Friday, April 25, 2008

Just For Today - Reiki's Little Understood Precepts By Gail Juliano

The Healing Power of the Five Reiki Precepts

Just for Today, do not worry.
Just for Today, do not anger.
Just for Today, honor your parents, teachers and elders.
Just for Today, earn your living honestly.
Just for Today, show gratitude to every living thing.

Reiki energy is a powerful healing tool, and can help you to come into alignment with your own inner truth. There have been a large number of people around the world learning Reiki. Many of those people use the precepts lightly, as a way of thinking about the work, but these precepts contain a powerful healing mystery in and of themselves.

Contained in the precepts is a pattern for living a life of constant peace and harmony. They are not something to struggle to attain, but rather, if you look closely, you will see a treasure map to living a life of wonder, joy and awe. Though these precepts appear in various wordings from book to book and teacher to teacher, they are basically the same with one exception: not all versions begin with the words, “Just for Today.”

“Just for Today…” These three words, alone, can heal, for you can do anything for just a day. Alcoholics Anonymous and the other Anonymous 12-step programs work well because of this one-day-at-a-time concept. But, it also and even more deeply contains the concept of “being in the NOW.” It helps you to remember, that the past is gone. It only exists in your mind. The future has not arrived. It too, exists only in your mind. NOW is really the only place where you can truly live in peace. No past; no anger, guilt, resentment. No future; no fear, anxiety, manipulation.

In the first precept, “Just for today, do not worry,” you are given a clue that you might be living too much in the future. The future is the place we all go to worry. But in reality, the future does not exist. It is simply a story you have created in your mind, and then it becomes so real that it cheats you out of your present life. The imaginary future is where worriers spend most of their days. And for those who believe in self-fulfilling prophecies, you will virtually create the future you are worried about in some fashion or other.

In the second precept, “Just for today, do not anger,” you can see that you might be living too much in the past. Recounting old injustices day after day puts you in the imaginary world of the past, as you literally interpret circumstances only exist now, in your mind. As you go over and over this story you rekindle anger and other negative emotions, triggering chemical reactions in your body that can literally make you ill, sometimes in the most extreme ways. And, you are robbing yourself of the present. Thinking about angry or guilt-filled circumstances in your mind virtually guarantees that you will continue to attract circumstances and people into your life that make you angry or guilty.

Contained in the third precept, “Just for today, honor your parents, teachers and elders,” is the notion of humility in honoring those who have participated in our becoming who we are. In our modern world, counselors and psychologists often have us dissect our past, and many of our present neuroses and psychoses are found to be rooted in family and parental “dysfunction.” At that point, many of us separate from our parents and spend a good amount of time actually blaming our parents for much of what we have become. We could honestly not find much to honor as we poke around in our past. However, again, choosing to enter the infinite NOW, you can see that the past is gone. All hurt resulting from the past is only carried forward into the present moment in your mind only. In the present moment you and you alone have responsibility for your behavior. Not only can you forgive, but you see that in this moment there is nothing or no one to forgive – only the stillness of life, itself, breathing through you. You can honor all your teachers, all the elders who have gone before you, including your parents. Even your reactions to them have been valuable teachings. In the present moment you can see that you are who you are because of these way-showers.

The fourth precept, “Just for today, earn your living honestly,” brings forth the infinite NOW, as well. If you are aware and conscious of your true being right here and right now, you cannot possibly violate yourself or another. It is only in the unconsciousness of fear (a symptom of living too much in the future) or anger, resentment or guilt (a symptom of living too much in the past) that someone would work at a position or do conduct their work in a way that was not in alignment with his or her truest calling or that was doing damage in some way to others or to the world. Clearly rooted in NOW, there is trust and knowing, love and truth. You would be working for good, and the world would respond in kind towards supporting your well-being.

In the fifth precept, “Just for today, show gratitude to every living thing,” the principles come closest to the belief system of its founder, Mikao Usui. For if we go into Buddhist teachings, you will encounter the concept of reincarnation, where you are told that during the millions of incarnations you have had, literally all sentient beings have been your mother in one lifetime or another and should be honored and given gratitude simply for giving you birth and life. This blending of lifetimes again is found most clearly in the NOW. If you sit or walk quietly, peacefully noticing the stillness of nature in which sound and movement arises, you begin to see the connectedness of all things, and notice your place in the panorama of life as you look around. In the stillness you find peace. In the stillness of no past, no future, you are able to show gratitude for life, itself. You can forgive and release the past, and you are released from fear and worry about the future.

