Friday, March 12, 2010

A Brief History of Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine has great antiquity, with therapeutic roots extending back to ancient Egypt in what was then known as Khemet or Tamare.

In the written record, the study of herbs dates back over 5,000 years to the Sumerians, who described well-established medicinal uses for such plants as laurel, caraway, and thyme.

The ancient Egyptians who were themselves actual descendants of the near mythical and pre-historic Sumerian civilizations are credited to have had the worlds earliest holistic medicine systems. These systems were officially endorsed and recognized by even the almighty priest class that wielded such enormous powers over the populace.

Ancient Egyptian medicine traditions of 1000 B.C. and of an even much much earlier period, are known to have used garlic, opium, castor oil, coriander, mint, indigo, and other herbs for medicine and the Old Testament also mentions herb use and cultivation, including mandrake, vetch, caraway, wheat, barley, and rye. This is an over simplification however as Egyptians had an almost universally revered reputation as practitioners of highly sophisticated forms of medicine. The excellent embalming of mummies is a prime example of an Egyptian practice which could be traced even further back in time to near pre-historical times by Egyptian calendars' reckoning. Records of the existence of these highly sophisticated healing systems are just beginning to emerge with the discoveries of new methods of understanding the language semantics of antiquity Egypt.

Like almost every other invention or technological advancement in antiquity (the pre-historic Sumerians and their predecessors in early Egyptian kingdoms) these therapeutic systems were then transferred and adopted by the outside world through centuries and millenniums of interactions and contacts.

Chinese herbal medicine like it's near counterpart in Egypt also has great antiquity, with therapeutic roots extending back to Zhou Dynasty, Late Bronze/Early Iron Age at about 2500 to 3000 years ago. From its shamanistic origins, herbalism in archaic China evolved in response to causation or origination concepts current at the time. These notions of the causes of disease in human society related directly to the troubled socio-economic environment that prevailed in early China in the latter half of the first millennium BC.

The Shennong Bencao Jing, the first Chinese herbal book compiled in the Hang Dynasty era, lists 365 medicinal plants and their uses. Ma-Huang the shrub that introduced the drug ephedrine to modern medicine is among the plants listed in the compilation. Included are references to 247 substances that were used by these early people for many different maladies among them back pain relief. Succeeding generations from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty augmented on the Shennong Bencao Jing.

By 1596, the Ben Cao Gang Mu of the Ming medical literatus Li Shizhen (1518-1593) exemplified the apogee of Chinese herbalism. Published three years after his demise, this Grand Materia Medica contained no less than 1892 entries. In the succeeding centuries of the Imperial Era, Chinese herbal medicine continued to develop. Despite the temporary setbacks incurred following the collapse of the Manchu Dynasty in 1911, it remains on equal footing with biomedicine in China today.

Another system of medicinal herbs, the Indian Ayurveda (Sanskrit for "science of mind body" ) has used herbs such as turmeric possibly as early as 1900 B.C. Many other herbs and minerals used in Ayurvedic medicine were later described by ancient Indian herbalists such as Charaka and Sushruta during the 1st millenium BC. The Sushruta Samhita attributed to Sushruta in the 6th century BC describes 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources, and 57 preparations based on animal sources. Here again, we could find clear evidence of the unquestionable influence of antiquity and pre-historic Egypt which pre-dated all ancient world civilizations by possibly tens of millenniums.

Today, many modern, and Western, medicine practitioners are beginning to look at herbal remedies for some common, and not-so common, disorders like arthritis and psoriasis. The lower cost, and often safer use, has attracted many medical professionals. Some physicians use herbs to off-set the side effects of pharmaceuticals a practice that's already rapidly picking up in most parts of the Western World.

We have witnessed the rapid rise of the use of herbal plants for medicinal purposes as traditional healing arts aka alternative medicine become more accepted in the western medical practices. The Wellness Industry and Health/Fitness Industry have gained massive popularity with near geometric growth last 20 or so years. We have seen the rise in popularity even among household brand names for Personal Care and Beauty products containing therapeutic herbal extracts, as the modern informed consumers discover the hidden therapeutic secrets and rejuvenating powers of mother natures flora.

