Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reiki Therapy - Hands on Healing in Modern Times

The word Reiki is said to mean 'Universal Life Force Energy'. The term was coined and developed as a healing modality in the early 1900's by Mikao Usui, a Japanese metaphysician, but Reiki remains an elegant hands on healing modality highly relevant for modern times. Usui had spent many years questing for peace and harmony and during a long fasting and meditation retreat he experienced a moment of epiphany. He realized that not only does everyone have within them the ability to find peace, happiness and health, but he also came to understand the keys that would help others realize this truth for themselves. He returned from his retreat, refreshed and driven in his purpose to teach others to heal their lives. Before his death 4 years later, he had attuned and taught more than 2000 student practitioners to carry on the teachings, by the mid 1900's the teachings had migrated to North America. Today Reiki is taught and practiced all around the globe by millions of people of all races, creeds, ages, and religious affiliations.

The nature of Reiki is to restore balance, so in theory all health problems will benefit from a Reiki session, however practically speaking, long term health problems didn't appear over night and they won't disappear overnight either. Reiki clients however, even after only one treatment, reported feeling happier, more peaceful, rested and having less overall pain. Headaches, colds, flu, joint paint, and muscle pain, are easily treated with Reiki and often more chronic versions of these symptoms like pneumonia, arthritis, and various stress related conditions such as gastroenteritis, colitis, Crohn's and IBS respond exceedingly well to Reiki Therapy. Excellent results have been realized by clients in managing their pain and discomfort during recovery from various cancer treatments and surgeries. Blood pressure problems, heart problems, and other circulatory problems also respond quickly. In general, all organs and body systems respond well when they are introduced to the high vibrating frequency of Reiki. A latent vitality is regenerated in the body, stimulating health and heightened function. Worry, anguish, angst, and anxiety are quietly released and without even noticing how or when they are replaced with peace, happiness and patience. The quiet order of Reiki quiets the mind; deep rest creates deep healing.

A client needs only to have some degree of faith in 3 things in order to benefit from a Reiki healing session:

i) that there is a divine perfect order to our universe that is intelligent, for which we may or may not have a name.
ii) that we are an amazing manifestation of molecular energy which is influenced by our environment, genetics, actions, habits and choices in every moment.
iii) That change is possible - all conditions are subject to change.

Reiki is as much about helping the self as it is about helping others. It is said to be a folk healing art meant to be in the hands of the people. Reiki always improves the quality of life. Miracles happen when there is peace in the soul. In a Reiki session there is no expectation of having to do anything, and yet all is done and peace restored!

Andrea Connell
Andrea is a full time practicing Reiki Master, metaphysics teacher and energy practitioner. She has been using Tarot Cards and energy work to assist people in their life transitions for over 15 years and is passionate about teaching people the tools they need to feel empowered in their own lives. She is a popular teacher and offers many programs, seminars and workshops in self-empowerment, metaphysics, meditation and Reiki. When she isn't teaching she's busy working on her book. Find out more on her website www.centreforappliedmetaphysics.com and her blog at http://www.andreathielconnell.wordpress.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrea_Thiel_Connell

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