability to attune others and pass on this amazing healing method.

Free reiki mini course ia available at

Reiki is the best and easy way for you to get health naturally, especially if you are a Reiki Master. For more information about Reiki go to Reiki Self Attunement.

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Getting Free Reiki Attunements

Free Reiki attunements are given by some Reiki Masters who feel that Reiki should be easily available for anyone who wishes to learn. Reiki, for those who don't know is a form of alternative, spiritual healing from a Japanese Master named Dr Usui. For those who are just beginning their journey of learning Reiki, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki levels 1 - 3 is the best play to start. There are literally hundreds of different "styles" of Reiki attunements and empowerments that have come along since the establishment of Usui Reiki. There is Kundalini Reiki, Seichim Reiki, Money Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Meridian Flush Empowerment, and the Amara Omni Empowerment just to name a few.

Many Reiki Masters upwards to thousands of dollars just for one class and attunement, but many people benefit from receiving distance attunements without having to attend any classes. Many of these distant attunements are offered for free. As I said above, you must start out with Usui Reiki since it was the original and it's what many of the others are based upon.

After you receive your Usui Master attunement, you must make sure you are familiar with all of the original symbols. You can familiarize yourself with them by drawing them on your palms with a marker. Place them over yourself, your pets, or whoever you wish to heal, and visualize a bright light coming from the symbols. This is also a good way to practice healing. The more you familiarize yourself with the symbols and the more you practice, the stronger your healing abilities will become.

You may then begin studying about other systems of Reiki and empowerments. There are many systems to choose from for your specific interests and needs. For those interested in healing their finances and money problems, there is Money Reiki, Allowing Abundance Attunement, Abundance - Prosperity Empowerment, and Attraction Reiki. For those interested in healing with angels, there are many forms of Angelic Healing. There are many Goddess Empowerments for those interested in Paganism. Fortuna Luck Ray, Quan Yin Ascension, and Ancient Isis Blue Moon just to name a few. There are also plenty of attunements and empowerments based on Eastern Philosophy as well. No matter what areas you feel you need improvement on, be they physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or financial, Reiki can help. Please keep in mind though that Reiki (or any form of alternative healing) should never be used to replace real medical help. It can be used in addition to medical help.

If you're interested in learning Reiki but don't have the thousands of dollars to take a class, you can give free distance attunements a try requesting help from Reiki Masters who offer their services over the web. Many people feel that distance attunements are just as effective. The healing energies of Reiki go beyond what we know of "space" and "time". The energies are always out there for all who wish to learn and practice.

Free reiki attunements

M. Deskins is an experienced Reiki Master who offers free attunements and healing sessions. She is an author who has had material published in many New Age publications and Ezines.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reiki Burning Bowl Ceremony

Are you going through a tough time? Perhaps nothings seems to be going right? Can you pin point things that are going on in your life that no longer serve you? We all get tangled up in life from time to time. Through a process called the "burning bowl ceremony" you can unload the burdens that have been keeping you from going where you want to be.

The burning bowl ceremony can involve using reiki to release old habits and make room for new beginnings. Reiki `guides' participate by whispering in your ear inviting you to grow and offer their help in this process. The reiki burning bowl ceremony is a fire ceremony designed to help us become clear of our intentions and help us to listen to ourselves and guides, and bring in the new intentions to help us accomplish our goals.

The burning bowl ceremony is used in many traditions. The idea is to write down a negative condition that you would like to see, released from your life. Keep this part short and to the point, you don't want to ramble on. The paper is then burned in the bowl. Next a second paper is burned with your new intentions for your life.

Your ceremony can be held indoors or outside, thinking safety at all times. If you don't have an open fire pit, just set a candle in a fireproof bowl with sand around it to keep it upright. Light the candle. Prepare just as you would if you were giving a healing session. Use symbols, if you have them, and set your intention. Say your invocation to invite your guides to the ceremony. Take time to be still and connect to your heart and write down on the paper that which you would like to release. Then burn the paper watching as it turns into ashes and sends smoke upward. Now do the same with your new intentions. Close the ceremony just as you would close a session with a client. Thank your guides and say a prayer, using the power symbol. Clear your bowl of unwanted energy, and remember to take care of your bowl as it is an important healing tool.

The burning bowl ceremony can be done as often as needed. The beginning of each season is a good time to renew this ritual. Know that the Universe hears you clearly and answers. Regularly give attention to your dreams; create and manifest your life with joy.

I work with healing energy and teach different kinds of healing modalities such as Reiki, Quantum Touch®, essential oils, sound healing and the metaphysical properties of stones. My blog is filled with alternative healing methods and ideas to help us all live an emotional, spiritual and physically healthier life at Watch for my forthcoming book on alternative ways to Tweak Your Health.

