Sunday, August 28, 2011

Alternative Healing Methods - Let Deep Healing Be Yours

Is Alternative Healing For You?

Alternative healing methods thrive within the field of holistic healing. Depending on your needs, some holistic health approaches can be used as alternatives to mainstream medicine. A therapy that is used to replace traditional medicine is called "alternative healing."

Six Sensational Benefits of Alternative Healing

  • Some alternative health methods can be very gentle. Because of this, they can help manage extreme pain and be beneficial for patients in pre and post surgery.
  • Alternative therapies may transcend some of the limits of modern medicine.
  • Alternative treatments can bring new hope for healing stubborn ailments.
  • There are no side effects with many alternative natural healing methods.
  • With some healing approaches like energy healing, you may be able to feel some immediate benefits.
  • Some healing therapy can be done on the self. (And self healing can be learned.)

Four Popular Alternative Healing Methods:

Energy Healing: Reiki, Healing Touch, and Pranic Healing are all energy healing methods. The field of energy medicine is growing - healthfully! This alternative healing method works using the idea that we are we are ultimately made up of quantum energy. Your energy can be influenced by universal energy and other energetic biofields (or auras). The goal is to restore balance to your energy centers and strengthen them.

Body Work: massage therapy,the Rosen Method, and Craniosacral therapy fall into this category. Massage by itself can be deeply soothing, which can help the body heal. Also, one of the theories behind body work is that memory is stored in our muscle tissue and that it can be released and healed with body work. This can lead to emotional, mental and physical healing.

Chinese Medicine: can help with pain management, depression, stress and insomnia. Some of the main methods of treatment include: acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, diet therapy, and qigong (a form of meditative exercise). Acupuncture works by having a doctor insert fine disposable needles at key meridians or energy points along your body. This may help dissolve energy blocks and help your body heal itself.

Ayurvedic Medicine: treats the whole person through a holistic assessment. In Ayurveda, your treatment is based on which "dosha" or body type you are. Once you have been assessed, purification and rebalancing of your specific dosha is recommended. Changes in diet, fitness and sleeping habits tailored to your particular body type may be recommended with this ancient East Indian medical practice.

The healing methods featured here may also be used as complementary therapies that work alongside mainstream medicine. (In this way they can also be called: "complementary" healing methods.)

Alternative and complementary healing methods may offer you hope where there wasn't hope before. Explore your options and listen to your divine body. Alternative healing methods can help you radiate your ultimate health.

Explore the magic of alternative healing methods, including an in-depth look at the definition of holistic health and alternative medicine at:

Michelle Sigurdson has a background in Communications and is an energy healer. She loves all things holistic and is the creator of At Lumia she shares wellness resources, information and inspiration. Discover! Explore! Be Nurtured!

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Reiki - Warm Hands or Warm Body - Which Comes First?

(Another Chicken and the Egg Predicament)

I'm thinking of the line we've all heard at some point in our lives - "It's not you, really - it's me". These words are typically used during a challenging situation when one person is attempting to alleviate the burden of emotional responsibility for another person. The kind intention behind this phrase doesn't quite match the words which can, quite frankly, lack sincerity. One is left wondering whether in fact the speaker is being honest with themselves and thus the other person involved. Regardless of your personal experience with the above phrase, I offer it now with the utmost sincerity and honesty if I've had either the privilege of sharing the experience of Reiki with you or will be sharing it with you in the near future. Only I'm going to switch the words around on you a bit:

It IS you, really - it's NOT me.

I've received reports from numerous Reiki recipients of my warm hands feeling so good on their cooler body parts. Sometimes it's feet or hands, other times it's the small of the back or between the shoulder blades. This warmth can be both remarkably powerful and remarkably humbling because it becomes apparent that in mere seconds the human body has the capacity to generate considerable heat. There have also been the comments of a sore or painful area of the body being initially warm to my touch and becoming much warmer only to cool down just as quickly. Let's also throw into this mix reports that although my hands got warmer fast during a Reiki session they certainly were on the cool side to begin with. And there are also reports that my hands stayed merely lukewarm during the entire session. Finally, most everyone has said that each experience with Reiki was different and better than the last session indicating the body's ability to sustain self-healing energy - it just needs access to the source. Here are some things to consider when pondering this issue:

My own body temperature does run on the cool side - 96.8 is my typical body temperature - and I also tend to have cool hands and definitely cold feet. So from where does all of this heat in my hands come? And how is it possible that my warm hands could touch a human body and have such a profound effect so quickly? The very simple answer to this question is that I have been attuned to Reiki energy by another Reiki Master - yes, that's my final answer. The true gift of a Reiki attunement no matter what level is that one's own body and hands have exactly the same response when Reiki is given to oneself. For me, that's on a daily basis. More on this life path transformation later.

