Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reiki Certification Online - Home Reiki Certificate

It is becoming more and more common for healers to be acquiring their Reiki Certification online (using the internet). It's amazing how technology can create new opportunities, even in the field of energy healing. Completing a Reiki Certification Online can be just as inspiring and educational as completing it in person. Plus, there are some real benefits such as with cost, time, schedule, and other things that explain why it is becoming the new way of reaching Reiki Master Level 3.

The first and most obvious benefit is convenience. You will have the ability to study wherever and whenever you like! This is a factor that is really important because of our busy lives. If you were to do your certification in a class, then you would be obligated to a schedule, and also to go to the school for each class. This isn't so bad for some, but most of us like to keep our freedom to make our own schedules, and take the extra time to finish if we need to.

Another huge benefit to getting your Reiki Certification online is that it will cost you significantly less than doing a local class, and lately everyone is trying to save a bit of cash where they can. Usually a Reiki Class for just Level 1 can be between $150 and $200 dollars, where as you can do your whole Reiki Mastery up to Level 3 for about $100 or slightly less. I think that this is a fair price being as the teacher doesn't have to put in as much work, but if it cost any less than a hundred dollars, I would wonder if the site was legitimate.

Here are some resources to help you get started to do your Reiki Certification online. There is this website that has a good reputation (even though the graphics might look a bit old) and I know they are still up and running, certifying at least a few people a week using their online resources. You can sign up for their course at their website, their homepage is The Reiki Store.

Also, as supporting evidence, I have also included a link to another website who supports The Reiki Store, and recommend their course for people who want to get a Reiki Certification online. If you aren't sure about starting with the Reiki Store and need a recommendation, then you can check this out at Mental Wellness Resources.

Good luck with the course and enjoy your Attunement! Feeling the power of the Master Attunement can be the most exciting part of taking a Reiki Certification course. And in closing, God bless you for your choice to become a healer and spread the positive energy to people in a world that so desperately needs it!

Continue your reading here if you want to learn more about how you can Become a Reiki Master.

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Vibratory Spiritual Healing

It seems hardly a day goes by without hearing or reading about a new, or rediscovered, "alternative" healing modality. To those considering "alternative" healing for the first time, finding the right practitioner can be confusing. Many American adults know that a Cardiologist is a heart specialist, an ENT specializes in disorders of the ear, nose, and throat, and a Dermatologist is a skin specialist, but few Americans know that a Reiki Practitioner, an Energy-Based Therapist, a Light Worker, a Shaman/ess, a Spiritual Healer, an Intuitive, a Color Therapist, and an Aromatherapist, to name but a few, specialize in Contemporary/Indigenous Vibratory Spiritual Healing (VSH).

Vibratory Spiritual Healing (VSH) is a term used to describe a variety of ancient Spiritually-based healing modalities, which utilize Vibratory Spiritual Energy (Universal Life Force Energy, Prana, Chi, Ki, etc.) and provide a pathway for opening one's perceptions to higher planes of consciousness. It is a Spiritual practice which helps one to connect more fully to the Spirit/Source of Life Energy. It is in that connectedness, that one can truly begin to know what "healing" is and how it works.

VSH Practitioners assist a person to store enough Vibratory Spiritual Energy in their body to "push out" any imbalances, which can ultimately lead to a healthier state of being. They may utilize or provide education in one or more VSH modality: "Hands-On" or "Faith" Healing, Reiki, Chakra Reading, Color, Crystals, Essential Oils, Flower Essences, Herbs and Sounds, are but a few examples of modalities used by Vibratory Spiritual Practitioner.

Although these modalities utilize Vibratory Spiritual Energy, and Do No Harm, VSH Practitioners make no medical or healing claims about any modality, nor do they diagnose, cure, treat or prescribe. Information is not meant to replace professional medical advice, or substitute any treatment which has been prescribed by a physician, psychologist or other licensed mental health worker; information is given for personal experimentation and educational purposes only.

The title a Practitioner chooses to adopt, and call them self, reflects the way the Practitioner connects with the Vibratory Spiritual Energy. Regardless of the modality used, healing is a process and may/may not happen with only one session; for some individuals, it may take a considerable amount of time and sessions to regain health/wholeness. Issues concerning diet, physical/mental health, mindset, attitude, support system, repressed memories/emotions, and/or other environmental factors may be identified by the client. Responsible Practitioners urge clients to address any and all identified issues with members of their health care team in order to improve their chances of regaining health/wholeness.

Additionally, the title a VSH Practitioner chooses to adopt often reflects how their practice is structured. The more Contemporary a Practitioner is, the more likely it is that they will have set 30 - 90 minute sessions and will charge a set fee. Someone has to pay the rent, buy the massage tables, and pay all the miscellaneous expenses that come with running an office; even those who work out of their home, have miscellaneous expenses associated with their practice.