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Enhancing Reiki Healing Through Reiki Crystal Healing

The combining of Reiki and Crystal healing produces a very powerful and amazing healing experience. Reiki which describes as the 'universal life force energy', is an ancient Japanese method of natural healing and self-improvement that uses laying of hands on a person who desires to be cured to give the experience of well-being, loving happiness as well as the gently balance life force energy. As a simple healing system, Reiki healing is perfect for relaxation, reduction of stress and promoting the fullness of Body, Mind and Spirit.

Reiki training is broken up into three levels and each level is concentrating on various aspects of practice. Once learned, a person will have this skill for life and can use this restoring energy to encourage equality and peace on all levels human existence. Reiki emotional healing re-activates the natural strength of your body, brings you back into balance emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually and puts your body in the perfect condition to help heal on its own.

Reiki is strong enough to offer whatever is needed for your health but, it can also be enhanced. Combining Reiki and crystal healing will release a power that is potentially more powerful as both their flow of energies are enhanced.

Reiki spiritual healing will absolutely work for the greatest good of any of its recipient as it is enlightened by an endless wisdom of the world. Reiki healing comes by the channeling of positive energies that make the practitioner openly receive whatever energy the universe is sending forth. In Reiki Crystal Healing this obliges the one to be a more open channel and to possess a clearer knowledge of spiritual healing.

Crystal healing is a highly respected practice and is a healing modality that has been used since time began all over the world. Each healing crystal has different healing properities and have been known to heal a wide variety of ailments and conditions.

Promoting balance through the chakras is one of the main advantages of Reiki Spiritual Healing as Reiki and as the crystal. Reiki crystal healing will surely help the balance of energy as it is able to rush the process of healing.

The more knowledge you know about the crystal and how you can combine it with Reiki, the greater the chances of giving you an enhanced form of spiritual healing and one that will surely have higher level in all aspects.

Yvonne Handford is an Author, Speaker, Soul Healing Coach, Psychic and Healing Master trained in Usui Reiki and many other healing modalities and alternate therapies. Yvonne is a Healer who specializes in promoting the "Golden Keys" to Healing Within and assisting others to live the life of their dreams.

To learn more about the healing arts visit or

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Reiki - History, Disciplines, and Attunements

Reiki is made up of two parts -- the Rei and the ki. The first part means "spirit" and the ki is the same as chi or "energy". Reiki is also known as universal life energy. Reiki is a method of healing and a way of life. The spiritual growth aspect of Reiki is at least as important as the laying-on of hands aspect. Reiki as in the laying-on of hands energy can be felt where the healer's hands are or somewhere else. For example, the healer's hands could be at the head and the healee may feel it at their feet. Reiki can be felt in many different manifestations. It can be felt as hot or cold, wave-like, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not felt at all.

Reiki as we know it has been founded by Mikao Usui, respectfully called Usui Sensei or Dr Usui. He lived in Japan, from 1865 to 1926. Stories abound about Usui. It is said that he was the dean of a theosophical university in Japan, a Buddhist, a Christian, a Monk, and many other descriptions. What everyone does seem to agree on is that Usui learned from ancient texts and then meditated on top of a mountain for 21 days, where he somehow received the gift of healing. Some say this was due to getting struck by lightening on the 21st day.

Usui founded a Reiki clinic in Japan and passed on the Reiki to others, by means of empowerments (a way of passing the gift), and teaching. One of those whom Usui taught was Chujiro Hayashi. In the early 1930's, Hawayo Takata, from Hawaii, traveled to Japan and was cured of a tumor and other ailments at the Reiki clinic. Naturally, upon discovering such a method, one would want to go out and heal the world! Chujiro Hayashi trained her, and she is the source of much of the Reiki practised in the West today. There are about 142 different disciplines of Reiki. And more than 142 different egos! However, all Reiki is Reiki. Only one discipline of Reiki is needed for a healer to flourish with it. After the attunement process, the healer grows and develops their gift by practising Reiki both as a healing and as a way of life.

Attunements can only be performed by a Reiki Master or Reiki Master-Teacher. The attunement process is a way of passing on the empowerments in a quick burst of energy. An attunement is also called an initiation. The Reiki attunements are what differentiates Reiki from other forms of energy or hands-on healing. An attunement tunes the student to the Reiki channel, kind of like a radio being tuned to a particular channel. They will then be able to channel Reiki for life. Even if a person attuned to Reiki leaves the actual practice of Reiki, they never lose the ability to get back in touch with Reiki, and they can re-connect with it again when they wish. Each level of Reiki study has its relevant attunements. There are usually three levels, although this differs from one discipline to another.

If you are thinking of taking a Reiki course or workshop, it is advisable that you do so in-person and that you choose a Reiki Master that you feel comfortable with. Find out if they give after-care support and Reiki shares, where you can practise, grow, and develop. You may wish to have a treatment first too, to make sure that the Reiki Master is right for you, as well as to experience how Reiki feels. Enjoy your learning and healing journey!

© Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about ways to improve your health, happiness, success, and lifestyle. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE book "7 Real Truths of Energy Psychology" at or my free course "5 Days To Change Your Life" at

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What My Four Reiki Masters Have Taught Me

Reiki found me one day. And since that day, I was propelled onto an amazing ride on my healing journey. I was fortunate to have had input from four very special Reiki Masters along the way. Something happened with each course I attended. I was given deep wisdom along with amazing attunements. I was given amazing healings by gurus in their field, healings that changed the way I look at things and how I felt about life. I was also given advice about how to flow with the energy, emotionally, commercially, physically, and spiritually.

My first Reiki Master played a big role in my life. She helped shape my then jaded, bitter, and angry self into a more accepting, less judgemental, calmer person.

My second Reiki Master was much nearer the new home I had moved into, and so I chose her for my Reiki 2. She too had a big influence on me. I built my business partly on her business model, and she was a great inspiration to me.

After completing my Reiki attunements to Reiki Masters, I went on to receive further attunements and courses in what was then called the Tera-Mai healing system, which incorporated Reiki and other modalities. I took Sakara and Cahokia. One was from the head of the Seichem Reiki Association in the UK, and the other was from the founder of the Tera-Mai system. In each, I have received further refinements and wisdom. In the former, I was taught the power of intuition and how I can make a big difference using intuition. In the latter, I learned how I could not, as a healee, hide anything from an experienced intuitive healer, because they could read my energy and the story it told. I also learned that this was OK, and to let go of needing to be in control all the time.

These four Reiki Masters have each taught me something unique and invaluable. I now try my best to impart these four Masters' wisdom on my own pupils. I am truly blessed to have been given this rich knowledge and unconditional healing energy.

If you are looking for a Reiki Master to do a Reiki course, speak to a few over the phone, have a chat and get a feel for who you get on with best. Go with your intuition, and see how you feel. And I sincerely hope you enjoy your learning and healing journey as much as I have.

© Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about ways to improve your health, happiness, success, and lifestyle. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE book "7 Real Truths of Energy Psychology" at or my free course "5 Days To Change Your Life" at

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Walking The Long Path - The Art of Genuine Reiki Practice

Throughout humankind's history of healing therapies, such as Theraputic Touch, and their often attendant Eastern mystical practices, such as reiki, charismatic individuals have contributed to the path of healers' development.

Mikao Usui wrote a manual of his teachings on reiki in 1920. In April of 1922, he opened his first "Seat of Learning" in Harajuku, Tokyo. His teachings inspired the senior population, who experienced this learning as a return to the older "spiritual practices."

Reiki is a healing art evolved from Eastern visions of what our universe is and how it functions. Today,in the West, we grow master teachers, who, like their patients and students, have rushed up the ranks through an "instant" reiki system of weekend seminars, offering little, if any, foundation in Eastern thinking, and who are continuing to churn the master-making machinery.

Is reiki a valid complementary healing modality? Yes. Are there honest, serious master teachers? Yes. However, qualified reiki masters are rare, and the responsibility of learning to navigate the legitimate reiki path belongs to the student.

I believe that background knowledge in Eastern disciplines and concepts is a prerequisite for both a genuine master teacher and for serious students who wish to achieve a deep, committed reiki practice. The truly qualified master teachers have accomplished a change in their world view that is all encompassing, and a student using a solid background in Eastern philosophical and spiritual views is more likely to recognize this quality in a prospective master teacher.

Attaining a stage of authentic personal change in any Eastern discipline along The Path demands that a seeker prepare for a five to ten year journey of intense intellectual study, and another five to ten years of actual practice: in all, approximately twenty years of mental, emotional, and spiritual practice precedes an actual change in awareness - and changing one's awareness, the perspectives that guide one's life, is the first step along The Path.

Eastern traditions:

Because a strong historical case can be made that modern reiki is a rediscovery by Mikao Usui Sensei of an ancient Tibetan practice known as Medicine Buddha, I will sketch a few Medicine Buddha basics, seeking a credible foundation, from an Eastern viewpoint, speaking to contemporary reiki practice.

Tibetan medicine is rooted in India's Buddhist system, taught as early as the sixth century BCE. From the Buddhist mind-set, physical disease is a dynamic, energetic manifestation of mental, social, and spiritual disorder.

Buddhism is a directed contemplative or meditation practice on the universal level of "correct living" and involves tapping into mental, social, and spiritual healing energy as it peels away layers hidden behind the diseased physical manifestation. Essentially, these are the identical attitudes taught in today's genuine reiki practice.

