Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reiki - A Quick Overview

Reiki is viewed by some as mystical but this is far from the truth. Reiki is a simple, holistic energy based healing energy. How does this energy get administered? The practitioner channels the flow of energy through simple hand positions either directly on or just above the body.

Reiki energy works with all other forms of therapy, so it's a wonderful holistic compliment to other treatments. The healing energy goes exactly where it is needed, which means that the person who is giving the session does not have to diagnose or prescribe treatments which would be totally inappropriate to a Reiiki Practitioner.

So what happens during a session? The client, who is always fully clothed, lies on the treatment table and the practitioner moves her hands across the body through several positions from head to toe, and from front to back. There is no manipulation whatsoever, just a gentle non-invasive healing.

When you start receiving Reiki sessions, ideally you should aim for about three or four over a period of around two weeks. These sessions can help remove blocked energies from the system and once this has been done, you can then have a session perhaps once a week.

After a Reiki session is over, you may feel upbeat and energized or you may be tired and emotional as issues which have lain dormant come to the surface. This is natural - your body knows what it needs!

The following points sum up Reiki:

* Energy healing has roots that are old as humanity itself

* Many people feel relaxed and peaceful during and following a Reiki session

* The Reiki practitioner may or may not touch the client during a healing session

* Reiki promotes the immune system

* Reiki helps your body heal itself

The following are the Five Reiki Principles, which Usui Practitioners adhere to in their daily lives:

Just For Today, I will not worry

Just For Today, I will not anger

Just For Today, I will work honestly

Just For Today, I will be kind to all living things

Just For Today, I give thanks for my many blessings

There is one important thing to remember with regard to Reiki - it can never cause harm, it can only heal. If you are feeling a little stressed at the moment or a little out of sync, treat yourself to a Reiki session and bring some equilibrium back into your life!

I'm a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Practitioner so I know Reiki works! If you'd like to know more about this wonderful healing, click on and you will be taken to my relaxing Reiki website.

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