The more Indigenous a Practitioner is, the more likely it is that they will not have time limits for their sessions. Many Indigenous Practitioners believe that it takes as long as it takes, to get the job done. Many do not charge a set fee for their services; however, an equitable exchange of energy (donation from the heart) is typically considered to be customary and is usually gratefully accepted and appreciated.

If in doubt as to what an equitable exchange of energy might be, find out what local Contemporary Practitioners charge per session, and exchange something(s) of equal value with the Indigenous VSH Practitioner. Note: it is the equitable exchange of energy that is important; it does not necessarily mean the exchange of money (Like everyone else, Indigenous Practitioners also have bills to pay, so money is good too!). If the average Contemporary Practitioner charges $50.00 per session, a $2.00 jar of pickles would not be considered equitable, UNLESS the client really believed, in their heart, that the session was only worth $2.00 Again, it is the equitable exchange of energy that is important; a donation from the heart.

To recap: Vibratory Spiritual Healing (VSH) is a term used to describe a variety of ancient Spiritually-based Healing modalities. VSH Practitioners assist a person to store enough Vibratory Spiritual Energy in their body to "push out" any imbalance, which can ultimately lead to a healthier state of being. The title a Practitioner chooses to adopt, often reflects the way the Practitioner connects with the Vibratory Spiritual Energy, and how their practice is structured.

Susan Shining-Star, D.D., M.Ed., M.S., is a Contemporary/Indigenous Healing Practitioner, Ordained Minister, and Traditional Usui Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher, who has been gifted with the ability to integrate most of her personal and professional experiences into her work as a Spiritual Servant.

She has spent more than two decades studying and working with a variety of teachers: academic, as well as Indigenous Medicine Men an Women and other Spiritual Teachers. She has been initiated into and advanced through the 3rd stage in the Order of the Nazirim; that of Elder, earning the right to initiate students, and teach the basic techniques of the Order as well as the ideals of Samkhya Yoga. Learning how to return one's Spirit to a place of Spiritual Unity has been the primary goal of her physical life; as a result, Personal Growth, Spiritual Development and Healing have been the main focus areas of her studies and teachings.

She has earned: a Doctor of Divinity degree (hon.); a Master of Education degree in Adult Ed./Holistic Health; both a Bachelor and a Master of Science degree in Human Services, with a strong focus in psycho-social issues and psycho-spirituality; a Contemporary Shamanic Practitioner Certificate, a Certificate of Aromatherapy and a Certificate of Thanatology.

Her personal mission is to spiritually uplift her community, and work towards a greater good. In her efforts to achieve this mission, Dr. Shining-Star provides Spiritual Worship and Educational Material on the internet; individual/small group Guided Worship, face-to-face Spiritual Education, and Vibratory Spiritual Healing by appointment, as requested, by our parishoners, or the community-at-large. She does not discriminate; she merely supports her fellowmen and women, and serves as a guiding light.

Article Source:,_DD

Reiki Therapy - The Most Powerful Spiritual Healing Arts and Yet Very Gentle and Harmless

Reiki therapy is probably the most gentle and pleasant way that people came across, but within those soothing and pleasant system, a very powerful healing system is actually working on.

Reiki therapy offers you a number of benefits. The first and foremost is stress reduction, with reiki you can enter a deep relaxation state and about this there is no controversy even in the skeptical community, as Reiki therapy involves some sort of meditation, and almost anybody knows that meditation along with relaxation methods have been proven to be an effective stress reduction method, no doubt about it. Most of physical health ailments that most people got, have their roots in psychological stress from the current events and from the past as well.

Reiki healing is about acting on a positive energy that will only works for good without any negative side effects whatsoever. Even if the recipient, whether intentionally or not, block the positive energy, they still will not any negative effects.

Reiki can work together harmoniously with the modern medicine method. Reiki therapy can be applied to anybody, regardless of their faiths and beliefs. Religion and faiths do not affect reiki process in any way, even though some religious practitioner or patients will experience some kind of 'close to god' feeling, but reiki is for everyone.

Reiki therapy can be applied to animal and plants as well. A reiki session for most animals will need about 30 minutes, depend on the nature of the problem your animal. most often a single treatment is enough, or further treatments may be needed. These will usually need shorter time to accomplished.

Reiki therapy method can be slightly different from one to another, some therapist need to touch their patients but some other only need to hover their hands slightly above the patients body. Usually the reiki healing session begin with creating a relax situation for the patients. They need to rest comfortably on a sofa or a massage table, and then the therapist begin his healing process, by opening their aura and then position their hands above the patients and stay there for sometimes before changing the positions.