Within this Indian Buddhist foundation, the Tibetans broadened their healing practices adding various treatments and medications. The Tibetan Buddhists created a healing system, called Medicine Buddha: respecting spiritual contemplation, meditation, intuitive mystical healing methods - including hands-on energy manipulation - all coalescing as a healing system based on the Buddhist precepts of "right perception" and "right action", and of health being a harmonious balance between humankind's integral relationship connecting our physical, mental, spiritual, and natural worlds as various manifestations of one energy or life force. The intent of Medicine Buddha practice is to manifest one's natural energeticpotential.

Healing through the Medicine Buddha takes place via a series of empowerments designed to awaken the innate healing energy that lies within. Practicing the Medicine Buddha meditation, and receiving empowerments from a qualified Buddhist meditation master, go hand in hand for both the healer and patient. In modern reiki, the reiki master imparts empowerment to the patient or student or fellow healer in levels called "attunements." Attunements open the subject to their innate energy potential in stages.

Barely scratching the surface then, we have sketched a case for the historical development of today's reiki by visiting the sixth century Buddhist teachings of the Tibetan Medicine Buddha:

1. Medicine Buddha involves a laying-on of hands similar to Reiki.

2. The ability to perform Medicine Buddha healing is transmitted to the student through an empowerment given by the teacher, similar to a reiki attunement.

3. The views and attitudes of Medicine Buddha practice closely parallel the system now known asreiki.

A Twenty-year, three-day seminar:

Reiki is composed of two Japanese characters. The top character, "rei," is defined as "spirit." The bottom character "ki," is defined as "energy." It is fair to say that the term "reiki" means "spirit energy" or "life force." However, if I contemplate these words in the Western sense, I cannot grasp their true meanings. It is imperative for the Western student of reiki to understand that they are embarking on a journey to a place in our comprehension where we come into direct contact with, and are changed by, the dynamics of language.

Learning to use everyday Western terms in an Eastern sense, to conceptualize in a "reiki" style, is key to understanding how reiki healing succeeds. Without this knowledge of the difference between Eastern and Western concepts of energy or life force, we can be given the tools of the energy healing profession but will not possess the ability to take instruction on utilizing them; the nomenclature, esoteric symbols, meditation instruction, and information coming to us through meditation practice will be misinterpreted.

After our three-day reiki seminar, we will frame our certificates and open our notebooks. But we will encounter symbols and meditation instructions through our Western conceptions of what the Eastern symbols and instructions are offering us. The symbols, mantras, and instructions are meant to communicate aspects of life force energy in the reiki sense, in the Eastern sense - but we have no idea what that means!


A Few Words About Reiki's Founder:

Two versions of Mikao Usui's life, and his discovery and development of the system known today as Usui reiki, are running the race of legend. The earlier story is a popular mystical version originally espoused in the West by Mrs. Hawayo Takata, and further popularized by Mr. William Lee Rand in his book, Reiki; The Healing Touch.

The recent version, without the bells and whistles of mystical visions, is far less colorful. It is gleaned from information made available by Mikao Usui's actual descendents who are alive and well, and working today in Japan. Confirmation of this less popular version comes from Tatsumi Sensei, a student of Chujirou Hayashi, one of Usui's personally trained masters. Tatsumi Sensei passed away in 1996, at over ninety years old. Mikao Usui's story - according to Tatsumi Sensei - runs thus:

Mikao Usui was born on August 15, 1865 to a highly spiritual, Tendai Buddhist family of the Samurai class in Kyoto. Young Mikao Usui showed himself to be a serious and fierce student rising into the robes of a Tendai Buddhist Monk. He studied with and attended many spiritual groups, and on numerous occasions he endured grueling twenty-one day "Lotus Repentance Meditations." He performed this meditation once on Mount Kurama, where it is said he experienced a mystical vision while standing under a waterfall and received the esoteric reiki symbols and teachings. However, this mystical vision legend is not borne out, because the meditation session in question actually occurred late in his life, long after he started teaching his healing system that came to be known as Usui reiki.

Mikao Usui embodied the traditions of the Samurai class. As described by one of his students: "He was physically big, quiet in manner, and extremely powerful. Mikao Usui did not suffer fools willingly and became quite abrasive at times. He often grew righteously angry and impatient, particularly with people who wanted results but were not prepared to work for them."

Although he did not have a title for his teachings, he referred to them as a, "...method to achieve personal perfection." The term "reiki" seems to have been introduced by Usui's student, Chujirou Hayashi, Reiki Master. The title used by Usui's original students was and still is, Usui Teate (Usui Hand Touch) or "Usui Hand Healing." The title, reiki, is unknown by Usui's students.

Mikao Usui Sensei died from a stroke in Hiroshima in 1826. The famous reiki healing hand positions were recorded on paper just before Usui died, by Chujiro Hayashi. Today, an impressive monument to Usui Sensei stands in Tokyo.

