Reiki is natural healing with energy. Reiki heals by bringing in balance and harmony to those who embrace it. Everything and anything in this world is made up of different energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Because energy can not be destroyed, it remains in its constant state until it is converted.
Free techniques for Reiki self attunement allow one to replace negative energy with positive energy in order heal the mind, body, and soul.
Listed below are the 4 free techniques on how to self attune yourself to Reiki to better understand how simple and effective this energy healing can be.
1. Preparation to self attune yourself to Reiki is important. Meditation starting one week prior to your self attunement session is best. Meditation helps clear and relax the mind and body. It allows us to open up on a more spiritual level. One should also stop smoking and drinking alcohol one day prior to self attunement since these can cause blockage in the body.
2. On the day of self attunement, it is helpful to sit in a meditative position. Try and imagine all negative energies releasing from your body through your crown chakra. Your crown chakra is located at the top of your head. When I do this, sometimes I imagine an angel coming down with a bucket to collect my negative thoughts and energies and rid them from me. (Picturing an action like the angel works best for me.)
3. Mentally repeat to yourself which Reiki level you wish to be attuned. If you wish to start with Reiki Level 1, then repeat this to yourself and meditate on it.
4. Feel the Reiki level that you request enter through your crown chakra and flowing through each and every part of your body. It helps to picture this Reiki level as a white light. Enjoy the meditative feeling you are in for roughly 30 - 45 minutes. Once your whole body clears, you can ground yourself.
There are a lot more different techniques to Reiki self attunement. The above provides a brief lesson for someone interested in self attuning them self to Reiki. A person who embraces these techniques to heal themselves, will think clearer, and find that they have more energy to perform in their daily lives.
If you are interested in becoming a Spiritual Reiki Master through Self Attunement, I would recommend you to consider the information above.
There is much more information that is vital to becoming a Spiritual Reiki Master through Self Attunement, and I would like to share this information with you on my site: This information is important so I recommend you to take a look now!
I am a 31 year old woman who has been practicing Reiki for 5 years. Each day I learn something new. I would like to share my knowledge with people and have them better understand this spiritual art!
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