Chuck Ray

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Reiki Symbols - The Important Symbols on Reiki Attunements and Healing Process

Reiki symbols are Japanese forms derived from Sanskrit are mostly influenced by this old language. These symbols are means of centering or focusing your attention in order to connect with "specific" healing frequencies and are used to increase energy and to help direct the flow of Ki (or chi in Chinese). These symbols are taught during the Second Degree of Reiki by a Reiki master. They are pictorial/written symbols that are used in the attunement processes and in the healing processes.

The energy involved, the Ki, was and still is the root of the entire body of Chinese medicine, where it is known as chi. Its name is actually meant to be a mantra that helps one connect with the symbol's energy, and means "Right consciousness is the root for everything", or better yet, "Correct thought is the essence of being". During the Reiki attunement the energy of the attunement causes the Reiki symbols to become a stimulus and the particular energy the symbol represents which is present during the attunement becomes the response.

During an attunement you are given the connection with the energy through the symbols and they are used to help you focus. The first reiki symbol of the 3 learned at Level 2 Reiki is the power symbol called "Cho Ku Rei" and is used to focus the energy and used for protection. The other two are Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha ze Sho Nen

Use the first three Reiki symbols in conjunction with each other to fashion the Reiki energy to its best use for each individual client. For analogic example, the first symbol, the power symbol, magnifies Reiki like a magnifying glass magnifies the sun's energy.

Attunements can be given only by a Reiki master and can be given for either the purpose of training one in Reiki, or for simply giving someone a larger experience of Reiki than usually experienced in treatments. The importance of having the true Reiki symbols is critical for proper attunement to be a Reiki channel.

With proper training, Reiki practitioners can become proficient in the use of these symbols to heal themselves and others, local or distance healing.

The Reiki practitioner assists the client to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically by a simple laying on of hands. When used to heal pain, the symbol can reduce the intensity of the pain, and slowly cause the pain to completely disperse.

Sei Hei Ki Frequently called 'the Mental-Emotional Symbol', Sei Hei Ki assists in healing the mental-emotional imbalance. The mental and emotional healing symbol balances the right and left brain. The symbol can be used on yourself (or others) when feelings of fear, anxiety, anger or depression come up. Creating the oneness to a part of you who has suffered provides the base for then using the mental/emotional symbol to gently provide healing.

Their use does not require that we be able to meditate or have years of spiritual practice. Lots of practice in applying the symbols to increase energy, to do distant healing, to heal the subconscious mind, to create affirmation, to clear negative energy in the environment. With practice the reiki symbols will become less relevant and the focus will change to the "intent" of the specific energies required.

The Reiki practitioners actually do not believe in sharing the knowledge of Reiki and Reiki symbols to aspiring students unless they have attained the specific levels in Reiki. Many practitioners use this symbol whenever giving a treatment. Either way, a significant number of these newer symbols are in existence and are used by more and more Western Reiki practitioners to supplement their practice.

The Reiki symbols are usually shown to a student by a Reiki teacher or master, along with the concepts required in using them. These are sacred healing symbols which enhance the flow of Life Force Energy. These symbols help in linking up with the vital energy forces of life.

You can easily become a powerful reiki master in 48 hours, with a simple, proven system of quickly, easily and very inexpensively becoming a Reiki Master. Even if you're completely new to this beautiful art of healing and Self-Realization at

Andy Riandi

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Reiki Therapy - How to Heal Yourself and Your Family

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a popular Japanese healing therapy that was introduced in 1970s and has become quite popular worldwide since then. A unique spiritual healing technique, Reiki is an amalgamation of most of the alternative healing practices like aura healing, crystal healing, and meditation, chakra balancing technique, naturopathy, aromatherapy and homeopathy.