Since his death in 1826, there have been five successors in Usui Shiki Ryoho Gakkai in Japan. The current successor is Ms. Kimiko Koyama. Not until 1980 was reiki popularized in the West.

"The secret art of inviting happiness,

The miraculous medicine of all diseases,

Just for today, do not be angry,

Do not worry and be filled with gratitude,

Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people,

Every morning and evening join your hands in prayer,

Pray these words to your heart,

And chant these word with your mouth,

Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind."

Mikao Usui Sensei


How do Western students of Eastern thought begin to fathom our familiar language in a new and unfamiliar way? The answer lies in the question; we begin understanding as "beginners." We learn to see the world as if looking at it for the first time. To heal using energy, one must grasp energy intuitively. My first yogic teacher, Eden Ahbez, taught that the world's true path to healing is revealed through nature. The historical Buddha, Gotama, also understood this truth. One day he was asked the meaning of his great teaching. He answered by holding up a flower.

The reiki student sees a flower; the reiki healer also sees the flower, however, the reiki healer sees the entire universe in a single flower. The genuine reiki healer grasps one universal energy through a long-practiced, wholistic vision. If we wish to think in an Eastern sense, we would not call the flower a flower. We must perceive its true energy and think, "moon, sun, rain, cold, warmth, light, photons, soil,worm castings, nutrients, cells, molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, and neutrons - and we can take this list back to the moment preceding the Big Bang, if we so desire, because one who understands energy knows that the flower was never planted on the earth. It grows out of the earth, all that is the earth. The earth is not only an orbiting planet, but also a dynamic, integral piece of the universe; which universe is born of infinity. Since there is no word that can describe infinity, the answer to "What do you call a flower?" is simply that you do not!

Gotama Buddha's student, Ananda, looked at the flower in silence, and not a word passed between them. Although, being pragmatic, understanding that words are here to stay and we will continue using them, in the East one might say, "A flower is not a flower, then again, it is a flower." This is also a reminder that the genuine reiki healer lives simultaneously in two worlds, the esoteric and exoteric, the mystical and mundane, the metaphysical and physical; and the truth of each world is to be found in the midst of the other.

Energy is a single quality offering itself through innumerable variations on a dynamic theme: one energy, many manifestations! Thus, we embark on the journey of seeing energy through fresh, wholistic eyes, beginner's eyes.V

Energy is one and many. Energy is whole, and this means we are an expression of energy, and not only our physical bodies, but our mental and emotional selves - these also are referred to as energy bodies. Remember, one energy, many manifestations. When reiki healers offer healing, they heal the whole individual. Many times, this extends to the individual's outer environment: family, friends, the workplace, living space, etc. We are whole as the flower is whole; while its roots touch the earth, its petals touch the sky.

Saying that energy is dynamic, means that energy is potential. If energy is potential - a dynamic force - what direction is it moving in? As expressions of energy, how can we hope to heal ourselves if we have no notion of where we have been, how we arrived at this time and place, or where we are going?

When a reiki master feels energy, the master senses a direction. From the seed to the flower, the flower to the field, the field to the forest, and beyond to infinity - energy moves from the simple to the complex. Arleta Soares, Reiki Master, of the Usui and Karuna systems, and a healer of deep insight and considerable power, teaches that healing with reiki is a peeling of the onion from the obvious manifestation of the disease to the multiple levels and often complex roots of that disease. Reiki heals in the same direction that energy moves, from the simple to the complex. Reiki heals using energy as energy uses itself, as an expression of the whole.

In the Western sense, Albert Einstein defined energy as mass times the speed of light, squared. This is not a wrong understanding. It's brilliant! However, it is, by reiki standards, incomplete; it is only a physical measurement. In reiki, we accept this physical measurement, yet we learn to intuit a broader measurement - one that changes the meaning of "energy," "potential," and "life force." Einstein, when questioned about his work in physics, showed his spiritual intuition developed during a lifetime of contemplating energy. He answered, "I am only chasing God's footprints, trying to understand how God works."

In the Eastern sense, when we speak of "seeing energy," we speak of using the physical flower to see beyond the boundaries of that flower's obvious presence. This is transcendental vision. To see beyond the physical is to see the metaphysical. If reiki healers are to accomplish their work wholistically and with direction, in accordance with the manner in which energy works, they must meld a basic Western understanding of the physical universe with an Eastern understanding of the metaphysical. The genuine reiki healer perceives our universe in transcendental terms.

How does one describe the metaphysical and transcendental universe? Reiki, having its roots in Buddhism, would say the universe is "empty." This point is critical. If each element - including the human element - in the universe grows from all that the universe was, is, or will become, then each element is a part of every other element, and the universe uses itself to transcend itself - one energy, many manifestations!

