Friday, November 6, 2009

The Reiki Symbols Revealed

There are several Reiki symbols but most Reiki modalities use just four. Symbols are thought to possess a unique vibrational energy that helps facilitate the Reiki treatment. When they first were discovered and introduced to the Reiki practice, the symbols did not have names. They were simply called by numbers, from one to four. However, since each one of them conveys a specific purpose, they were given names.

The first symbol is called Cho Ku Rei and it is considered the Power Symbol. This means that during Reiki treatment the power of the universe is called upon to aid in the healing. Its literary translation is "place all the power of the universe right here." Through this symbol, the Reiki Master is able to draw energy from the source and then he can focus on where he wants it to go.

This power symbol can be used to cleanse negative energies, to invoke spiritual protection, for treatment directed to one specific spot or organ, and to help in manifesting desires. It is also used to seal the energies of the other three symbols and even to make them more powerful. For this reason, this symbol is used at the end of the treatment so as to give it a golden seal.

The second symbol is called Sei Hei Ki, is the Mental & Emotional symbol. As is name implies it, this symbol is used to help those who are afflicted by emotional pain and/or mental turmoil.

The literal translation of this symbol means "God and Humanity Are One." It is believed that this symbol helps activate the Kundalini, a corporeal energy located in the base of the spine. This energy also awakens during yoga and meditation creating balance between left and right hemispheres of the brain. This brings harmony, peace, and a sense of expanded consciousness. It also aids in the cleansing process, improves memory, clears energy blockages and aligns the chakras. It also provides psychic protection and eliminates negative vibrations.

The third symbol is called Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen which translates into "Distant Symbol". As the meaning implies, this symbol is used for distance healing. The symbol enables the Reiki channel to open and deliver the Reiki at a distance, and even send it to the past or the future.

This symbol represents a combination of the five kanji or Japanese characters meaning: source, being, just, certainty and thought. The symbol also represents a Buddhist chant for right consciousness as the root of everything.

The fourth symbol is known as Dai Ko Myo and this is used to initiate the student to the awareness of Reiki degrees. This is considered to be the most powerful symbol and can only be used by Reiki Masters. This is why this symbol is not introduced until Level Three training.

This symbol is powerful because it is used to heal the soul. It relates to the patient's spiritual being. That which has created the body, heals the body; thus, with the aid of this symbol a disease or illness can be cured. The healing starts at the source and goes through the individual energy field or aura. This symbol is also used to provide enlightenment and peace. This means that the patient can become more intuitive and even psychic.

There is another symbol that is less used but worth mentioning. It is called Tama Ra Sha, and many consider it the fourth symbol leaving Dai Ko Myo in the fifth symbol position. It is used to balance, unblock and ground energy.

The number and position of the Reiki symbols is not as important as to their meaning and the way in which each can be used. Each of the symbols can be activated in several ways. First, they can be drawn in the palm of your hand. Second, they can be visualized. Third, they can be spelled or called out loud three times each. Then they can be placed or drawn on the patient's chakras, oh their hands or on the area to be treated.

It is for these reasons that it is essential to learn the symbols by heart, so you can draw them correctly to harness their energy. You will be provided with precise drawings of the symbols as well as learn how and when to use each when you decide to become a Reiki Master yourself.

And now that the Reiki symbols have been revealed, you can begin using them. Just remember that no matter how you use them, it is the intention is that matters.

For more information on Reiki Symbols and to take a free eCourse,

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1 comment:

AdMaster said...

Energy practitioners and healers are discovering more and more that diseases are universally caused by energy blockages and a slowing down of energy flow. Energy healing therapy tackles mental, emotional and psychological energetic imbalances as well as at the physical level

Ilchi Lee

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