Meaning Of Reiki
Reiki is pronounced as ray-key. It is a Japanese word that means 'universal life energy.' Universal energy is the energy that surrounds us and is in us. A combination of two words: "rei"= free passage and "ki"= universal life energy, Reiki is simply based on the transfer and balance of positive energy with a medium (body). More and more people are now using Reiki for healing themselves and their family for a better and healthier life.

Benefits Of Reiki
Some of the many benefits of this spiritual healing art include:
1. Deep relaxation
2. Destruction of energy blockages
3. Detoxification of the body system
4. New found vitality through healing energy
5. Enhancement of vibrational frequency of the practitioner's body
6. Promotes emotional balance
7. Brings about spiritual growth
8. Provides mental clarity + balance
9. Promotes self-realization
10. Brings inner peace + harmony

How does Reiki Work?
The basis of Reiki therapy is quite simple. It involves the transfer of positive energy from the master to the patient. As the energy gets transferred from the giver to the taker, the ability of the taker's body to heal naturally is enhanced and a balance brought about in his/her body. Reiki therapy is the utilization of specific energy transfer techniques to restore and balance the 'chi' or energy in a body, naturally. Completely holistic, natural, free of side-effects, and a hands-on healing method, Reiki has managed to touch humans on almost all levels - the mind, body, and spirit!

Reiki Therapy Healing Method
Healing using Reiki therapy is easy. The energy transfer takes place through hands. Reiki therapy involves transfer of energy from the hands of the healer above the body of the patient. The patient is then allowed to attract as much energy as he/she requires. In order for the healing to be effective, the patient has to be completely receptive and must take an active part in the entire process. He/she is also responsible for his/her healing.

Types of Reiki in Practice
Basically there are several forms of Reiki, but the two popular ones are based on the principles of: "Usui System of Natural Healing" and "Radiance Technique."

The Usui System of Natural Healing principle is based on balancing and strengthening the energy of our body thereby promoting self-ability to heal.

How To Learn Reiki
Only once you have leaned and practiced Reiki can you use Reiki therapy for ensuring the well-being of yourself and your family. If you want to learn Reiki, you'll need to find a Reiki master who will teach you to access your 'ki' or 'chi' as well as help you become a channel to transmit this energy. You will also learn the basic healing techniques like 'laying on hands' etc.

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Reiki Energy Healing Effective For Pain Reduction

Science Daily recently published a review of a new study examining the efficacy of biofield therapies such as Reiki, Therapeutic Touch and Healing Touch, entitled "Biofield Therapies: Helpful or Hype?", conducted by Dr. Shamini Jain, from the UCLA Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Research, and Dr. Paul Mills, from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, and the Moores Comprehensive Cancer Center in San Diego. The study found that these biofield therapies such as Reiki demonstrate "promising complementary interventions for reducing the intensity of pain in a number of conditions, reducing anxiety for hospitalized patients and reducing agitated behaviors in dementia, over and above what standard treatments can achieve." Additionally, the researchers found "strong evidence that biofield therapies reduce pain intensity in free-living populations, and moderate evidence that they are effective at lowering pain in hospitalized patients as well as in patients with cancer."

As a Reiki Master, I have seen measurable pain reduction quite clearly while working with clients in my practice, including chronic pain from existing injuries and conditions like fibromyalgia, as well as post-surgical pain. I am pleased to see this evidence borne out as a result of clinical research.

To further demonstrate Reiki's ability to reduce pain and facilitate healing, I would like to share a client's recent experience receiving distance Reiki. (Reiki practitioners at Level II or higher are trained to channel Reiki to others without being physically present.) Laurie tore her meniscus in her right knee, and the resultant pain and swelling made it difficult for her to get around. None of the conventional treatments for her injury - painkillers, steroids and cortisone injections - were providing much relief. She lives in Florida, so I was unable to treat her in person. Instead, we agreed to set aside time several evenings during the week for me to send Reiki to her.