If each element is a part of every other element, then the universe is empty of "thingness," of "selfness;" nothing (no-thing) exists in the universe, however, simultaneously, everything exists, and exists as the universe; a flower is not a flower, then again, it is a flower. It is important to understand on the deepest level that a reiki healer never works on a patient, but always works on the universe, then again, a reiki healer works on a patient.

Healing the universe is not a small responsibility, and this article or a three-day seminar can only disseminate knowledge; it can't teach wisdom or compassion. Our three-day seminar will not create a change in awareness, unless we have practiced the years of work that precede that moment of change.

The students' path to healing wisdom:

On The Path, a student seeks her teacher. However, the responsibility of accomplishing the groundwork lies with the student. The work we speak of is meditation, and while one usually begins with a period devoted to experimenting with various meditation styles in order to learn the technique of directed contemplation(this period often taking years), the meditation style we are concerned about here is reiki.

Reiki meditation utilizes a system of esoteric archetypal symbols as graphic visuals, and mantras,which are spoken sounds.

Earlier, we arrived at a point of understanding that the genuine reiki healer uses their practiced, intuitive

sense of energy's natural, universal characteristics to heal the universe. Any conscious actions - including healing actions - begin with awareness. One must be aware of a disturbance in the patient's energy field, in the universal energy field, in order to open the patient to healing. To heal the universe, one must practice universal awareness. Again, the genuine reiki healer learns and then practices. Learning what defines universal awareness and practicing it is referred to as meditation.

We already know a good-sized chunk about the universe: that it is essentially empty; that nothing (nothing, including our selves) exists in the universe, yet all things exist as the universe. Therefore, you and I are the universe. When we observe the universe, we are the universe observing itself, being aware of itself. If our bodies exist, and we are the universe, we are also our bodies. Our bodies are flesh and spirit aspects of the universe in space and time. Here comes the physical-metaphysical pitch; the universe is dynamic, energetic, aware, and being transcendental, it possesses the potential to map itself in aspects: energy creating itself in a fashion that enables it to evolve and be aware of its evolution. This is what we mean when we say, "We are not born into the universe, we are born out of it!" The universe uses itself to create itself, and this is what we mean when we say, "The universe is transcendental."

You and I can't be expected to heal others and ourselves without understanding where we came from, how we arrived, or where we are going. Now, we know the direction of our journey, and we must practice.

When we act, when we incorporate symbols and ritual in our lives, the universe is in the process of mapping itself. To the extent that our aspects perform this activity consciously, we become aware of, and awaken to the universal map.

Meditating through the use of esoteric symbols and mantras is the process of discovering and practicing universal awareness. Like the words on this page, symbols aid us in reading and conceptualizing the universe. As our awareness grows, so the universe grows; meditation is transcendental in nature; the universe uses itself to transcend itself.

Symbols and mantras, like the rest of the universe, are energy forms, and they work because being aware of them they are able to communicate: their energy to our energy - one energy. When this conscious, aware, communication takes place, the symbols become the universe's way of perceiving itself. Knowing that, in the Western sense, energy follows conscious thought, and in the Eastern sense, energy is conscious thought, helps us to understand the parts that "thought and intention" play in healing.

If a patient is in the room with us, we can have a hands-on reiki session. However, because thought is energy - and as genuine reiki healers we have long practiced directed contemplation - we may heal through space and time, and reiki often is used in distance healing. This is an important physical-metaphysical point to grasp; because energy is one and whole, space and time do not exist inreiki healing.

The spirit worlds:

Arriving at an Eastern understanding of energy, our universal bodies, thought, and universal awareness, it is time to mention the unmentionable - an important point concerning healing style versus culture: the Medicine Buddha practice was not only mystical in its intuitive style, but also metaphysical in its appeal to The Four Devas, or what today we call the spirit guides. Consulting with spirit guides is the unmentionable element in the reiki healer's medicine bag. It is often used in secret.

Keeping this part of reiki healing subdued is largely a cultural demand. Were I a Native American Indian speaking of having completed a vision quest and finding my spirit guides, I would be a popular person amongst my peers, within my culture. However, being of Eastern European ethnicity, with flesh the color of day-old oatmeal, if I mention speaking to the spirit guides, many in my culture may ridicule my healing art and myself.

Our mainstream culture is focused through conventional science on that aspect of the world which can be measured in a laboratory, largely ignoring metaphysical perceptions measured by intuitive knowing and trusted through faith in the transcendent. We are taught six days a week to live by the table of weights and measures, and the table of periodic elements. The seventh day is reserved for broadening one's faith in the unseen and unmeasured - which for most of us includes God, and may also include Christ, saints, and perhaps angels. Spirit guides are an historical part of the reiki tradition beginning with the Medicine Buddha.

Speaking within this tradition, Lama Zopa Rinpoche said, "...You will receive much support, not only from the Eight Gone to Bliss Ones but from the four clairvoyant devas. These devas help you diagnose and understand the right method to heal..."