Think of Reiki as the outlet on the wall into which you plug your favorite machine - your body. My hands and I are the electrical cord that runs between your body and the Reiki outlet facilitating the current of energy from the outlet - in this case, universal life energy that flows in abundance from the Universe. In effect, I am not generating any warmth from my own body; rather I am letting the energy of Reiki flow through me and my hands into your body. Fine, you say - but that doesn't explain how my own body gets so warm sometimes in a very short period of time. AHA!, I exclaim - you're absolutely right! Remember the saying: "It IS you, really - it's NOT me."

Your physical body is responding - sometimes in very profound ways - to the Reiki energy that my hands conduct. Your physical body is the originator of the self-healing energy it needs in order to be healthy and vital. When your body finds the energy source from which it needs to replenish itself in the form of Reiki there is going to be response of some kind with heat being the most typical. Other responses include a tingling over your entire body, waves of warmth and energy washing over your entire body and an ever-so-slight out-of-body feeling. Your body's physical response to this energy is what causes my hands to become warm as the conductor of this energy. Heat represents healing as oxygenated blood is brought to the area that is temporarily imbalanced and then all kinds of physiological responses take place, many of which have been measured through research about the effects of Reiki on the human body. The immune system is revitalized, blood pressure is lowered, and brain functioning becomes clearer. When my hands as the cord to the Reiki outlet energy come into contact with a request for self-healing from your body - well, like any machine plugged into the appropriate form of energy overall functioning is going to start to run more smoothly. Certain physical "machine parts" be they muscles, joints, or organs are going to become more balanced. In addition, if your particular issue is of an emotional nature you will find that the solution to your issue is discovered or made apparent to you as if it was there all along. You will reach new depths of understanding about yourself and the situation that is troubling you because Reiki always goes to where it's needed most based on the individual's spiritual development at that point in time. This all happens because your body, in its miraculous wisdom, recognizes the universal life energy that it's been seeking - sometimes for a long time. It's no wonder that the response is significant because the human body was made to perform well and to be in harmony with itself and its surrounding environment.

The remaining issue of lukewarm hands and body I invite you to view with love and compassion for yourself and your particular situation. It could be that you are not ready to let go of whatever issue it is that is troubling you - that is your choice and I support your choices completely because they are yours to make. Life lessons come in many forms and whenever you determine you are ready to release and move forward Reiki will find its way into your life. Most certainly, the mind's intention about letting go of an issue is at the core here as the mind ultimately controls and can override the body's responses to Reiki. You and I can plug ourselves into Reiki and unless your intention is set for self-healing on a deep and committed level your body and my hands will remain lukewarm. I cannot force Reiki on anyone as that runs counter to the principles of Reiki and my own self-healing intention every time I act as a facilitator for Reiki energy. Plus, we're not seeking self-healing for my body - we are seeking it for yours.

If, however, you are ready to take your self-healing to a new and deeper level I invite you to consider Reiki Level 1 attunement. Those individuals who have received multiple Reiki sessions have already experienced the deepening of sustainable energy of which the body is capable with each session being different and better than the previous one. This is exactly what being attuned to Reiki is like - the body learns how to efficiently and effectively use the self-healing energy it receives and to become a conductor of this energy for others. This is the life path transformation part I mentioned earlier.

The initiations into Reiki levels work from the outside in - thus on the first level the focus is on self-healing in the physical form - the body. What other self-healing modality allows the practitioner to heal themselves in exactly the same way that they are facilitating self-healing for others? I believe Reiki is unique in this area and it has allowed me to transform my self-healing to a level that has made a significant difference in my life. It's not necessary for you to make Reiki part of your career path as the riches of attunement can be applied in all areas of your personal life. Think of it as your own energy lotion that you can apply for not only your highest good but for the highest good of all involved who are receiving Reiki from you. The list of possible recipients of this self-healing energy is endless: your animal companions (my most favorite Reiki recipients), plants, food, machines, situations at work or home, relationships...We are all made of energy so the opportunity for Reiki is literally everywhere. Here are some questions and answers to consider when evaluating whether attunement to Reiki is for you:

Does it hurt to be attuned to Reiki?