After our first session, I asked Laurie if she had noticed anything different and she reported she felt warmth in her knee and at one point, actually felt as if someone or something was physically manipulating it. The next day, she sent me a text message, saying her knee felt better than it had in weeks. After a couple more sessions, Laurie's healing was so profound that she wrote in her testimonial, "I could get up and do all my normal activities PAIN FREE - something I hadn't been able to do for months!" She was so impressed by the results she is actually considering learning how to do Reiki.

As with any complementary therapy, individual response may vary, but many people like Laurie are seeing good results with using Reiki and other biofield therapies for management of pain resulting from physical or medical conditions. In Laurie's case, her doctor was recommending surgery. It will be interesting to see if continued Reiki treatment and physical rehabilitation may allow for complete healing of her knee without surgery. The inclusion of biofield therapies, such as Reiki, in the clinical setting may be a welcome presence and potentially reduce the amount of drugs or other interventions needed to keep patients stable and comfortable during the healing process.

Dana Lisa Young is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher and owner of Dragonfly Reiki in Atlanta, GA. Visit her site, to learn more about the benefits of energy healing or to schedule a Reiki session.

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Reiki Healing and Reiki Attunement - A Brief Overview on the Amazing Healing Arts

Introduction to Reiki healing

Reiki healing is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that's also believed to promote health and restore well being to the body. It is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies. It also complements Eastern and Western medicine and everybody can benefit from it. This method usually brings about slow, gradual improvements over a period of days and weeks. It can be given to you through in-person or distant treatment.

This healing method has also been proven to be beneficial in surgery recovery, in chemotherapy treatment, and it also helps to improve blood circulation. It's also fast becoming accepted in mainstream healthcare settings such as hospitals, hospice, operating and recovery rooms, nursing homes and many other institutions helping to demystify its effects and adding a much needed boost to the spiritual healing energy.

Treatment Overview

Reiki treatments are typically very relaxing, and recipients often fall into a lovely drifting state, or actually fall asleep. This can be used to facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being, it can be done on oneself, others, animals, plants, etc. A series of three or more treatments, typically at intervals of 1 to 7 days, is usually recommended if a chronic condition is being addressed. It is best when having a treatment to have no expectations except to be open to having the treatment. Distant healing are an excellent way to balance and increase your bodies energies without having to leave your home or wait for unavailable services. Given the fact that Reiki can be 'self-administered', and also the personal benefit felt from practising this amazing method, many people decide to learn how to practise Reiki after initially seeking or receiving treatment.

Attunement and Online Courses

Reiki attunement open up the energy path ways so that more life force energy can flow through the body. It raises our vibrational level to that of the energy added during the process. A practitioner is initiated by a series of attunements, which opens the flow of universal energy. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" by a reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.

Although all of the energy draw on some form of life force energy, reiki is accessible only to healers who have received attunement by a reiki master/teacher.

Reiki courses can even be taken over the Internet, although Traditionalists state that attunement must be done in person, in order to take effect, as the Master/Teacher doing the attunement must be able to actually touch the energy field of the person being attuned. On the online course, you usually are provided with a manual for each level, an attunement(s), a certificate, instruction and support.


By the use of ancient reiki symbols, the practitioner channels the universal energy allowing it to flow where is needed to bring the energy centres into alignment. Although symbols are given, it is not a requirement that the student memorise any of them. The healer does not have to worry if they gave the correct symbols or if they concentrated on the correct place for the healing.


Reiki is a tool for use at any moment, any time, any where for on-the-spot stress release, pain relief and quick energy. The reiki provides means to balance the human energy fields (Auras) and energy centres (Chakras) to create conditions needed for the bodies healing system to function. This method is also the alternative medicine for physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health & wellness. Their purpose is to help people realize that healing the spirit by consciously deciding to improve oneself, is a necessary part of the experience.

Some example of the reiki healing health benefits are: Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension, accelerates the bodie's self-healing abilities, help to get better sleep, reduces blood pressure; help with acute (injuries) and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches), etc.

You can easily become a powerful reiki master in just 48 hours, with a simple, proven system of quickly, easily and very inexpensively becoming a Reiki Master. Even if you're completely new to this beautiful art of healing and Self-Realization at

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