Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Amega Zero Point Energy Wand Explained

Energy Healing has a history dating back many centuries and many claim that 'hands-on' energy healing methods are as old as mankind itself. The idea of energy, or life-force, flowing through the body affecting health and well-being spans many ancient cultures. It is only in recent decades that modern-day physicists have uncovered scientific evidence that supports these ancient beliefs.

Initial knowledge focused on external energy fields such as the Aura, Chakras and acupuncture energy meridians. In the 1930's Dr Royal Rife discovered that certain resonant Frequencies could kill bacteria Viruses and fungi. Dr Hans Selye explored the connection between emotional stress and illness. Emotions are now felt to have a frequency pattern that can imprint onto our body cells. In 2009 research has shown that emotions can actually turn on and off DNA genes in rats. Further research over the past few years has shown that when we are unwell that the energy fields of our bodies are disrupted and these energy fields can be significantly altered by resonating frequencies. We can now alter the frequencies of our brainwaves using what is known as Bi aural beat therapy. Delivering different frequencies into our brain through both ears separately can change the EEG from Alpha and Beta waves to Theta and even delta waves. This creates a technical deep meditative state which can have significant therapeutic effects.

Using the principals of Wave theory researchers began to look at these abnormal energy fields and found that by subjecting them to either augmenting waves or counteracting waves that the overall energy field could be returned to the homeostatic or balanced state. This allows self healing to occur. There is a theory that Zero Point energy is the basic energy force that is at the core of all matter in the Universe. If this energy force is accessed then the material, whether it is animate or inanimate will at a Quantum level return to its normal fully energized state.

Crystals are known to emit resonant frequencies which are different for each type of crystal. The piezoelectric effect is the ability of some materials (notably crystals and certain ceramics including bone) to generate an electric field or electric potential in response to applied mechanical stress. It is not surprising therefore that research and development has come up with a method of using crystals to generate a specific resonance frequency that stimulates our energy fields to resonate and seek the true source of energy in the Universe,the Zero Point energy.

The culmination of all this knowledge has resulted in Technology which sources The Zero point energy field

This results in Self Healing.

To Learn more about this amazing technology, to purchase this amazing technology, or to find out more about the business and what it can do for your income. Please visit my website.Submit your email and I will forward all the information you need.

Dr Robert O'Dwyer



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_Robert_O'Dwyer

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