No J- sometimes there is a physical response to the attunement such as your hands becoming warm or feeling energy pass through you and sometimes the effect is very subtle. It's most like receiving Reiki from a Reiki practitioner and I respectfully request that if you are considering Reiki attunement and you and I haven't shared Reiki that you sign up for a free initial session with me.

Can I hurt anyone by giving them Reiki?

No J- remember, as universal life force energy Reiki is about balance. Whatever that individual needs in order to be in balance based on their spiritual development at that point in time is the amount of Reiki they will receive - never more, never less.

What affects will I notice by receiving a Reiki attunement?

For each level of Reiki attunement there is a self-healing process that happens. Up to 21 days after the attunement on the physical level, for instance, you may notice your body purging itself of imbalances that you no longer need. Again, as you are an individual this will vary from subtle to profound. Then you are on your way to deep self-healing at the very least.

Why is there a cost for Reiki attunement?

Because Reiki is about balance as energy is put forth in doing the attunement and education for becoming attuned the universe requires an equitable exchange of return energy. In our culture that energy takes the form of money the same way that it does for yoga classes.

How long before I can be attuned to Reiki Level 2?

I recommend a minimum of 30 days - or every month - before attempting the next level of Reiki. The physical body needs that amount of time to readjust to the new flow of energy that it's receiving.

Does this mean I can't have additional Reiki sessions?

Absolutely not! J Becoming attuned is one of your life's choices that I completely support and doesn't exempt you from having all the Reiki you'd like. In fact, some of the most wonderful sessions I've had myself are from other Reiki practitioners. Because we're both attuned to Reiki the energy flow has been that much more dynamic and the effects that much more far-reaching.

Article Source:

Reiki Healing: What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a spiritual practice of natural healing. It utilizes Universal life force energy to potentiate healing and balance within and around the person receiving treatment.

How Does Reiki Work?: Our bodies have Ki or Qi or Chi - the Universal life force - flowing through them. Our vital energy keeps us psychically, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually in alignment within and without our self. In order for one to be in a healthy state of being, Ki/Chi/Qi has to flow freely in the body and emanate outwards.

What Happens in a Reiki Session?: In a Reiki treatment, a Reiki Practitioner uses his hands to send and transmit the Universal life force to those people, places, and things in need of Energy Balancing and Alignment. This allows those people, places, and things to either regain or maintain a healthy state. It is similar to other healing practices, such as the laying of hands or Pranic healing, both of which use the hands and Life force energy for healing.

How Is Reiki Transmitted?: The Reiki practitioner does this by placing their hands either directly on or above the person receiving the healing session. This is done to facilitate the transfer of the healing universal energy from the Reiki practitioner to the one receiving the treatment. Reiki stimulates the receiver's own healing energy. The receiver's body uses the Universal life force to accomplish self-healing.

How Does Reiki Help when Ki Is Low?: Reiki can also be used effectively when a person's Ki/Chi/Qi is low. A low level of Ki/Chi/Qi can result in a condition of stress, tension and illness - mentally, physically, and spiritually. When Ki/Chi/Qi is balanced and flows in a high optimum level, a person will be in a healthy, happy balanced state. This means one is healthy and happy physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This health and happiness is Reiki's purpose.

Is Reiki an Alternative Medical Practice?: Reiki is considered both an alternative medical practice and a spiritual healing practice. Through the practitioner's hands, both healing energy and vibrations are passed to the recipient; this facilitates balance and harmony in that person.

Does Reiki Treat More Than the Body?: This healing energy removes any negative energy or blockages that would otherwise impede the healthy flow of Ki/Chi/Qi both internally and externally in the person receiving the Reiki treatment. When Reiki is given to a person, it treats the person's bio field (aura) - as well as the physical body - to return the person to a state of balance both inwards and outwards.

Is One Session Enough?: When the receiver of a Reiki session is in a relaxed state, the mind and body allow the healing energy in to be realigned. The person is then returned to a healthy, balanced state. Some people who undergo Reiki treatments notice a change after one session; others may need a series to feel a change in their state of being - mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

I urge you to use this information and to seek out a Reiki practitioner for yourself... to help you attain -- and maintain -- optimum health!