With a slight twist, Thrangu Rinpoche said, "In the vajrayana tradition, we regard the blessing and the power and the qualities of the deities as being innate, as being within one's own mind."

After a period of time practicing meditation and learning to read and interpret the universal energy map, many reiki healers discover their psychic abilities, the ability to be aware of subtle forms of energy, to become expert map-readers. The reiki healer uses all energy, and will use whatever the universe offers to heal a person, including spirit guides.

Observing this practice through Western eyes, we cannot validate using spirit guides, because in the west our science, healing, and medicine have become laboratory measuring skills, with only rare acknowledgment of the intuitive arts of healing.

However, if we fully engage in the practice, rather than observing from the sidelines, we soon leave behind our laboratories and find ourselves measuring and validating through a functional point of view; if it intuitively feels right and works, use it.

Transformations through reiki practice:

As our meditation deepens, our universal perspectives change. One's life takes on a different panorama, and the genuine reiki practitioner finds his ethics naturally changing. Ethics evolve into a set of rules through which the healer may express compassion, and life becomes a meditation on compassion. Compassion is knowledge melded to wisdom, and it develops at its own pace. It cannot be forced, and must not be confused with kindness. True compassion is kind when it can afford to be, and harsh when the occasion calls for such action, because true compassion seeks to heal. Compassion is an awareness practice.

Reiki is a healing modality expressive of the highest quality that the universe offers - unity. The reiki healing session is a wave running through our space-time continuum that integrates patient, disease, healer, and method: all being equally responsible and actively striving together towards an improved quality of life. The entire event occurs within a framework of consciously recognizable, equalized ownership. The buck may not be passed - no one party or element is credited for the healing; reiki is humble. Like all science, medicine, and healing modalities East and West, reiki is not a panacea. It is first, the study of a learned practice which is always in progress; next a complementary therapy; and always, the art of genuine reiki is a journey on the eternal path.


(My energy and your energy, honored as one energy.)


Reiki Fire: New Information About the Origin of the Reiki Power: A Complete Method ; Frank A. Petter ; Paperback ; Lotus Light Publications ; 1997.

Reiki: Universal Life Energy ; Bodo J. Baginski and Shalila Sharamon ; Paperback ; LifeRhythm ; 1988.

Reiki: Hawayo Takata's Story ; Helen J. Haberly ; Archedigm Publications ; 1990.

Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art ; Diane Stein ; The Crossing Press Inc.; 1995.

A Complete Book of Reiki Healing : Heal Yourself, Others, and the World Around You ; Brigitte Muller,Horst H. Gunther ; Liferhythm ; 1995.

Reiki Energy Medicine : Bringing the Healing Touch into Home, Hospital and Hospice ; Libby Barnett,Maggie Chambers, Susan Davidson ;Paperback ; Healing Arts Press ; 1996.

Living Reiki: Takata's Teachings ; Fran Brown ; LifeRhythm ; 1992.

Reiki : A Torch in Daylight ; Karyn K. Mitchell ; Paperback ; Mind Rivers ; 1994.

Reiki: The Healing Touch ; William Lee Rand ; Vision Publications ; 1991.

Abundance Through Reiki ; Paula Horan ; Lotus Light Publications ; 1995.

The Reiki Handbook ; Larry Arnold and Sandi Nevius ; PSI Press ; 1982.

The Challenge to Teach Reiki ; A. J. Mackenzie Clay ; New Dimensions ; 1992.

One Step Forward for Reiki ; A. J. Mackenzie Clay ; New Dimensions ; 1992.

Reiki: The Usui System of Natural Healing ; Paul David Mitchell ; The Reiki Alliance ; 1985.

The Reiki Factor: A Guide to Natural Healing, Helping and Wholeness ; Dr. Barbara Weber Ray ; Expositions Press ; 1982.

Reiki and Other Rays of Touch Healing ; Kathleen Milner Paperback ; Kathleen Milner ; 1994.

Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field and Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing ; Barbara Ann Brennan ; Bantam Books ; 1993.

The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha ; E. A. Burtt ; Mentor Books ; 1955.

The Double Mirror: A Skeptical Journey into Buddhist Tantra ; Stephen Butterfield ; Berkeley: North Atlantic Books ; 1994.

Meditation in Action ; Chogyam Trungpa ; Berkeley: Shambhala Publications, Inc. ; 1969.

Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior ; Chogyam Trungpa, ed. by Carolyn Rose Gimian. Boulder ; Shambhala Publ., Inc.; 1984.

Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for the Western World ; Lama Surya Das ; Broadway Books ; 1997.

Thunder and Ocean ; David Swick ; Pottersfield Press; 1996.