In these five small teachings you are healed and you can heal others. These ideas lay the foundation of any Reiki healing practice and should be looked upon with reverence in their simplicity. Beneath all historical teachings and information given about the sacred symbols and hand positions, lies the fundamental healing nature of Reiki. Namaste’

Gail Juliano, LMT, is a licensed body worker, and has been teaching Reiki principles for over 15 years. She teaches Usui, Karuna(R), and Shakti Reiki systems. She is a story-telling healer and mentor, and has owned several small businesses since 1991.

Gail Juliano, LMT, Reiki Master/teacher. I have been teaching Reiki for over 15 years. I teach Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, and Shakti Reiki systems. My practice is rooted in my spiritual and meditation practices. I practice distance Reiki, and I have a strong one-on-one practice. For information about classes and healing sessions call 719-635-9916 or 719-205-1788 or click on my website,

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Five Reiki Principles Taught By Dr Usui written by Steve Hill

Dr Mikao Usui believed that in order for anyone to practice reiki and transfer healing energy to others, they must have first taken responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. He developed five principles which he taught to his students as strategies to apply to life these he defined as:-

Just for today, do not be angry.

Anger can be a vast destructive force; it hurts others as well as ourselves. Anger closes us off from love and compassion.

Try to detach yourself from situations you feel are engendering any feelings of anger; do not just suppress the feeling for it to return another time. Anger will create a massive leak of the vital energy force from our systems.

Constantly remind yourself that anger is not your real nature and as such it will pass, try to acknowledge it, witness it and then let it go forever. Remember the opposite of anger is calmness.

Just for today, do not worry.

Worry, like anger will also create another great vital energy leak. While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with perceived future events and happenings. Although worry is not always a negative phenomenam, we should all disregard thoughts of future events and circumstances over which we have no ultimate control.

The source of worry is fear of change, one thing we do not always have complete control over.

Just for today, be grateful.

We should all try to be grateful and show appreciation for the many blessings that can fill our lives, especially when times are difficult. If we can be grateful we can eliminate worry. If we live in a state of gratitude, appreciating and giving thanks for the many blessings of life we can help transform negative attitudes and thoughts into positive ones. When we are grateful for all that we have received, and when we believe that we will continue to receive these things then we will attract abundance.

Just for today, work hard.

We should all work to the best of our ability each day. There is no job that is too humble that it does not require our full effort.

Through work we learn and grow, our whole day should be filled with an effort to work hard and honestly at all we do.

Devotion will grow through working hard.

Just for today, be kind to others.

We should all try to show kindness to our fellow men. We must honour all living things and be tolerant of the way others choose to live their lives

It is important that we realise and accept that being kind and friendly to everyone must include ourselves.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Simple Reiki Hand Positions For Reiki Healing By Kelvin Ho Wee Min

You must be well aware about all the various benefits that are closely associated with the path of Reiki as a form of meditation as well as long lasting healing. Most of us are also aware how powerful such treatment are when it comes to eliminating stress as well as propelling an amazing feeling relaxation, serenity as well as positive well being. This is a path that helps to get rid of any kind of illness and cures several ailments just as it speedily weeds out the mind negative emotions such as anxieties, pain, and depression.

While one opts to be treated with this technique for healing, it is important to pay attention to proper positions of the hand because that forms a vital part of Reiki. No complicated rituals are performed in this practice because simple Reiki hand positions for healing is sufficient provided there is a willingness of the patient to receive this natural feeling of compassionate healing.

Many healers work by listening to their intuition so that they just let their hands move along to do the work while they basically act to pass the healing energy so that the recipient is benefited.

To begin with, the problem area is first identified by placing your hands to scan the body of the recipient. Where there seems to be any kind of difference in sensation from a particular part, that would be intercepted as a problem area that is causing much difficulty to the recipient. While you are involved in continuing with the Reiki hand positions, it is possible that you may experience different types of sensations such as cold, heat, pulsing or even a complete dearth of sensations. So it is also important to understand the fact that the person who is getting such treatment may not feel these sensations which the practitioner does through the method of simple hand positions for Reiki healing.

It is best to always to keep your hands about 2 to 4 inches away from the body of the recipient. Keep the hands in a cupped way, with fingers bonding closely together and thumbs pulled upward against the hand. This would make sure that the positive energy is directed to the recipient whom you are treating.

Do note the fact that lying down is the best Reiki position because it makes sure that the person feels completely at ease and relaxed enough to imbibe that positive energy. If the recipient tries to fight or oppose this powerfully, positive energy, it won't help at all.

When you start a treatment, you always begin with the head wherein your hand would cover the middle of the forehead where it is believed the third eye begins and the treatment ends by the feet. Remember, Reiki hand positions are very important for the healing aspect.

