Sunday, October 16, 2011

Getting Free Reiki Attunements

Free Reiki attunements are given by some Reiki Masters who feel that Reiki should be easily available for anyone who wishes to learn. Reiki, for those who don't know is a form of alternative, spiritual healing from a Japanese Master named Dr Usui. For those who are just beginning their journey of learning Reiki, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki levels 1 - 3 is the best play to start. There are literally hundreds of different "styles" of Reiki attunements and empowerments that have come along since the establishment of Usui Reiki. There is Kundalini Reiki, Seichim Reiki, Money Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Meridian Flush Empowerment, and the Amara Omni Empowerment just to name a few.

Many Reiki Masters upwards to thousands of dollars just for one class and attunement, but many people benefit from receiving distance attunements without having to attend any classes. Many of these distant attunements are offered for free. As I said above, you must start out with Usui Reiki since it was the original and it's what many of the others are based upon.

After you receive your Usui Master attunement, you must make sure you are familiar with all of the original symbols. You can familiarize yourself with them by drawing them on your palms with a marker. Place them over yourself, your pets, or whoever you wish to heal, and visualize a bright light coming from the symbols. This is also a good way to practice healing. The more you familiarize yourself with the symbols and the more you practice, the stronger your healing abilities will become.

You may then begin studying about other systems of Reiki and empowerments. There are many systems to choose from for your specific interests and needs. For those interested in healing their finances and money problems, there is Money Reiki, Allowing Abundance Attunement, Abundance - Prosperity Empowerment, and Attraction Reiki. For those interested in healing with angels, there are many forms of Angelic Healing. There are many Goddess Empowerments for those interested in Paganism. Fortuna Luck Ray, Quan Yin Ascension, and Ancient Isis Blue Moon just to name a few. There are also plenty of attunements and empowerments based on Eastern Philosophy as well. No matter what areas you feel you need improvement on, be they physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or financial, Reiki can help. Please keep in mind though that Reiki (or any form of alternative healing) should never be used to replace real medical help. It can be used in addition to medical help.

If you're interested in learning Reiki but don't have the thousands of dollars to take a class, you can give free distance attunements a try requesting help from Reiki Masters who offer their services over the web. Many people feel that distance attunements are just as effective. The healing energies of Reiki go beyond what we know of "space" and "time". The energies are always out there for all who wish to learn and practice.

Free reiki attunements

M. Deskins is an experienced Reiki Master who offers free attunements and healing sessions. She is an author who has had material published in many New Age publications and Ezines.

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