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Karuna Reiki

The word Karuna is a Sanskrit word that means Compassion. Reiki as an art for healing is used to take away suffering and illness of others and is thus said to be 'the Path of Karuna' and thus also 'the Path of Compassion'. Reiki is a spiritual path that is without denomination of race, religion, caste or creed and acknowledges all beings as equals without any distinctions and therefore it is a path that welcomes each one of us with Love and Compassion.

It extends the need to share the wounds and heal these wounds and remove the sorrow of each and every one alike and do unto others just as you would unto yourself. When compassion comes together with prayer and wisdom it is a very powerful tool to bring about healing and this is the teaching of the Buddha. Karuna is the life force behind all the beings on this Earth who work with higher spiritual beings and the path of the Light Workers who continue to send unending healing Reiki energy into the world in order to end the suffering and strife in this world. Developing Karuna or Compassion within yourself opens you up to this positive energy sent by the enlightened beings but also speeds up healing and helps the individual to become yet more compassionate and loving. This is the power of Karuna and this is the energy that is channeled and directed by Karuna Reiki that is said to not only flow from you but heals both the practitioner and the patient by encompassing both the giver and receiver of Karuna.

This new branch of Reiki was started by William Lee Rand in around 1989 who received certain non-Usui Reiki symbols and some attunement techniques by his Reiki guides and he was guided to develop this system of Reiki called Karuna Reiki fully by 1995. He developed the attunement processes and worked with other Reiki practitioners worldwide to develop some of the symbols that are used for Karuna Reiki and have since been adopted by other systems of Reiki too. There are 8 additional symbols in Karuna Reiki which are used for intense healing work. It is imperative that Karuna Reiki is only offered to Usui Reiki Masters as William claims that it is not a substitute for Usui Reiki but is an additional technique that is a step up from it.

However it is important to note that Karuna Reiki is not to be confused with a similar sounding system called the Karuna Ki Reiki, this system is a more advanced system that is only available to Usui Masters and is developed Vincent Amador. It is very similar to Karuna Reiki in terms of using the same symbols of Karuna Reiki and its offshoot Tera Mai Reiki started by Kathleen it also uses some additional unique symbols, mudras and meditations and different attunement processes.

Karuna Reiki is a rewarding form of Reiki that brings balance, peace and harmony to all who have compassion in their hearts and embodies a more wholesome form of healing to Reiki.

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Reiki - Heal With Love

You may be feeling "blue" and sad or even be suffering from clinical depression. You may have physical health issues. You may feel thwarted emotionally and like nothing ever goes right for you in relationships or friendships. These obstacles in the path to our happiness are not set in stone. They can be overcome or lessened in many ways and one of those ways - a very easy and non-invasive way - is with Reiki.

Many people will have heard of Reiki and its many variants such as Karuna(R) Reiki, Lightarian Reiki and so on. Reiki is a healing energy and it works to clear and balance your energy field (or aura) so that issues such as those listed above pass from your aura and your life. Blockages in your aura can manifest as illness, unhappiness and disease but they most definitely can be removed so that you can lead a life of contentment, harmony and peace.

There are two ways to work with Reiki - you can visit a Reiki Practitioner or Master or you can learn to give yourself Reiki. The benefits of doing it yourself are many. It is very affordable to give yourself a daily healing, you decide how fast you progress by deciding how often you work with the energy, and it is easy and simple to do. Working with an external healer may suit you better and it may be that the healer is particularly experienced or proficient and can help heal you where it would be difficult or prolonged for you to do so.

Once you are connected or Attuned to the energy by a teacher, and depending on the variant of Reiki you have chosen to work with, it is a simple matter of using symbols to activate the energy and then placing your hands on various energy centres or chakras of the body. Another valid way of working with Reiki - and it is one that Dr Mikao Usui himself used - is simply to place your hands on the recipient's shoulders and just let the energy flow. Reiki will go where it is needed, it does not need to be directed by the healer necessarily.

The different variants - or "flavours" - of Reiki offer different benefits and it is worth spending some time exploring them to discover which one suits you and your needs best. It is usual to Attune to the original system of Usui Reiki first - there are three levels and a Master/Teacher level to progress through. Beyond that are the other systems of Reiki and they are entirely optional - you will be able to heal with Level 1 of the Usui system, it just depends how far you want to take it.

When we heal with Reiki, we are only ever a channel or conduit for the Reiki energy. It is the Reiki that heals, not us. Thus a healing session is safe, gentle yet powerful and even enjoyable. Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy and that is what it is. It comes to us from Source and is quite simply this - Universal love, the stuff of the universe. When we heal with Reiki, we heal with love - the most healing force in existence. Reiki is love and love heals.

Leesa trades under the name of feathers of an angel. She is devoted to offering Spiritual services, resources, healing and Tarot - either in person or over distance - to all those interested in progressing Spiritually.

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