While there is movement from one hand positions to another position, it is best that you do this in a most gentle way so that the recipient is not disturbed at all. The moment you have gone ahead to place your first hand on the body of the recipient, you should ensure that this contact is not broken. You can do this by moving your hands gradually, one at a time, in a way that ensure that you are in constant touch with the recipient.

Using these tips on simple hand positions for Reiki healing, you should be more confident about letting the positive energy flow.

What is Reiki? Discover the secrets of this ancient healing practice and find out how Reiki Healing and Reiki Therapy can help you re-energize and restore your body at our resource site today.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


HI. i am a Reiki Master. if you need healing energy or an attunement,please let me know. i am avaliable 24/7........

love and light

Reduce High Blood Pressure With Reiki byalvin hopkinson

Unfortunately, high blood pressure affects many men and women everyday. It is also occasionally diagnosed amongst children. Yes, hypertension can be a suffocating disease, but it can be controlled. Many physicians simply prescribe medications to lower the blood pressure. Yet, you can take your life into your own hands. It is possible to reduce high blood pressure with Reiki. The concept is not well known, but effective never-the-less.

First, allow me to start off by introducing Reiki to you. Reiki is a system that was developed and dedicated to the work of a theologist named Dr. Mikao Usui. This system is flexible; therefore it can be effective for anyone. The natural healing system is designed to do just that. If successfully executed, it can heal you physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

This passage will assist you with focusing on your objective. More so, you must be totally dedicated to the system in order for it to be effective.

1. You can use the Reiki treatments to energize you. Specifically, this natural healing system will energize you when you fell lethargic or calm you when you are feeling anxious or afraid.

2. You can use the Reiki treatments to restore and maintain. One of the benefits of Reiki is that it is extremely beneficial for tension/stress reduction and relaxation by triggering the body's natural healing abilities.

3. Finally, Reiki provides the additional energy needed to recover from illnesses. Reiki will increase vitality while simultaneously slowing down the aging process.

Reiki is performed by the simple touch of the hands. This incredible healing process allows a natural flow of the energy from a limited source (sometimes referred to as God's source) to the body of the patient from the Reiki practitioner. Imbalances occur due to the disruption of the "Life Force Energy."

Essentially, the practice is extremely powerful, the energy is gentle. Thus, you may want to explore the concept of reducing high blood pressure with Reiki. It eliminates most symptoms of hypertension, thereby restoring imbalances and restoring good health.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading and avid researcher of various high blood pressure treatments. He runs a content-packed website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on common blood pressure medications. Grab your FREE report on how to lower your blood pressure naturally and visit his site at

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Reiki for the Recovering Alchoholic and Addiction by Rev. Lynette Burkert

This article is dedicated to all those who have looked at their lives and dared to change - to those who have faced their problems and gone on to live full and rewarding lives. To all of my friends and clients in the recovering drug and alcohol community, I thank you for allowing me to bring Reiki into your lives.

From 1991 to 1993, I had the privilege of working at Hope Ranch, a drug and alcohol treatment center in Triangle Lake, Oregon where I was hired to give Reiki to clients and staff. During that time I became a counselor and participated in more than 1,500 Reiki sessions with addicts and alcoholics in different stages of recovery - from early detoxification to years of sobriety.

Prior to working at the treatment center, my understanding of Reiki was that it is used to encourage physical healing and promote relaxation. I had previously worked with clients suffering from a variety of ailments, including ulcers, cancer, arthritis and other physical maladies. Because my experience showed that Reiki had a positive effect on these people, I thought those suffering from drug and alcohol withdrawals could also benefit from exposure to the Universal Life Energy.

Withdrawal from chemical dependency is extremely stressful, both physically and emotionally. Symptoms include muscle pain, bone aches, headaches, vomiting, the shakes, diarrhea, cravings, sleep disorders, loss of appetite and extreme moodiness. I quickly discovered that Reiki was very helpful in relieving the physical symptoms, and in calming the body and mind.

New clients were often understandably reluctant to participate in the Reiki session, as they usually had trust issues. However, within a half an hour the calming effect of Reiki greatly reduced or eliminated their shakes. Furthermore, once the shakes stopped, they did not return. I would then continue to administer Reiki, focusing my consciousness on the client's sense of calmness, peace and safety. Once the body felt safe and supported, it seemed to release the sense of panic and trauma that accompanies withdrawal symptoms. At this point, I usually had a pretty willing client for future sessions.

