Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Reiki - Heal With Love

You may be feeling "blue" and sad or even be suffering from clinical depression. You may have physical health issues. You may feel thwarted emotionally and like nothing ever goes right for you in relationships or friendships. These obstacles in the path to our happiness are not set in stone. They can be overcome or lessened in many ways and one of those ways - a very easy and non-invasive way - is with Reiki.

Many people will have heard of Reiki and its many variants such as Karuna(R) Reiki, Lightarian Reiki and so on. Reiki is a healing energy and it works to clear and balance your energy field (or aura) so that issues such as those listed above pass from your aura and your life. Blockages in your aura can manifest as illness, unhappiness and disease but they most definitely can be removed so that you can lead a life of contentment, harmony and peace.

There are two ways to work with Reiki - you can visit a Reiki Practitioner or Master or you can learn to give yourself Reiki. The benefits of doing it yourself are many. It is very affordable to give yourself a daily healing, you decide how fast you progress by deciding how often you work with the energy, and it is easy and simple to do. Working with an external healer may suit you better and it may be that the healer is particularly experienced or proficient and can help heal you where it would be difficult or prolonged for you to do so.

Once you are connected or Attuned to the energy by a teacher, and depending on the variant of Reiki you have chosen to work with, it is a simple matter of using symbols to activate the energy and then placing your hands on various energy centres or chakras of the body. Another valid way of working with Reiki - and it is one that Dr Mikao Usui himself used - is simply to place your hands on the recipient's shoulders and just let the energy flow. Reiki will go where it is needed, it does not need to be directed by the healer necessarily.

The different variants - or "flavours" - of Reiki offer different benefits and it is worth spending some time exploring them to discover which one suits you and your needs best. It is usual to Attune to the original system of Usui Reiki first - there are three levels and a Master/Teacher level to progress through. Beyond that are the other systems of Reiki and they are entirely optional - you will be able to heal with Level 1 of the Usui system, it just depends how far you want to take it.

When we heal with Reiki, we are only ever a channel or conduit for the Reiki energy. It is the Reiki that heals, not us. Thus a healing session is safe, gentle yet powerful and even enjoyable. Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy and that is what it is. It comes to us from Source and is quite simply this - Universal love, the stuff of the universe. When we heal with Reiki, we heal with love - the most healing force in existence. Reiki is love and love heals.

Leesa trades under the name of feathers of an angel. She is devoted to offering Spiritual services, resources, healing and Tarot - either in person or over distance - to all those interested in progressing Spiritually.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leesa_Ellis

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