Depend on the patient's body area that have problem, the hand placements might stay one region for the whole healing session or in a different places, and last as long as it takes for the universal energies to transfer through the chakras. During this reiki healing time, you should feel at relax and comfortable and frequently a patients can become sleepy or fall asleep during this session.

The reiki therapy session is pleasant experience for both the therapist and the patients. Because reiki healing energy is soothing in nature, most likely you will experience pleasant feeling as well during your training or attunement.

Learn how you can easily become a powerful reiki master in just 48 hours, and It won't cost you the earth! Discover a simple, proven system of quickly, easily and very inexpensively becoming a Reiki Master. Even if you're completely new to this beautiful art of healing and Self-Realization at

Mike Andy Riandi

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Reiki - A Quick Overview

Reiki is viewed by some as mystical but this is far from the truth. Reiki is a simple, holistic energy based healing energy. How does this energy get administered? The practitioner channels the flow of energy through simple hand positions either directly on or just above the body.

Reiki energy works with all other forms of therapy, so it's a wonderful holistic compliment to other treatments. The healing energy goes exactly where it is needed, which means that the person who is giving the session does not have to diagnose or prescribe treatments which would be totally inappropriate to a Reiiki Practitioner.

So what happens during a session? The client, who is always fully clothed, lies on the treatment table and the practitioner moves her hands across the body through several positions from head to toe, and from front to back. There is no manipulation whatsoever, just a gentle non-invasive healing.

When you start receiving Reiki sessions, ideally you should aim for about three or four over a period of around two weeks. These sessions can help remove blocked energies from the system and once this has been done, you can then have a session perhaps once a week.

After a Reiki session is over, you may feel upbeat and energized or you may be tired and emotional as issues which have lain dormant come to the surface. This is natural - your body knows what it needs!

The following points sum up Reiki:

* Energy healing has roots that are old as humanity itself

* Many people feel relaxed and peaceful during and following a Reiki session

* The Reiki practitioner may or may not touch the client during a healing session

* Reiki promotes the immune system

* Reiki helps your body heal itself

The following are the Five Reiki Principles, which Usui Practitioners adhere to in their daily lives:

Just For Today, I will not worry

Just For Today, I will not anger

Just For Today, I will work honestly

Just For Today, I will be kind to all living things

Just For Today, I give thanks for my many blessings

There is one important thing to remember with regard to Reiki - it can never cause harm, it can only heal. If you are feeling a little stressed at the moment or a little out of sync, treat yourself to a Reiki session and bring some equilibrium back into your life!

I'm a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Practitioner so I know Reiki works! If you'd like to know more about this wonderful healing, click on and you will be taken to my relaxing Reiki website.

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Celtic Reiki Kent, Drawing Energy From Nature

Energy flows from the hands of an expert towards the person being healed. This is how Reiki Folkestone healing is conducted. Using the life force energy that's present in and all around us to fix and re-establish balance in one's being is one of the basic beliefs of reiki.

And taking this life power energy a little more, therapists have entered into realizations and developed quite a few reiki techniques to promote healing quicker. One being a version called Celtic reiki. Disciples of this reiki use not only the global life force energy present in everything but also the specific energy found in nature to heal people who wants healing. To the early Celts, trees are significant sides of their religion believing that trees have their own spirits. They gave the trees such high regards that they even patterned their writing system primarily based on the trees.

The Celts' Ogham, which is the ancient writing of Celtic people, uses symbols or words that are cut as a series of notches and designates different types of trees. Each letter represents a different kind of tree, specifically selected for qualities that can be linked to non secular ideas.

Some of the trees that are represented in the Celtic alphabet include the silver fir, birch, hawthorn, heather, ash, oak, willow, elder, yew, grove, ivy, hazel, and honeysuckle. Practitioners of Celtic reiki use the symbols from the Ogham. This reiki also follows the Celtic way of life of bravado, honor, integrity, bravery and deference. But instead it's a care that aims to treat the mind, body and spirit. It was expanded further by Julie Norman. Practitioners of this reiki see this method as a beautiful and earthy form.

People who are interested in plants, trees, and tree and plant legend or lore, are often attracted to the Celtic reiki belief. Men particularly are drawn nearer to the Celtic reiki as it appears that this reiki has more male sorts of energy. But in reality, Celtic reiki is thought of as an equal among the other kinds of reikis.

The Celtic Reiki Folkestone treatment usually lasts for an hour and involves placing the hands in strategic locations and in specific sequences which will arouse a deep state of relaxation.

A student achieving attunement means having been open to the tree and plant energies, the ethics of stuff, the various Celtic symbols, hand placements, moon phases, and the various facets of soul journeying, recovery, and awareness.

You may like to visit if you are looking for the good reiki Folkestone service.

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