I observed that these clients, who usually suffered from anger and shame issues, were beginning to behave more gently, openly and compassionately once they experienced Reiki. The staff also reported that clients who received Reiki appeared to become calmer and were less likely to have destructive emotional outbursts. The more Reiki they received, the more centered they became. Once clients became comfortable with Reiki, they would often seek a session to help alleviate physical pain. Those who came into a session with a headache, shoulder pain or backache would find relief from their pain just like others I worked with who suffered from purely physical afflictions. However, I believe that much of the pain suffered by addicts and alcoholics is emotionally induced. Once the body is calmed and the mind relaxed, the pain subsides.

Clients also suffered from tremendous emotional pain. The disease of addiction creates reservoirs of grief and guilt. Successful treatment relies in great part on providing an environment of acceptance that promotes self-love. Reiki fits this requirement perfectly. Many clients claimed that the first time they ever felt unconditionally loved was during a Reiki session. Clients often cried during Reiki, and this too helped release built-up stress in the body and psyche.

Clients also commented that their Reiki sessions were their first experience of being touched lovingly without someone wanting something from them. Many addicts have been physically and/ abused. Experiencing such softness and care allowed them to release the tension that resulted from their desire to protect themselves from further abuse. Many of these clients experienced peace in their lives for the first time.

Emotional healing was aided in another way. Occasionally, when placing my hands on the different Reiki positions, a client would remember past trauma. Because of the calming effect of Reiki, the client would remember an incident without experiencing the original pain.

This allowed the client to become an observer instead of a participant in the trauma, which helped the client see more clearly how past behaviors or unresolved issues could lead to relapse, and helped the client to address such issues without being blocked by fear.

Many of the clients I worked with had been through chemical dependency treatment a number of times. Their ability to stay clean and sober was inhibited, in part, by their carrying unresolved issues and repressed feelings. Clients were often seeking some way to access whatever it was that kept them in a state of denial. This process was a valuable tool in breaking through the walls that kept them from understanding themselves. It sometimes also helped clients to release chronic physical pain that was associated with the original trauma

Reiki ,Medicine,Miracles by Laura Ellen Gifford

I recently had an opportunity to teach Reiki in Rincon, Puerto Rico. I was blessed by my hosts, Liz and Jean when they shared a healing technique with me known as Magnified Healing®.

One of the techniques in this system is for organ regeneration. This was of particular interest to me because I have been working with a client for nearly a year, who has been diabetic since birth, lost her eyesight 3 years ago, and has been receiving kidney dialysis treatments 3 times a week.

This client, Teresa, has been actively pursuing complementary healing energies including participating in the healing energy at Life's Pathway in Carefree, Indiana where a small group of people have been gathering to experience the energy of Mother Mary, in the form of the Lady of Light. Teresa has also been coming to my office for Reiki treatments twice a week, and has been trained through the Advanced Level of Reiki. She receives much distant Reiki from the group of healers we work with.

I was thrilled to have the addition of Magnified Healing and the organ regeneration technique to assist her.

Teresa has no health insurance, thus it took her over two years to even get on the list for organ transplants, and she finally made the list on June 7th of this year. She was told to be prepared to wait 6 months to 3 years for organs. I called her when I heard this news (I was on my way to Puerto Rico at the time). When I spoke to her she was concerned that it might take years, and didn't know if she could survive that long. We talked about healing miracles taking many forms, and that receiving the transplant could be her miracle.

As we have recently been hearing on the news in stories of Mickey Mantle, and other celebrities' transplant operations; it often takes years for patients to find the donor organs they need, and many times organs are not a match, so the patient goes back on the waiting list. Those with insurance are usually at the top of the list. Remember Teresa has no medical insurance.

On June 7th, she was put on the list to await the organs. On Sunday, June 18th, just 11 days later, I was taught the Magnified Healing Technique. At 9:55 that evening I applied this technique to the regular Distant Reiki treatment I send to her. Just before midnight on the 18th, just 2 hours later, she received a call to come into the hospital, the kidney and pancreas she needed had been located, and she was to be tested to see if they were a match for her. They were a good match, and by noon on Monday the 19th she was on her way to surgery.

My client received the transplant operation, and is recovering in the hospital at this writing and should be home in just a few days.

I know that all the healing energies she has been accessing were instrumental to her healing, the energy of the Lady of Light, Reiki, daily prayer, the love of her mother and many friends, and traditional medicine. I also know within every atom of my being that some sort of connection with the Magnified Healing energy and Reiki was a catalyst to expedite the process of receiving the organs.

Please remember Teresa in your distant Reiki as we focus on acceptance of the organs, and healing her eyes. As always we ask for her continued, perfect healing through the highest and most holy healing energies and know that this is done.

Wishing you peace through the Love of God.
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