And I encourage you to learn more about how to Heal Arthritis Naturally -- Reiki can help you to do this! I am Dr. Marlene Shiple, the Life Coach Dr. I spent 14 years suffering from severe Rheumatoid Arthritis... until I used natural remedies to fully heal myself from that debilitating disease. I detail the procedures that WORKED for me in my new book, "Arthritis Pain... FREE! Heal Arthritis Naturally -- I Did, You Can, Too!" It is my hope to help other Arthritis sufferers achieve equally successful results! For more, visit "Arthritis Pain... FREE!" or go directly to

Presented by Dr. Marlene Shiple, the Life Coach Dr. & the Life Coach Dr. Network.

Article Source:,_Ph.D.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Animals - The True Reiki Masters

I am fortunate enough to be able to share the self-healing energy of Reiki not only with humans but also with animals. If I may share a secret, gentle reader - animals are far easier to work with than humans. They live moment to moment, completely aware of themselves in each moment never giving a second thought - literally - to their essence in that moment.

This is the ability that all Reiki practitioners love to experience as they share self-healing energy with whoever their recipient is at the time. It is the thinking mind of humans that can mute or block the body's ability (and essence) to draw in the Universal life energy with which the body replenishes itself. It quickly becomes clear during a human Reiki session if the individual on my table is using their mind for other than forming a simple intention for self-healing. The individual's body doesn't become as warm as it can and consequently my hands stay on the cool side relative to my low body temperature. The energy flow as well feels sticky - like honey that I have to slowly move through in order to facilitate Reiki. It might be a grocery list or a project that's due at work that is being mentally contemplated. The context of the thoughts doesn't really matter. What's important is that the mind - the all-powerful mind - is in control of the body at this point.

That is one of the mind's jobs, after all. To direct the body in its continuous actions by sending out electrical impulses via the brain to various parts of the body. There is a time, however, when - upon simple request by the human in charge of the mind - the mind can release its temporary hold on the body and allow the body's wisdom to facilitate the wondrous self-healing energy that is Reiki.

It's not that animals don't have a mind - they do as many guardians of animal companions can attest to when undertaking something like dog obedience training. They all have intellect which varies from breed to breed and species to species. And as an animal communicator I can personally attest to their distinct personalities and temperaments that make them all unique - just as all humans are unique.

Unlike humans, the physical essence of the animal remains more closely integrated with self-healing. I honestly don't know if that in the grand scheme of things a trade-off was sanctioned by the ancestors of animals in foregoing a reasoning mind similar to humans in exchange for remaining true to their instinctive nature and physical bodies. Sometimes it does seem as if having a dog or cat's life - sleeping, eating, and playing - would be a grand and glorious thing for me to experience. Likewise, I'm sure there are animals out there - domesticated and wild - who would enjoy a respite from their place in the prey vs. predator food chain.

And whether or not an animal has been brought under the control of humans or raised that way doesn't alter their nature of being masterful at receiving Reiki. All it takes to start a strong self-healing energy flow going is for the practitioner to offer Reiki to the animal with an attached blessing for healing love and compassion - this last is my own personal one. I've not often had Reiki refused by an animal no matter their state of health. Healthy, ill, injured or recovering from surgery, Reiki has been offered and accepted many times by many different animals. The effects are the same as for humans: the animal typically relaxes and may even fall asleep. Their intervals of tolerance for Reiki are also more often than humans. An animal may take 10-15 minutes of Reiki only to wake up, shake off the excess accumulated energy, walk around for a bit, get a drink of water and then settle in for more Reiki.

The occasions where Reiki didn't begin to flow after an offer to an animal recipient were due to my difficulty in locating the life force energy of that animal. Sometimes it happens that an animal is gravely ill and perhaps beginning to transition to the spirit world. The life force energy that all living creatures have may be at an ebbing point versus a flowing point in a natural ebb and flow state. When this occurs I continue to offer Reiki for whatever purpose the animal chooses - to stay or to transition as support for either can be facilitated with Reiki.

To describe a Reiki connection with an animal is to imagine what it's like to be riding an energetic rainbow whose colors are filled with such depth and clarity that they seem endless. And indeed, life force energy is limitless - a lesson from our animal companions that I'm certain is offered with compassion and unconditional love. I hope, gentle reader, that the next time you have an opportunity to share Reiki with a practitioner this lesson from our animals might support you as you disengage your mind just for awhile. Let the miracle that is your body's wisdom bring you home to a place of peace, harmony and well-being.

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